President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 105 105 Paternity Test

Chapter 105 105 Paternity Test
Song Yue's Rolls-Royce was at the gate of the Imperial University of Technology, attracting the attention of countless people.He quietly lit a cigarette, calm and melancholy.

"So handsome."

"Don't you think it looks familiar?"

"You sound like a movie star when you say that?"

"Understood, the boss of the celebrities, the person who often appears in the headlines."

"Why did he come to our school? Has anyone been spotted?"

"It's impossible for the boss to dig it himself."

After a while, Song Wanwan happily ran out, and threw herself into her uncle's arms under the envious eyes of everyone: "Uncle, why are you here?"

"You're still acting like a baby when you're too old, get in the car, and uncle will take you to eat delicious food."

"People lose weight."

"It's already pretty good, let's Wanwan not lose weight, let's go."

Song Wanwan pouted coquettishly and got into the car: "The dance is not good, so I will sue my mother and blame you."

Song Yue exchanged the cut steak for Wanwan, pretending to be casual and asked: "What did you buy, let uncle open his eyes."

"What?" She didn't buy anything, and suddenly thought of the card she gave away, panicked, and immediately calmed down: "I didn't buy anything, it's just... I just transferred to another school and bought some gifts for my friends."

Song Yue leaned back on the chair with emotion, inside the private restaurant with the best view in the imperial city, outside is the beautiful view of the small bridge and flowing water: "It's great to be your classmate, I want to be your classmate." One million, The way to buy things is to withdraw cash, not to swipe the card directly, so he didn't see the flow of the money.

Although their family does not restrict their children's consumption, they must know what they do and buy with the money, especially Wanwan is a girl.

But obviously she wasn't telling the truth, one million was a large amount of cash, how could Wanwan carry a large amount of cash to buy things, isn't it sinking?

However, if it is impossible for her to be bullied by her classmates, she just turned around and asked, "Do you still have contact with the kid from the Feng family?"

"Feng Zheng? He came to me twice. Mom doesn't seem to like him very much." The uncle looked at her bank card, and she was careless. All her cards are secondary cards of her parents, so she thought about using the ones given by her uncle. Ka sent Qian Yuzhi, unexpectedly...

"Your mother is right, don't associate with him, you can't play with ten children from that kind of family."

Song Wanwan was absent-minded, is uncle going to check the movement of the money, what will she say when the time comes: "Hmm..."

That kid from the Feng family wants to raise his own bargaining chip through Song Wanwan?Song Yue was obviously thinking about such a serious thing, but he didn't know why he thought of the ancient Cici.

Two similar girls, but in completely different circumstances.

Song Yue immediately shook his head, how could Wanwan be like others, she was born to be happy in everything.


Song Yue immediately put down his wine glass: "What's wrong, waiter, Band-Aid!"

Song Wanwan hurriedly pressed it down with a tissue: "It's okay, I'll go wash it." She was too engrossed in thinking about things just now.

"How can the wound be flushed, waiter."

Song Wanwan just wanted to stay away from her uncle for a while, thinking about how to account for the money: "I'm fine, you don't have to follow, the waiter will follow me to the bathroom to deal with it." After speaking, Song Wanwan was afraid that her uncle would catch up, so she hurriedly took the waiter away.

"Be careful." Song Yue stood by the dining table, packing her bag casually, seeing the bloody tissue on the table, and suddenly had the urge to unravel the confusion for so many years: Is Wanwan her daughter?

That day when he took her away from the wine table, who was unconscious, it was actually... that he called his eldest brother.

Counting the time, Wanwan might not be his daughter.

Song Yue finally threw the bloody ball of paper into the trash can, and he could still deceive himself without an answer.


"You took the money away!" Song Wanwan didn't want to admit that this kind of person was her grandma at all, no, she couldn't be led by her nose, she had to do a paternity test, so she couldn't scare herself.

Qian Yuzhi was also full of anger, big and small made her angry: "Nonsense, I won't mention it and save it for your retirement."

"My uncle is asking about the whereabouts of that money, you will return it to me immediately!"

Qian Yuzhi hung up on her directly!
Song Wanwan stared viciously at the independent door frame of the bathroom: "Wait!"


Shen Guangyao looked at the paternity test result in his hand, suspecting that there was something wrong with his eyesight, and read it again: "Aren't the [-]-hour expedited results inaccurate?"

Then he sneered, how could he be inaccurate, he just couldn't believe that the Gu family could do such a thing.It's fine if you do it, and you treat her daughter like that!
Shen Guangyao kicked the chair next to him angrily, and called Feng Yu: "You guessed it right."

Feng Yu put down the book and took off his glasses: "Parent-child report."

A female classmate came to give him glasses cloth.

Feng Yu got up and went out: "There is no blood relationship."

The female classmate froze in place.

"Yes, how courageous the Gu family is. Were the entire Song family asleep at that time, and they even asked someone to exchange their own daughter?"

Talking a lot, unexpectedly, it's not true, the old saying: "You report to Mr. Lu."

"I'm planning to..." To...

Feng Yu had already hung up the phone.

Hehe, I'm afraid your Jingui's ears will die.


Lu Zhiyuan raised his head from the data, the accumulated data made him not look like the president who ruled the entire Suguang, but just a developer.

Shen Guangyao couldn't help taking a step back. He didn't come in many times in this densely packed office.

Lu Zhiyuan stretched out his hand.

Shen Guangyao hurriedly handed over the information.

Lu Zhiyuan's mind returned from the complicated calculations to the thin paper, and he got up unconsciously and put on his coat.

Shen Guangyao immediately called to prepare the car.

"Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Zhiyuan got into the car, his face was ugly for the first time: "What are the Song family doing with this kind of thing!"

Shen Guangyao didn't dare to answer.

If it's not that you don't like it, why don't you take good care of your own children, Cici has grown up after so many years, and after the time when someone needs protection, what's the point of a paper appraisal result!
If she was crooked, if she wasn't what she is now, if she didn't struggle to get up on her own, wouldn't everyone know that she was there!
The current result can be made up for anyone, except for Cici!
The road she walked by herself, whether there are thorns or thorns on the road, no one will understand: "Is she okay recently?"

Shen Guangyao felt that it was just a day's absence, and he often sent text messages: "Mom is hospitalized, and arrangements have been made now, classmate Gu is fine."

Lu Zhiyuan slowly raised his head and looked over, his gaze was bottomless.

Shen Guangyao was a little apprehensive: yes...

"Why only now?"

"Gu... the classmate said it's just a trivial matter, don't let me bother you sir."

"So what she listened."

"Yes... Mr. Lu said, let me act according to Miss Gu's wishes."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at him, and finally turned his eyes away. If she grew up in Song's family, what kind of dazzling appearance would she have, and what occasion would they meet? Was it earlier, and the umbrella in her hand was more gorgeous.

Shen Guangyao breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.


When Gu Cici saw Lu Zhiyuan at first glance, he didn't feel anything, but at the second glance he was filled with a smile, put down the paint, walked over without delay, and pushed him to the outside of the classroom: "I couldn't believe it was you at first. , Didn’t you say there are two more days? You’re done.” It perfectly explained the embarrassment of the lack of connection just now, and the inability to reconcile the mobile phone boyfriend and the real boyfriend.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her, without looking into it, and took off the apron on her body.

"doing what?"

Lu Zhiyuan gave her the report in his hand: "Take a look."

"Is there something wrong with my mother's health?" When I opened it, I saw the result of a paternity test. What is this for?
Lu Zhiyuan's hand stroked her drooping hair, she won't be your mother soon, you don't have to spend most of your energy on your original family, you can have more time to do what you like, and you don't have to like people you don't like .

Lu Zhiyuan's hands paused, thinking about what the Song family needed, even if the benefits were exchanged, it was still possible to like someone who he didn't like.

She couldn't understand the lengthy technical terms in front of her, so she looked directly at the final conclusion: denying the parent-child relationship.

Gu Cici looked up at Lu Zhiyuan incomprehensibly.

Lu Zhiyuan withdrew his hand: "I'm sorry, your mother was hospitalized. Because of various examinations, Shen Guangyao made a random one. He originally wanted to evaluate the three of you from the perspective of genetics."

"I'm not talking about this, but how is this possible? Then I..." Gu Cici then folded the paper.

"what happened?"

"If my mother adopted me, it would be my luck. Since the other party no longer wants it, there is no need to look for it again."

Lu Zhiyuan didn't expect her to think that way, who has the right not to want her.

Gu Cici was very calm, she accepted the fact just for a moment, and there was actually nothing to say.

Lu Zhiyuan couldn't help reaching out and hugging her.

"What are you doing, I'm not a child." Clingy is not counted, do you still think she is fragile, no, in fact, she is very lucky, really.

"Have you never thought about other results? For example, the daughter of the Song family, Song Wanwan, who was born on the same day as you, and Qian Yuzhi, for example, took a fancy to the prosperity of the Song family and switched your backgrounds."

"Are you joking?"

"Although the DNA comparison between you and the boss of the Song family hasn't come out yet, it shouldn't be wrong..."

Gu Cici was even more at a loss. She considers herself a prophet and lived for thirty years in her previous life. She has never heard of such an absurd thing.The Song family is the Song family, and she is her. Apart from Qian Yuzhi's work in the Song family, there is no relationship between them.

"Your suspicions are unfounded."

"Our suspicions are well-founded."

(End of this chapter)

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