Chapter 131 131
Gu Shi held his sister's arm tightly.

A sharp and impatient voice came from outside: "I told you I'm fine!"

Seeing this, Song Xing immediately asked the people around him to leave.

Song Wanwan looked flustered and at a loss: "I... Dad, I didn't do it on purpose, I just..." She didn't want to meet them at all, and she didn't want her father to see Gu Ci Ci at all.

Song Xing stopped to comfort his daughter, and looked at the person who suddenly appeared next to him: "Your classmate." With an affirmative tone, after the car appeared, Wanwan's mood suddenly changed.

Song Wanwan hurriedly grabbed her father, how could she forget, she should continue to pretend to be sick and leave with those people: "No, Dad, let's go."

Song Xing didn't move: "Really?"

Song Wanwan tugged at her father anxiously, blaming herself for being guilty just now and forgetting that her father could not stay here.

Gu Shi clings to her sister tightly, wishing to pull her down and cover her eyes, lest she see the father-daughter relationship on the opposite side,
Gu Cici actually saw it, but she didn't feel anything in her heart, not to mention that their family has complicated interpersonal relationships, but she became more determined. She was too lazy to participate in this matter. After all, it seems that the father is kind and the son is filial. I'm afraid I won't be filial.

Song Xing looked at this side, and felt that they had a problem: "I drive such a good car at such a young age, why don't I have the impression of whose child it is?"

"Dad, there are so many families in the Imperial City, how could you know them all? It's getting late, you should go."

Song Xing still didn't move.

Gu Nian sat in the driver's seat and just looked at them like this.

Song Xing's face was displeased, thinking that he was provoking his daughter, he immediately moved away from her and walked forward while pulling his arm.

Song Wanwan's scalp was about to explode, and she screamed loudly: "Dad!"

Song Xing ignored his daughter, if it was really this group of people: "Little brother, the car is good." Passed a cigarette.

Gu Shi subconsciously wanted to catch his sister, but suddenly restrained himself, he just quietly leaned on his sister's arm and looked quietly at the people outside the window.

Gu Nian looked at him and took it over: "It's not bad." He looked provocatively at Song Wanwan who was a few steps away.

"W-9 series, small six million, the father of the little brother is—"

"Dad!" Song Wanwan's voice was suddenly sharp.

Song Xing suddenly turned his head.

Gu Nian smiled: "Your daughter is not like you, she is a bit impatient."

Song Xing ran to his daughter anxiously: "What's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling well, Dad took me to the hospital!" Song Wanwan glared at Gu Nian viciously.

Gu Nian's expression was calm, and after seeing them turn around, he still didn't forget to look back at the old sister: "Sister, the students in your school are really rich and good at smoking." After thinking about it, he quickly put it away, like a poor little girl: "I... …didn’t smoke.”

Gu Shi silently let go of his sister's hand: "I'm much better."

Gu Cici gave him a warning look: "Anyone dares to pick up cigarettes, buy it yourself." After speaking, he told Gu Shi again.

In ancient times, I didn't dare to be a demon anymore, fearing that some people would turn back, so I nodded vigorously.

"I go first."

"Goodbye, sister." The two of them watched their sister go away, and they both sat softly on the seat: "Just now... I did well..."

The phone rang suddenly.

In ancient times, I looked at the incoming call and picked it up.

"What is it that I am not like my dad! You are not like your dad, what do you want to do! Did you do it on purpose!"

"Just kidding, are you guilty?" Gu Nian drove the car out in a good mood.

Gu Shi leaned on the seat with blank eyes, no longer feeling disgusted by the surname Song.

"Gu Nian! You take my money to buy a car for her!"

"Afraid that the smell will suffocate my sister?"

"You!" Song Wanwan calmed down immediately, and snorted coldly: "She's your sister? She's a pretty sweet name, isn't she?"

"you shut up!"

"Ha, it turns out he is a good brother who loves his sister! You——"

"Song Wanwan! You are living too carefree, don't you forget who ran faster than everyone else just now like a mouse!"

"Take my money to buy a car for her, whoever makes the other unhappy first!"

"Car? Is the money you gave enough to buy this car? It's not even enough for us to share. This is a car given by Brother Lu. By the way, I remembered that every time Brother Lu makes a move, it is a car. The Song family Miss, you can also buy us one, we will pick it up later."

Song Wanwan panicked for a moment, what kind of car!Without a car, he said cleverly: "It's Lu Zhiyuan, right? In this way, you want it from Lu Zhiyuan. He has a lot and is richer than me. Do you know that Lu Feng's new capital? It's all Lu Zhiyuan's shares. Do you want anything? Why do you bother with me on this point? In this way, I will teach you how to ask him, and then we will get three points."

"No, I still think it's more convenient to get it from you, after all, we are so close."

Song Wanwan became anxious: "We are close, so you can't ask for it from me, mine belongs to our family, and Lu Zhiyuan's doesn't belong to your family."

Oh?Are you planning to brainwash yourself in reverse?
"You tell Lu Zhiyuan that as long as he wants to be with your sister, he must give you money, [-] million, no, [-] million, you can sell your sister to him."

Gu Nian wanted to go over and tear her mouth open: "If he thinks he's too tall and dumps my sister, wouldn't I even have a car?"

It's better to throw it away: "No, he is paying attention to Gu Cici now. After this period of time, you can't even want it. You have to hurry up and give Lu now—"

"Shut up!" Gu Nian didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore: "A car, give it to us right now!"

"I've already given you five million!"

"More than five million! Your fake dad told me just now, my car is six million! Hurry up, your dad looks very rich, why don't I ask your dad for it!"

"Shut up! You are greedy! My mother has already suspected that if something goes wrong with me, you will not get a penny!"

"Don't threaten me with this matter. I've already told you. I don't care. I'm just jealous that you live better than us. If I don't see the car before the sun goes down, don't blame me for calling my uncle and aunt to greet them. Fake daughter." Gu Nian hung up the phone directly.

money!money!She can't move money at all!If she is found by her family, she will be finished!

Why didn't Gu Nian die!
Song Wanwan became clear in an instant, he could still die, as long as he died.

Song Wanwan accidentally contacted Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng picked himself very cleanly, he just helped introduce some people: "I don't know what they do, you must be cautious."

"I know." She must let Gu Nian die.

Feng Zheng looked at her and didn't stop her. With this incident, it was like holding Song Wanwan's handle. With the daughter of the Song family, he could set foot in that circle without his mother's introduction.

Song Wanwan has no worries, so it doesn't matter if Feng Zheng's thoughts are wrong, at least they belong to the same circle, and they know that they can't force her to a dead end, otherwise Feng Zheng will have nothing.

But those two people didn't understand anything, and they wanted to force her to death. She would rather put the blame in Feng Zheng's hands than let those two people die!
"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"I didn't say anything at first." She just gave three million 'lessons' to someone.

Feng Zheng looked at her and suddenly smiled: "Miss Song has a very good attitude."


Feng Yu got the news at the first time, Song Wanwan wanted to pay them to kill them, Feng Yu was not surprised at all, these two children are still a little tender, and seeking money and money will ruin their future, Song Wanwan couldn't handle it, so she could only take the risk.

Feng Yu rubbed between his eyebrows.

"Boss Feng, do you want to notify them?" Boss Shen said that nothing happened to the two of them, and he should be notified if there is any disturbance, but Boss Shen is not on duty today.

Feng Yu's hand was still placed between his eyebrows, rubbing it leisurely, without speaking.

Seeing this, the sender fell silent and waited quietly. Compared to Mr. Shen, Mr. Feng was more cautious.

After a long time, Feng Yu let go of his hand and told them how boring it was: "You send more people and follow them closely. When the people over there make a move, then tell them about it." Moreover, he didn't believe that if the Song family found Gu Cici, Gu Cici would be able to refuse such a big temptation from the Song family?

As for the whole process, whether there will be an accident between the two brothers of the Gu family, whether there will be incalculable consequences, what does it have to do with him,
Song Wanwan sent someone to do it.

Something happened to Shen Guangyao, and it didn't mean that the computer was shut down or died. This matter was quickly reported to him, along with Feng Yu's handling results.

Shen Guangyao immediately called Feng Yu: "What are you doing! What if something happens, tell them now and protect them, so that no accidents will happen to the two brothers of the Gu family!"

"Don't our people have the ability to save people at critical moments? In the busy city, there are only so many ways he kills, and he can think of them with his eyes closed. Now you tell me 'accident', you are doubting someone's ability. "

"Feng Yu, there are no absolutes, and Gu Cici regards them as family members. They are the ones that Xiao Tumei cares about. Do you know that they are more important than the Song family!"

"So, they took risks on their own, and the consequences they caused should not be more vivid after experiencing it. They understand what should be done and what should not be done. It is the ancient words, or you and me, who can always look after them."

"Feng Yu!"

"Trust our people."


(End of this chapter)

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