President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 111 111 Decision

Chapter 111 111 Decision
"I want her to be my sister more than anyone else now! Mom, tell me, she is my sister! What others say is wrong! No, you don't need to say anything, you can go to the hospital with me to be a parent-child right now Appraisal!"

"What are you doing! You let go of your mother, you made her hurt."

"I won't go, you let me go, I won't go! She came out of my stomach, I wouldn't know, she is your sister! She thinks beautifully, who can she be, she can only be your sister! "Cao Xiurong wanted to pull his hand away but couldn't.

Gu Nian let go of his hand, suddenly very gentle: "Do you know what grandma said to me just now, she said that I shouldn't drive her away, I should drive my sister away, my own sister is not her at all, Mom, you said Was she right?"

Cao Xiurong suddenly stopped talking, and slowly shrank back on the bed. Did the mother-in-law say it? Is it useful to get a child: "I am doing it for your own good. Think about it. You have a rich and powerful sister. In the future, you want to nothing?"

Gu Nian suddenly felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and rushed to throw her off the bed, wishing that he had never lived.


Papa Gu was stunned on the spot, wasn't his daughter, how could it be possible?

Gu Nian wished he could smash himself to death: "What have you done! What are you! Why did you do that! What's so great about your family that you dare to change someone else's daughter, and put the girl who was supposed to be rich and well-fed, carefree and happy? What the hell did she take to when she grew up, why do you tell me?"

Cao Xiurong lay on the ground in embarrassment, shrinking into a corner in fright.

Gu Nian squatted on the ground in even more embarrassment than Cao Xiurong, his face was pale, and his voice was low and inaudible: "What kind of face will I use to see her in the future... We dragged her out of Fugui Township, and we lay on her body to suck blood together... Compare who sucks Are you full..."

"No, no, your dad and I didn't expect this to happen..."

"What face do you have every time you hit her, who gave you the courage and dignity to do that, steal other people's things, and let others do things for you? Why do you?" Gu Nian grabbed her head and threw herself against the wall. On the collision: "Why didn't you hit and kill you back then! Why! If you left...if you all left..."

Papa Gu rushed over, "Gu Nian, stop, stop, how could Cici not be our child, Gu Nian—"

Gu Nian suddenly looked back: "Of course it's not your child! How do you deserve such a child? What you should have is me, who is not filial or fraternal, ignorant, uneducated, aggressive, or the one who occupies others. People who take their wealth and wealth for granted! Believe it or not? The person you left to grow up in the rich nest must be as filthy as this family. Even if she knows, she doesn’t want to recognize you. You still want to enjoy happiness with her. What are you thinking, if I were her, I would kill everyone who knew about it, and anyone who stood in my way of making money would die!"

Cao Xiurong shouted hysterically: "Let me go!" Her biological daughter is all her spiritual support, she is a rich lady, she has everything, and she is living a good life: "So what, she has wealth that you can't earn in your life, At least her childhood was not poor and sad, she will have a bright future, I think about my children, what's wrong!"

Gu Nian did not expect that she would not admit her mistakes, but would still be pretentious, would she act like a good boy if she got a bargain? "Isn't there a bright future?" with a grim expression.

Papa Gu was so frightened that he hurried to pull: "What are you doing? This is your mother."

In ancient times, I stood at the door and looked at the family as if it had nothing to do with me.

"You think she still has a bright future, a stealer, you said that if the big family knows how much they hate you, they will let your daughter enjoy a carefree life..."

"What are you doing? That's your sister, it's your sister..."

"Yes, it's my sister. Of course, she should be like us, running around for survival, or..." Gu Nian gently wiped the blood off her mother's head with his hand: "Tell me, if she knows that you are her biological mother, she will How happy it would be..."

"You can't, you can't..."

"Why not? Didn't you say that you are a good mother who always thinks of her? She should be touched, should treat you well, and should treat us well. We must let her take care of us, that is..."


"When she finds out that she can't take care of her, will she... kill you! What future will she have then?"

"Ah! Ah—no! You can't do that, you can't—"

Gu Nian immediately grabbed her neck, feeling mad: "Since you know that she is not my real sister, why don't you take good care of us, but if you are stronger, take care of me with your broken leg, don't throw us to your sister, don't take it for granted Hiding in your ivory tower, let her take care of everything, don't let her feed us bit by bit, I may not be able to let her have nothing now, we can let her go forever in order not to expose things If you don’t leave our county seat, you see, back then you had many choices, but you chose to do nothing, but wanted to occupy everything, how could it be possible..."

"No, don't...she doesn't know anything, she is innocent..."

"Who is innocent, who!" Gu Nian pinched her until she couldn't say a word.

Gu's father tried to pull like crazy, but he couldn't pull his son's arm away.

Gu Shi came over a little bit: "Of course you are not wrong to use your own abilities for the sake of your children. Mom, you used someone else's, which is called stealing. You said that Gu Nian and I died to make amends to my sister. Will she forgive us for dragging us down?" she."

Cao Xiurong panicked, but her son pinched her neck, unable to utter a word, she could only look at her younger son beggingly.

In ancient times, I seemed to have discovered something interesting: "It really touched us, so you like us so much, I thought you didn't like us, but only liked your daughter, whom you have never met, so if you don't want us to die, others can. It's noble to live in dire straits..."

Gu Shi moved forward slowly, picked up a table leg from the ground, and hit Gu Nian on the shoulder with a stick.

Gu Nian immediately let go and rolled aside.

Regardless of his own voice, Cao Xiurong immediately screamed loudly and rushed over: "You are crazy, he is your brother! Gu Nian, Gu Nian, how are you..."

Gu Shi walked over and gave him another stick.

Cao Xiurong burst into tears and went mad: "What are you doing, what are you doing! Kill me! You might as well kill me!"

Papa Gu is already stupid, the daughter is not his daughter, how could the daughter not be his daughter, and he is the proudest son in front of him.

It was his son who lost his legs and was envied by others when he was away from home, but what is he doing now...

Gu Shi squatted down and looked at his mother: "My heart hurts..."

Gu Nian didn't even have the slightest thought of rebelling, and hoped that Gu Shi would beat him to death with a stick so that he wouldn't have to face this problem.

Cao Xiurong's voice was already hoarse: "In ancient times, listen to me, this thing was done by your grandma. It has nothing to do with the ancient year, and it has nothing to do with you. It was all done by your grandma. No one knows. Their family has been doing this for so many years. No one knows, but our family raised your sister."

"You still have the guts to talk about raising her. According to your opinion, she won't grow up in her native family. If she doesn't grow up, why are you sending your daughter there eagerly? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Mom admits, it's mom who is selfish, mom is not human, mom deserves to die, but I'm all for your own good, no, for your own good, when mom finds out, mom has already been useless, who wants to bring back a daughter like a rich lady?" Taking care of you, Cici is different, she is proficient, she can do everything."

Gu Shi pointed to himself: "Sure enough, blame me, blame me for dragging my sister down."

Gu Nian couldn't even take his last breath of air, Cao Xiurong's words were like a thorn, ten thousand arrows pierced his heart, it was them, it was all because of them.

Gu Nian got up from the ground in a panic, and staggered to open the window. The cold wind outside instantly blew in, and he was about to crawl outside.

The ancients laughed loudly: "This is the first floor, you go to the top floor, you jump down, maybe the mother will change back to the child!"

"Top floor, floor..." Gu Nian's voice was unhurried, his eyes were dull, he stepped on the overturned bowls and chopsticks on the ground, his whole body leaned forward, his forehead hit the corner of the table, he got up, and said in his mouth on top.

Cao Xiurong was terrified, and crawled over to hug her son with both hands: "No, no, it's my fault, it's my selfishness, it has nothing to do with you, it's my pig and dog, it's not for you... no... please, Don't do this...please..."

"No, it's for us..." Gu Shi picked up the sharp tiles on the ground.


Papa Gu rushed over to snatch the tiles from his youngest son, and the cold wind blew in, making the atmosphere in the room even colder: "Cao Xiurong! What have you done! If there is any trouble between the two of them, I will definitely let you live!" Better to die!"

Apart from crying, Cao Xiurong hugged her eldest son tightly.

In ancient times, there was a sarcastic saying: "It's really touching."

"Hour, hour..."

"Shut up, that's not what you called!" Gu Shi threw the tile out, and patted the stain on his knee without pain: "Look at all of you who are in a hurry, no need, take it easy, it's okay, save your life, the so-called father Pay off the debt, don't worry, I don't plan to go to school anymore, my eldest brother and I will work hard in the future and support my sister."

Father Gu was in a hurry: "No, you are the hope of the family, how can you not go to school, you just won the championship!"

Gu Shi wondered: "Isn't the hope of the family the one who is living a good life? With such a daughter, I don't think your old Gu family's blessings should be used up."

(End of this chapter)

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