President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 115 Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Chapter 115
"Wanwan, who is it? Why don't you go in and sit down." The person from the same dormitory came over with a washbasin.

Song Wanwan laughed immediately and said, "My family sent someone to deliver something to me, and I'll leave in a while."

"Is that so?" The person who was about to go in suddenly stopped and asked in surprise, "Auntie, have we met somewhere? It looks familiar."

Qian Yuzhi shook his head: "No."

"No, it looks familiar..."

Song Wanwan was so impatient that she didn't want to cause any complications at all, so she directly pushed people in: "Let's have a chat."

The other party was still muttering, it was really familiar.

Song Wanwan thought damn well that this is the art building, and Gu Cici lives there. The incident between Gu Cici and her grandma caused a lot of noise on the forum some time ago: "Quickly tell me how much it costs, and leave as soon as you finish." Song Wanwan As impatient as chasing flies.

Qian Yuzhi didn't care about her attitude: "I have to give you [-], no, [-], this is a meeting gift, otherwise you will look small..." annoyed.

Song Wanwan didn't even finish listening, she just wanted to get rid of her quickly, and didn't even care if anyone asked her where the money was going.

Song Wanwan directly gave her a card: "Go quickly."

Qian Yuzhi grabbed her hand suddenly: "The watch in your hand is not bad, and I will buy one for each of my two younger brothers."

Song Wanwan looked at the people who kept looking at her, but she didn't want to hear her talk if she had a way: "Where can I go to buy you a watch now?"

Qian Yuzhi directly took off the watch from her wrist.

"What are you doing..."

"Necklace, give me the necklace too, I'll buy it tomorrow, let's make do with it today."

Song Wanwan couldn't believe her ears: "You say it's okay..."

Qian Yuzhi looked at Song Wanwan who was empty, and left satisfied: "I'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as Song Wanwan returned to the dormitory, someone immediately said, "Wanwan, who is that person?"


"Grandma from the painting department, don't you think it looks like me, and I still have pictures, can you take a look?"

The corners of Song Wanwan's mouth could hardly move her smile: "I... don't know, I don't inquire about the servants' private affairs."

"Yes, but I think it is, you can ask your servants later, Gu Cici is the one who fell in love with Lu Shen. If this is the case, don't you know Gu Cici? God Lu knows, God Lu is very handsome, not worse than you who learned to dance and perform."

Song Wanwan's nails almost got stuck in her flesh. If Lu Zhiyuan hadn't given Gu Cici the opportunity to stand in front of their house, how could things have developed to this point.

Lu Zhiyuan, Song Wanwan's eyes suddenly lit up, what if Lu Zhiyuan doesn't like ancient speech?
Song Wanwan hadn't figured out how she seduced Lu Zhiyuan when her phone rang suddenly, and seeing the caller ID on it, all the charm in her mind faded away, she was scared to death, Qian Yuzhi wouldn't spend the money so quickly, right? How much she loves money! "mom……"

Song Xing told his wife not to worry, maybe it wasn't what she thought.

How could Ye Man not be in a hurry, last time Song Yue said that Wanwan moved a sum of money and asked her to ask where it was going.

Now that I haven't asked, I added another: "Wanwan, how are you doing at school recently?"

Song Wanwan knows that the problem is not here, her mother's call is not talking nonsense to her, Song Wanwan bit her nails hard, she can't sit still, it will only make people suspect, she must take the initiative: "Mom, I have something to tell you, I'm afraid You criticized me and never dared to tell you..." Song Wanwan's voice was crying, she walked to the balcony, avoiding the crowd.

Ye Man was in a hurry.

Song Xing was also in a hurry.

"Speak slowly if you have something to say, no matter what happens, there are parents."

Song Wanwan couldn't control her crying, half of it was pretending, half of it was genuine grievance, and she was even more aggrieved when she heard her mother's voice: "I traded with others and lost a lot of money... I know it's all my fault, I'm not sensible , I lacked judgment at the time..."

Ye Man and Song Xing breathed a sigh of relief. They thought what was the matter, and heard their daughter crying sadly, so they hurriedly turned to appease her.

Song Wanwan listened quietly, her good parents will always be her parents.

Song Wanwan hung up the phone triumphantly, when the phone rang suddenly, Song Wanwan looked at the incoming call, but didn't recognize her, she breathed a sigh of relief, hung up, and the phone rang again soon.

Song Wanwan answered angrily: "You—"

"I heard that you are my sister." There was a bit of mockery in the idle voice.

Song Wanwan's heart instantly raised her throat: "Don't talk nonsense."

Gu Nian lit a cigarette and deposited the withdrawn money into his account one by one: "I want to talk nonsense too, but you just gave me the money. If you don't recognize you, it seems that I am an unrighteous younger brother. How can it be cheap? Big sister, others Is the bed at home big and comfortable?"

"That's my house—"

"Your home, isn't your home my home, and I'll live there too?"

Song Wanwan was terrified, and the pride of coaxing her parents just now was messed up: "What do you want to do! Don't forget that you just took the money!"

Looking at the balance in ancient times, he sneered, it was not as valuable as the car Lu Zhiyuan gave him, enough to buy his sister something.

Gu Nian also felt the same way: "Not enough!"

Song Wanwan knew it, she knew it would happen!vampire!Seeing Qian's eyes open: "That's [-]!"

"What is [-] enough for? I heard from grandma that you paid more than [-] for a trip abroad. You are sending beggars away!"

"I'll send you abroad! I can book a ticket right now!"

Looking at Gu Shi, Gu Nian laughed wildly and said, "How can we do that? We just met each other. I can't bear to part with my good elder sister. The three of us must get to know each other well, and give elder sister you a chance to make up for us!"

Song Wanwan immediately screamed!What to make up for!
Immediately someone opened the balcony door and asked concerned: "Wanwan, are you alright?"

Song Wanwan waved her hand: "It's okay..."

Immediately, a voice came from the phone: "Sister, please take care of your health. We are still counting on you to get rich. Sister, is it interesting to live on behalf of others? Tell us about the days when you spend money and call your servants, Is it especially good to steal it?"

"You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense!"

On the street outside Digong University, Gu Cici suddenly signaled Lu Zhiyuan to stop: "Is that Xiaonian and Xiaoxiao?"


"Why are they here, lean in."

"Old Zhang parked the car."

In Gu Nian, he was enjoying the threats on his mobile phone. The smoke left his mouth and returned to his mouth.

Gu Shi suddenly stood still, well-behaved, straight, and a young man with green pine, quietly distanced himself from Gu Nian.

Gu Nian asked him to get closer: "What can you hear when standing so far away, let me listen to you for a while."

Gu Cici suddenly said: "Listen to something for a while, let me listen to it too."

Gu Nian hastily hung up the phone, pulled out the cigarette from his mouth, and crushed it out with his bare hands: "Sister... Sister... Lu, Brother Lu."

(End of this chapter)

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