Chapter 113

"If there is a problem with Ye Man's private life, it is impossible for there to be no traces of it, and judging by Ye Man's attitude towards Song Wanwan, she does not have the slightest idea that she is not from the Song family."

"So which step went wrong?"

"Don't talk to Gu Cici about this beforehand." Feng Yu thought of the relationship between Ye Man and the second son of the Song family in the data. It can be seen that Ye Man's personality in the data should not be entangled with the second son of the Song family, but because they were in love once. , very careful: "Do a paternity test for Gu Cici and Ye Man, and do a paternity test for the second child of the Song family and Gu Cici, and bring Mr. Song along."

Shen Guangyao felt that Feng Yu was too cruel: "Take Mr. Song with you?"

"Just in case."

That can't change your nasty thoughts: "Don't you think it's strange? Xiaotumei hasn't changed at all recently. No matter how you say it, she just flew up the branches and turned into Fenghuang Ridge. She always has the same attitude towards Song Moshan. She didn't take a second look, as if It has nothing to do with the Song family, doesn't she want to recognize the Song family?"

Feng Yu reminded him to read the personal report: "It's not from the Song family." He didn't get much from childhood, and he didn't have any expectations for the future once and for all. Since he won't entrust his future to others, it doesn't matter what kind of family he was born in.

"It's all like this. Ye Man's mother is the worst. Ye Man is also very successful, at least she is better than her mother. It's fine if her parents treat her well, but it is reasonable to say that she wants to get rid of her original family. right."

"That's you." With a non-human nature, guessing right and wrong, making simple judgments, wrong: "What are you doing all day long?"

"Didn't do anything?" What did he do.

"Whether she is indifferent to Song Moshan, can you feel it?"

"Nonsense, you don't care. Mr. Lu is busy, so I always have to take another look. When I turn around and ask Mr., don't you know three things?"

"Mr. Lu still wants to know his girlfriend's mood today from you?"

"There is nothing wrong with mastering more."

Feng Yu looked at his upright look, yes, he was right.


"I'm done so soon..." Gu Cici stood in the corridor shaking his arms.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at it shallowly: "It's just some finishing work, and I have time recently. I'll take you to the studio after school." The sculpture project started.

"You don't have to make a special trip between classes, just call and tell me."

Lu Zhiyuan smiled and said nothing.

Gu Cici looked like a kitten who found something interesting, and gave him a look.

Lu Zhiyuan did not deny it.

When Meng Qingxue came out from the back door and saw the two people standing together, she felt even more intrusive. She wondered what Elder Song was looking for in her!

Feng Zheng did have some thoughts on the Song family's daughter, regardless of the other party's status and the status of the Song family in politics and business, there is nothing wrong with it, but the other party has always turned a blind eye to his overtures, and now suddenly wants him...

Feng Zheng is not stupid. Compared with people who grew up in the same rich clothes and well-fed food, people like them are more cautious and suspicious.

Just because the aunt at home was dismissed because her hands and feet were not clean, and the aunt threatened her to keep asking for money with the kindness of nurturing, and hinted whether he could get the person away, preferably the kind that would never see him?

Feng Zheng wanted to get the Song family, and it wasn't that he couldn't exchange benefits, but he wasn't so stupid that he didn't understand the relationship.

At least the relationship between that servant's granddaughter and Lu Zhiyuan is worthy of his investigation. He can offend Lu Zhiyuan, but it depends on how far and how he offends him.

Feng is waiting for Lu Jiaye, if anyone wants to see Lu Zhiyuan's misfortune more urgently than him, it must be Lu Jiaye.

What's more, the situations of the Lu family and the Feng family are different. In the Lu family, Lu Jiansen is in charge of the entire Lu family group, and the younger generation can only distribute a little benefit from it based on their strength, while Lu Zhiyuan has the biggest cake based on his status alone. balance?
Relatively speaking, the Feng family is a bit better. The mother more or less allocated one percent to five percent of the stock to them. It's really good.

But the Lu family didn't. Lu said he would kick him away if he kicked him away. He didn't want to solve this hidden danger once and for all if he wanted to make a wedding dress for someone else. As for the old nanny Song Wanwan said, it was incidental.

Lu Jiaye walked in, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a refined and elegant air, already showing a certain style.

Feng Zheng sat quietly in the court, his edge gradually revealed: "Long time no see, Mr. Lu."

"Boss Feng is safe and sound."

"Some time ago, I heard that Uncle Lu was ill. I wonder if he is better now?"

Lu Jiaye took a look at him. He heard something, and he was slightly vigilant. They covered up this matter very carefully, and there was no news from the outside world.Now it seems that Lu Zhiyuan is at least not what they saw, and he might not be that easy to deal with. In other words, Lu Zhiyuan can do anything: "If you have anything to say, Mr. Feng, you can just say it."

"Since Boss Lu said so, I'm not polite. My mother has never been very optimistic about his girlfriend, but she is a child after all, so she inevitably wants to ask about the situation, so don't mind if I take the liberty to ask you." Because Lu Zhiyuan never went to Feng's house, but occasionally he would go to Lu's house for dinner.

Lu Jiaye looked at Feng Zheng, Feng Zheng was one of the more outstanding ones in this generation, or he was the first to emerge like himself.

If Feng Zheng talked to him about this a few months ago, or in other words, with a deeper intention, he might not be unable to cooperate with him. After all, they have the same interests, and if someone doesn't come, they can get you more.

But now, even Lu Jiansen almost died, and the quietness is vivid: "Is it important?" But he is still very willing to see other people's misfortune, such as asking Feng Zheng to test Lu Zhiyuan's lethality.

Feng Zheng looked at him: "After all, he is our younger brother."

High-sounding: "You can ask Mr. Feng to call someone back to ask, how can mother and son have an overnight feud." If the relationship between the Lu family is complicated, the Feng family will not be much better. If they want to fight together, it is just for Feng Zheng to experience it.

"It's just that my mother cares about her son, so she doesn't have to ask someone to go back."

Are you afraid of being called back to share the shares: "You worry too much, Lu Zhiyuan is very easy to get along with, you can ask him directly if you have any questions." Speaking his girlfriend's name out of a bad mouth is very stimulating, so you don't have to be polite.

Feng Zheng was a little puzzled: "Mr. Lu doesn't have the sincerity to talk like this." Easy to get along with: "Mr. Lu, you didn't talk like this before."

"People will always cherish their feathers more and more."

"That has to be based on the premise of having feathers... Mr. Lu doesn't have any shares yet, right?"

"It's not as good as Feng Zongyou is a good mother. She gave birth to so many younger brothers and sisters for you. I only have one younger sister. It's enough for me to live more or less."

Feng Zheng was vaguely sure that he avoided Lu Zhiyuan?why.

(End of this chapter)

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