President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 117 117 Wondering

Chapter 117 117 Wondering

"I remembered, Song Wanwan, the Song Wanwan from the Dance Academy, her mother is also famous, she is Teacher Ye Man, but I heard that she was transferred to our school because she didn't become Teacher Zheng Qiu's apprentice. It is said that many people want to pay homage to her." When Teacher Zheng was an apprentice, there were many people who did not succeed. It is not like this, but people in their school said that she had a very bad reputation and treated herself like a princess. Moreover, at the time, it was often said that Teacher Zheng liked her dancing skills. Wanted to accept her as an apprentice, but her mother and Mr. Zheng belonged to different factions and did not agree.

As a result, this matter spread to the leaders of their department. The leaders had a good relationship with Mr. Zheng Qiu's first apprentice. It was said that it was Song Wanwan who wanted to be a teacher, and Mrs. Ye Man interceded in person and alarmed the elders of the Song family. Zheng Qiu The teacher didn't accept it either, it wasn't what she said at all. "


"Yes, I've heard of her too. She's usually high-ranking and annoying, so people in her school know that she didn't become Teacher Zheng Qiu's apprentice. Many people asked her why, did she think Teacher Zheng Qiu was not suitable for something? Yes, she just transferred."

"University can still be translated like elementary school?"

"He has power and power. People in her school said that it's best not to get along with this person. Unexpectedly, she would make trouble for Gu Cici when she first came here. She often said bad things about Gu Cici at the dance school."

Song Wanwan listened to their nonsense, and panicked: "I didn't, it was her grandma who worked as a servant in my house, and she was unbalanced. Recently, her grandma was fired because her hands and feet were not clean. She was afraid that I would say her, and she felt inferior. , deliberately targeting me."

Someone in the crowd snorted and said, "Gu Ci Ci inferiority?" She can't be inferior to anyone who feels inferior.

Everyone laughed when they thought of something, and someone in the crowd happily explained: "She felt inferior when she chased Lu Zhiyuan."

"Yes, yes, still blocking Lu Zhiyuan's door."

Gu Cici thinks there is no need to add this sentence.

"Gu Cici has a bad relationship with her grandma, right?"

"And Gu Cici has no contact with her grandma at all. Whether your family fires the elderly has nothing to do with Gu Cici, and the money they earn will not fall on their family."

"That's right, it's not because being an apprentice is not good enough to deliberately come to our school to bully Gu Cici because of his family background!"

"It's really possible, I'm not willing to lose."

Song Wanwan didn't expect things to turn out like this, she was the one who talked to Gu Cici with good intentions, but Gu Cici ignored people, and Gu Cici had a bad relationship with her grandma, why did everyone know about it?
She doesn't feel ashamed!

Gu Cici shrugged in embarrassment: "Senior sister, if there is nothing to do, I will go first." It is very embarrassing here.

The senior sister probably understands a little bit. The crying person has a strong foundation, has a criminal record, and has a bad reputation in the original school, and she is not good at leaving ancient speeches. It’s okay for you, if you miss the time, you can make up later, and you should leave get out of class first.”

Song Wanwan held her breath, and was even more annoyed when she saw this. These days, she was going to be driven crazy by people from all sides. Why are these people still insisting: "What do you mean, who quarreled with her? Reasoning people, it is because she is arrogant and superior, she thinks that she is superior to others when she is in love with Lu Zhiyuan, and she laughed at me for not becoming Zheng Qiu's apprentice!"

"Why didn't you become angry from embarrassment because you couldn't worship Ms. Zheng Qiu as your master?"

"I'm furious! I don't have Zheng Qiu as my master. I have a bright future. My family's stage is not enough to perform. I'm jealous of what she does! On the contrary, it's her. If it weren't for Lu Zhiyuan, Mr. Zheng might not know who she is, right? Whoever needs Teacher Zheng more clearly knows."

The ancient words are not in a hurry: "I am an art student, and my future has little to do with Mr. Zheng, but Miss Song. You must not tell your grandpa what happened today, then I really want to re-study." gone."

"That's right, Gu Cici is studying art, and dancing is at most a hobby."

"What do you know! It's obvious that she relied on Lu Zhiyuan to snatch other people's masters!"

Gu Cici whispered: "You also invited your grandfather."

"That's right, who doesn't ask someone to talk about it."

"What are you all arguing about here!?"

Everyone backed away immediately when they heard the voice: "Teacher Wang."

"Teacher Wong."

The good-natured person immediately said: "Song Wanwan said that Teacher Zheng Qiu accepted the apprentice because of the nepotism of Gu Cici."

Teacher Wang is most troubled by these things: "You two go to the office and invite your counselor."

Song Wanwan: "I..."

Ancient Ci: "It's okay to trouble Mr. Wang."


"Counterfeit, how about provoking my sister? How about it, do you want me to testify to you that you did not rely on the Song family, because you are not the daughter of the Song family at all."

Song Wanwan immediately lowered her voice, and when she came out of the office, her nerves were about to collapse: "What are you doing! You just took my money."

Gu Nian didn't care: "Apologize to my sister, or I'll call the Song family."

Song Wanwan gritted her teeth: "Who are you threatening! Without me, you wouldn't get any money!"

"If you can't get it, you can't get it." It's useless anyway, it's just money that can't be seen: "Shall I call you now?"

"How dare you! Don't forget who your sister is."

"I know, you, the bones and blood of the ancient family inherited from the same line, are all bad things."

"You—" Song Wanwan was almost killed by these anger: "It's that ancient Cici! She's your good sister! I'm afraid you don't know it. I talk to her kindly, but she is arrogant and rude, and she doesn't even look at me. You thought it was my fault!"

"If she doesn't look at you, don't talk about it. Who stipulates that she must talk to you."

Song Wanwan was so angry that she wanted to kill someone: "It's not my fault! It wasn't my fault in the case of Gu Cici, at least not at the beginning! It was her who ignored people first!"

Gu Nian was rarely so patient, and lit a cigarette: "Don't be so innocent, you hold (bad intentions) when you start talking to her, my sister is just a little bit more vigilant, and she is wrong, then You didn't give me all the property under your name and you were selfish in ancient times? It's okay, give half first to appease your conscience, I don't care."

Song Wanwan hung up the phone angrily.

Gu Nian immediately called again, seeing that the other party didn't answer, he changed the number and called again: "Remember to apologize, if you don't apologize, I will call the Song family."

Inside the office.

Song Wanwan clutched the corner of her clothes tightly: "I'm sorry."

The ancient words are generous and polite: "It's okay, I shouldn't be wearing headphones, by the way, has Ms. Qian been fired?"

You still have the face to say 'it doesn't matter', you obviously did it on purpose, Song Wanwan has never seen such an annoying girl: "I... don't know either."

"Oh, I don't know, but if you're curious, we can ask her?"

"No need, no need."

"No, I see you keep mentioning it. I just said it in the dance studio and told the trainer. I thought you wanted to know."

 One update today.Tomorrow will start double updating for a period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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