President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 109 Chapter 109 see

Chapter 109 Chapter 109 see
Gu Cici rubbed him, kid.

Gu Nian walked in with the quilt in his arms, and saw this vixen courteous: "Cut."

"Sister, I'm still bothered, can he handle it together?"

Gu Cici pulled out his hand and patted him.

Gu Nian looked at him more than once and gave him a face: "Yes." Spontaneously spread the quilt to the other side of the bed.

"Has your recommended quota come down?
"Not yet, I will decide when I go back to school. However, I can go back a few days later. The main reason is that I want to choose Digong University."


"You might as well choose the art department."

"Shut your stinky mouth."


When Gu Shi woke up, his sister and Gu Nian were gone, and the voice of talking came from the kitchen.

Gu Shi sat up in an instant, and the ancient quilts were neatly folded at the end of the bed. He looked directly under the pillow. Those who could have official seals could be medical records or something. Say.

Gu Shi got up quickly, opened the pillow, and there was nothing under the pillow.

In ancient times, it was even more certain that if it was something innocuous, there was no need for sister to move it.

In ancient times, one subconsciously looked at the half space separated by the curtain, and there were no secrets in the clear furnishings.

Gu Shi lifted the underside of the quilt, but if there was nothing, he saw his sister's backpack.

Gu Shi's long legs easily crossed the bed, opened her sister's bag, and saw a familiar paper in the interlayer of the innermost book.

Gu Shi directly pulled it out, opened it, and found the "Haitian Hospital Paternity Test Report", the verdict: Cao Xiurong and Gu Cici do not have a parent-child relationship.

I was stunned in ancient times, how could it be possible!Something must be wrong!

Gushi quickly read it again, how could it not be, it was his sister!

"Why isn't the third child up yet? I'll call him."

"Let him sleep a little longer, he's just finished and tired."

In ancient times, he quickly put back the identification results, arranged the schoolbag as if no one had touched it, and stood there in panic for a while, as if someone had ripped off the most important organs, and the whole person was about to fall apart.

What's going on, why is there this result?The elder sister who has been standing in front of them to shelter from the wind and rain, how could it not be his elder sister, they are the eternal family!No one can change the result!

In ancient times, it was like being choked by someone, and all cognitions were subverted, if it weren't for...

In ancient times, I looked at this home with nothing, a lunatic mother, a crippled father, and two younger brothers who would always need her care.

There is also a precedent of wanting to exchange her for money. Why is she staying here? With this result, will she come back?
No, this result must be false!

Gu Nian pushed open the door: "In ancient times, I slept like a pig!"

In ancient times, he immediately restrained his emotions and opened the curtain.

"What's wrong with you, your face is so pale." He asked perfunctorily.

"It's okay." Gu Shi walked around him to wash up.

"Your bedding is not tidy!"

Gu Shi didn't say a word, and went into the bathroom as if he didn't hear him.

Gu Nian casually rolled it up for him and threw it on his bed: "Clean it up yourself, who cares about you."

In ancient times, there were drops of water on his face, and he looked at his sister who was sitting on the sofa reciting a dictionary, his eyes were dazed, and many voices he heard when he was a child flashed through his mind, just like the dug up ancestral grave.

"The little girl from the Gu family is really pretty, but she's not like the one that Lao Gu could give birth to."

"I'm sorry for the daughter of the Gu family, living with four people alone."

"The children are nine years old and must go to elementary school. This is nine-year compulsory education. If they don't attend, it is a violation of the law. No one will take the children, so the children can go to school together."

"That girl from the Gu family was born in a big city, she probably used up all her life's blessings."

"I heard that it's because of the family that Qian Yuzhi served, and that family happens to have a baby."

What kind of terrifying thought flashed through Gu Shi's mind, so that he didn't dare to think about cutting it off in an instant, what would my sister do if that was the case...

Gu Shi sat over in a panic, eagerly hugging the person who was reading, fearing that she would disappear suddenly.

Gu Ci gave him an inexplicable look. Now that they are grown up, both of them are so much taller than her. It doesn't count when they were so scared yesterday. They usually just put their heads on her shoulders when they act like a baby. What's the matter? up? "Did you fall asleep early in the morning?"

Gu Cici put down the book and tried Gu Shi's forehead with his hand: "I don't have a fever."

In ancient times, he didn't know what to do, just like a mouse in the gutter, clinging tightly to what he seemed to be grasping, afraid that as soon as he let go, she would fly away from here, and would get farther and farther away from them, making him I dare not muster up the courage to see her again, afraid that they are the culprits, and afraid that all her sufferings are because of them.

Gu Cici was a little anxious, and quickly checked his injuries: "Why is his face so bad, didn't he not get hurt yesterday?"

Gu Nian came out and stood aside, also a little puzzled, he was sure that Gu Shi didn't slash himself, there must be a limit to death, he really regarded himself as a baby.

Gu Shi saw her sister's concerned expression, she was still here, still beside them, Gu Shi was anxious in his heart, and wanted to say: They have grown up, they have grown up from such a small age, they are no longer a burden, they can give her Many things, they can earn college tuition immediately, and give her everything she wants in the future, as long as they give him time, they will satisfy what my sister wants.

Really, there are many, many things they can do: "I'm fine... just having a nightmare..."

Gu Nian scoffed: "A mouse's tail can also scare you to death."

"You know what, I dreamed that my sister was drowning!" He couldn't show any tell, he couldn't.If they say so, they have nothing!They have obviously grown up, why should they leave sister.

Gu Cici took his hand away: "Can you save me?"


Gu Nian added: "It's just your small body that was out of breath before you swam ashore."

Gu Shi didn't push him to death this time, his head limply leaned on his sister's shoulder, his whole body was weak, as if his body had been smashed to pieces.

Lu Zhiyuan's look was contemptuous, dismissive, mocking, and the greatest contempt for their theft.

So what, he doesn't understand at all!do not understand anything!Without a sister, there would be no him. Lu Zhiyuan doesn't understand what it means to be dependent on each other. When you feel helpless and think you are about to die, only her desperately saving you can feel at ease.

Why isn't he her brother, he is!Don't threaten him with a paternity test, his sister obviously wants him.

"Are you really all right?"


Qian Yuzhi's stamina is quite strong, after all, he is a relative.

Ding dong, ding dong...

"The doorbell is ringing and you can't hear it!"

Gu Ci was lifeless and motionless in ancient times, just like Gu Cici, only her presence can make the feeling of depression more comfortable.

Gu Cici looked up from the dictionary, told him to shut up, and hurried to open the door.

Gu Nian opened it without a temper, and a sunny voice came, lively and energetic: "Did you live here in ancient times?"

Gu Cici hurriedly took pictures of Gu Shi, telling him to get up quickly, don't look like he is half dead!The little girl is here to find you, it's the little girl!Beautiful and cute little girl.

Gu Shi remained motionless, curled up his tall body, and leaned against his sister blankly.

"Who? I don't know." Gu Nian closed the door neatly and went back to the kitchen to cook.

Gu Cici looked at Gu Nian stupidly, how many times has he done it so simply?
Ding dong - ding dong - ding dong - ding dong - ding dong -

Gu Cici picked up the dictionary again. It must be the female classmate who participated in the competition with Shishi this time. In her impression, there is a very beautiful girl with good grades in her class. She has a particularly beautiful smile and has two small dimples. , she has no opinion on the candidates for younger siblings: "Really not to open the door?" She will definitely regret it in the future.

It is said that he has never had a girlfriend since then, and he has indeed heard that he is waiting for the girl he missed. In popular words, he is now cold and ignoring others, and be careful of chasing his wife in the crematorium in the future.

The ancient voice was weak: "I don't want to move."

"Let Gu Nian drive it for you."

Gu Nian came out with the dishes: "Sister thinks that he can be seen by others with his dead appearance, be careful that girls have too much psychological gap, so they ran away."

Gu Cici thinks about his handsome and calm appearance on the field, and then looks at his half-dead, not at all masculine appearance, it is indeed not suitable for meeting people.

Okay, it's really sad, if you don't see it, you'll disappear: "Let's go, I'll push my parents out for dinner."

"Let them come out by themselves." The ancients spoke very quietly, without any hostility, but remained motionless, as if their bones had been pulled out, and they did not let the ancient words move.

Gu Nian sat down, breakfast was set on the coffee table, and he yelled casually: "Dad, Mom is out to eat." Then he said: "If you don't come out, forget it, I will bring it in for you later." If you don't come out, you have nothing to do.

Cao Xiurong heard the words and took her husband, and quickly lay down. The movement of yesterday is still fresh in my memory. The third child directly threw a knife at her mother-in-law.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, the doorbell rang again.

"Is it annoying?" Gu Nian put down the steamed bun, opened the door with a swipe, and the voice outside spoke faster, confident and sure, not afraid of him at all: "I know you, you are the sixth class of Gu Nian, Gu Shi's elder brother, how could it be possible I don’t know the ancient times.” Then his tone slowed down, soft and sweet: “Please, I have something to do with him.”

"Press again and chop off your hand!" Gu Nian closed the door with a bang: "Crazy!"

Gu Cici has yet to make up a part in his mind. A schoolmaster and beautiful female classmate came to find her younger brother, but in the end she fell in love with her irritable brother. She staged a scene of her brother chasing his lovely wife across mountains and mountains, only to be manipulated by her own brother. My head hurts: "Who are you going to chop!" The little girl is so cute that you can tell!
(End of this chapter)

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