President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 119 119 She's just in a bad mood

Chapter 119 119 She's just in a bad mood
"I'm just annoyed. We don't care if Mr. Lu's girlfriend is good or not. His character must be decent. Even if he is not diligent and thrifty in managing his family, he can't be extravagant and wasteful like her." Take out the bottle in the pool, and there is a spot as wide as a fingernail inside. This is pure plant essence, mixed with a bottle of water, it can also last for a long time.

"It's good that Mr. Lu likes it." The novelty has not yet passed, and the two of them are getting tired of crooked. At this time, the loyal words are also harsh, and when Mr. Lu is not willing, she wants to be arrogant and whoever cares about who she is.

The little girl was angry, but she was angry because of no one else!In Mr. Lu's study, the Ye Mingzhu had been placed under the clock for so many years, and there was no problem. As soon as she came, she took it to her room and asked the housekeeper if she had it.

Her room is not hers, and she can't help but bother Mr. Lu every day. Mr. Lu is still busy in the study, and she wants to drag him away from the study.

She thought that sticking to Mr. Lu was hers!Mr. Lu is most annoyed by people who don't wink.

"No, take this little bottle away."

"Is it because of this? Under normal circumstances, Mr. Lu's girlfriend wants to maintain this identity, and it's too late to act cautiously. She..."

"You don't want me to put it away?"

The little girl took it, everyone has a love for beauty, and waved the scent that could not go away from her nose, even though it was so strong, it smelled so good.

inside the room.

Gu Cici kicked off his shoes and sat on the wooden bed in the carved and painted building.

Lu Zhiyuan looked up at her from the document, sensitively captured her emotions, didn't want to pay attention to it, it was impossible for someone to bully her, but thinking of her recent worries, he raised his head again: "What's wrong?" The fragrance was too strong.

Ai Ai leaned against the head of the bed during the period of the ancient speech, her voice was weak and pitiful, and she was depressed: "Maybe it's because I'm not well, and I let others see the joke."

The corner of Lu Zhiyuan's mouth twitched: "What happened?"

Gu Cici looked at his fingers, which had a strong scent of roses: "They said I wasted and shouldn't use so many things from you... I didn't know that the things in the bottle were so expensive..." He rubbed his fingers slowly finger.

"Who said that?" Lu Zhiyuan's expression darkened a bit.

"The little girl who cleaned the bathroom."

"You won't see her again tomorrow."

"It's not good, it's the one you're used to." Gu Cici took out the wet towel on the bedside, trying to wipe the smell off his hands, but found that the wet towel also smelled like roses, so he stuffed it back in annoyance.

Lu Zhiyuan watched her movements, and when the wipes box was closed, his eyes still stayed on her fingers: "I'm not used to people."

Hearing the words, Gu Ci raised his head slightly and cast a glance at him, quite satisfied.

Lu Zhiyuan sighed inwardly, but he didn't show it at all.

"By the way, I met Miss Mumian today."

Lu Zhiyuan didn't quite know who she was talking about, how could he remember the name of the woman brought by others.

"She explained that there will be a party in Sita tonight, and there will be a very interesting performance. Have you received an invitation, and will you go?" Gu Cici was in good spirits.

Lu Zhiyuan was not very interested: "I don't know." All the invitations were filtered by Shen Guangyao and Feng Yu, and some of them would not be handed to him at all.

"Are you going or not? Mumian sister said it's very interesting, if you don't receive the invitation, forget it."

"Do you still have contact with the people from the last party?"

"What is the connection? Does it count as being in contact with my third senior sister?"

Therefore, none of the people after the last party knew each other, and they were still in contact with the people from the last time. Lu Zhiyuan returned his gaze to the document: "There is nothing to see. If you want to see it, you can invite them back to perform."

"Can it be the same? Do you know there is a word called atmosphere, that is, it is interesting to see more people gather together?"

It's not a good occasion when you hear it, not to mention what kind of good situation those people can have.

"Are you going or not? If you go and take me with you, have you not been invited?"

Those posts are not qualified to appear on his desk at all, but Lu Zhiyuan thought about her recent mood: "Yes."

"What can?"

Lu Zhiyuan ignored her.

Gu Cici lay down on the bed in a good mood, and rolled around on the silk quilt: "We still have to see if he invites you. It would be embarrassing if he didn't invite you after we went."

"Yes." You are right, just be happy.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"It's only ten o'clock."

"I'm sleepy."

Lu Zhiyuan...

Half an hour later, the bed curtain was put down...

Gu Cici leaned over, through the pajamas, stroking his belly with his fingers: "Chuchu..."

Lu Zhiyuan was short of breath...

Lu Zhiyuan's sleeping condition has been poor since he was a child. After being with Cici at the beginning, this situation improved slightly. It was a short-term mental relaxation, which created the illusion of short-term sleep, which could be quickly filled with new problems, and even in his dreams. Gu Cici's sudden and indifferent departure, or bleeding from the seven orifices, replaced his previous appearance in dreams, and he couldn't sleep even more.

At six o'clock in the morning, Gu Cici put on her fluffy down jacket and got up. At six o'clock in the morning in the ancient garden after the snow, there are countless scenery that can be drawn, and she wants to record each one on paper and pen.

Lu Zhiyuan hasn't woken up yet, it's not that he doesn't want to wake up, it's that he can't open his eyes at all, he is trapped in the soft quilt, sleeping peacefully with the smell of roses.

Gu Cici is very keen on this kind of thing. After one or two times, she tasted it for the first time, and after five or six times, she was still in high spirits.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's not that he can't, this kind of thing... He looked into her foggy eyes, and it was difficult for him to say something to make her restrain. .

Lu Zhiyuan got up at [-]:[-], his lazy and sharp brows were calm and peaceful, with a cool and sharp indifference, in short he looked full of vigor.

Shen Guangyao felt that sleeping more would be good for his health, and that Mr. Lu was refreshed.

When Shen Guangyao saw Mr. Lu coming down, he hurriedly stood up. He didn't dare to ask anything. More sleep would help.

Sitting at the dining table, Gu Cici drank black-bone chicken, red dates and wolfberry soup while painting. After drinking a small cup, his face was radiant and energetic.

Lu Zhiyuan sat down: "Morning."


Shen Guangyao looked at it with ease and joy, handsome men and beautiful women, many legendary books said that love can cure all difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he thought it was pure nonsense, now there is such a little faith, look at Mr. Lu, how energetic, he couldn't sleep a few days ago I feel that after three consecutive days, I will have a bad temper.

But it's different now, as long as Xiao Tumei is around, Mr. Lu can hardly stay in bed until dawn, and he looks refreshed.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the soup in front of her. He had never drank health-preserving soup before, so it was rare for him to order a bowl of nourishing therapeutic soup from the complicated breakfast list.

The chef in the kitchen was so moved that it finally came into play.

After getting into the car, Shen Guangyao was still conversing with Feng Yu: "Look, look, this is the power of love. I used to let Mr. Lu drink tonic soup and wanted to die. Now Mr. Lu will order it himself. Mr. Lu I finally know that the body is the capital of the revolution, and it is necessary to take good care of it.”

(End of this chapter)

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