President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 137 Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Chapter 137
Song Wanwan looked at her family, and then at her brother, her family should be as it is now, warm and loving her.

Song Wanwan also smiled, sincerely, she would never leave them.


"Why did you go to her suddenly?" Song Xing accompanied his wife out of the doctor's office.

Ye Man's eyes were red: "There was a sum of money on her card that was transferred to a third-party account. That account couldn't be traced, so I wanted to check it out, but I didn't expect..."

Song Xing knew that this matter came to him first, and he thought it was stopped, but those people also sent a copy to his wife: "Is there any news now?"

"No, maybe I frightened Wanwan, that's why Wanwan stumbled."

"It's not your fault." He had to deal with this matter at first, and was going to find Wan Wan out for dinner at night, but his wife was just a step ahead: "Her matter is very serious, and the account cannot be found at all... Song Yue! Song Yue ..."

Song Yue came back to his senses, his face was dazed, and the high-spirited man found that he didn't even have the courage to recognize his daughter.

What right did he have to walk over, thinking that she would call him dad for no reason.

Song Xing was a little worried, what happened to him today: "Wanwan is fine..."

"Wanwan..." Song Yue's voice was very soft.

Song Yue was surprised: "Didn't you come to see Wanwan?" Song Xing knew how much he loved Wanwan.

Song Yue's mind is full of Cici sitting by the lake... Wanwan's memory fades badly after seeing Cici...

"Song Yue?"

"Song Yue?" Ye Man also looked over worriedly, feeling that Song Yue's state is not right today.

"How is Wanwan..." Song Yue's voice was very flat, he couldn't use watching Wanwan grow up as an excuse to be nice to Wanwan after seeing the ancient Cici.

If Qian Yuzhi hadn't changed the old Cici, if someone with ulterior motives hadn't taken away her daughter, Cici would at least have grown up under the care of the Song family, without suffering so much, having a boyfriend early, and being with that family Together, you don't have to be lying on your body to suck blood like a bully, and you don't have to go to school a year late because your brother is still young and the family has no money!

It's true that he loves Wanwan, but even if it's not his daughter, he shouldn't be the beneficiary of his daughter's suffering!
Why does his daughter suffer so much, but the daughter of a wicked man can get everything now!implicated!It's not just talking, he angered Song Wanwan.

"The doctor said there is no serious problem, but I can't do high-intensity exercise in the future. I'm afraid I won't be able to dance, but it won't affect my future life." He was afraid that his brother would worry.

Song Yue snorted coldly: "I didn't learn very well at first, it doesn't matter whether I dance or not."

Song Xing looked at Song Yue in disbelief, and almost missed and hit him. Lili said that this sentence was comforting and kind comfort. Song Yue's attitude just now was mocking and looking down on his daughter. He didn't talk nonsense: "What are you talking about!"

Ye Man stopped her husband.

Song Yue didn't mean to apologize at all, he walked forward like a walking dead, did he say something wrong?Qian Yuzhi took her own granddaughter to live in the Song family, but left Ci Ci in such an environment, their family actually...

Know nothing!
Haha, the saddest thing is, because Cici is not the eldest brother's daughter, he doesn't even dare to speak out about it, so what is he!
"Why are you stopping me? Did he speak human language!"

"You didn't see that he was in a bad mood, forget it."

"He can talk nonsense when he's in a bad mood!"

"Forget it." Ye Man took her husband to the ward, only to realize that her uncle had turned into the wrong corridor: "Song..."

"Don't call him!"

Ye Man was a little worried. She knew that Song Yueduo loved her daughter, so she just said a word about her daughter, but said: "Is he not in the right state..."

Song Xing is not an unreasonable person: "Let Lili go and see him."

"Isn't Ye Man doing it for the sake of the child..." Song Moshan shut up quickly when he saw his son and daughter-in-law coming in: "What did the doctor say?"

Ye Man also pretended not to hear, her mother-in-law is very nice, but the old man loves her granddaughter, so it is inevitable to be worried, not to mention that she is also at fault: "The operation was a success."

Ye Man entered the room.

Grandma Song looked at her eldest son with a guilty conscience, she just said casually, who knew you would come back.

In the suite, Song Wanwan obviously heard it too, and comforted her mother generously: "I ran too fast, mom, don't blame yourself, I was careless." Song Wanwan was full of smiles, and her brother told her a lot of jokes, Tease her every time, it's so annoying.

Song Li fed his sister brown sugar water: "Let's see if you dare to run around again next time."

"I'm all hurt—" Song Wanwan acted coquettishly.

Ye Man took the brown sugar water: "Go and see your uncle, he's lost."

"Huh? I'll go and have a look."

Ye Man stirred the thick brown sugar, and said as lovingly as possible: "Wanwan, who did you call that money for?"

The smile on Song Wanwan's face faded little by little, and was slowly replaced by panic, no... Didn't she stop asking?She's all hurt.

Song Xing came in, saw this scene, and hurriedly closed the door: "When are you still asking the child these questions?"

Song Wanwan immediately looked at her father asking for help: "Dad..."

Ye Man was helpless: "Wanwan, do you know that you have been cheated? The money you typed out was quickly remitted to a third-party account, and you can't even find out where it went. Do you understand that this is probably a transnational Crime, you're caught up in it."

Song Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't find her whereabouts, no, her mother monitored her bank card whereabouts!
Song Wanwan turned to her father instantly: "Dad."

Song Xing was very distressed: "Okay, okay, Wanwan's injury is serious."

Ye Man didn't want to do this either, but it was not a trivial matter, and she was spending time and time again. She was very suspicious that her daughter had been threatened. Compared with her injuries, she felt that this matter was more important.

Ye Man was firm.

Song Wanwan panicked, she was afraid that her father would compromise: "Grandma, grandma, grandpa..."

Song Moshan and his wife came in quickly, looking at his granddaughter distressedly: "What's wrong? Are you hungry?"

"Whatever you want to eat, grandpa will go buy it."

Song Wanwan held her grandma's hand, not daring to look at her mother: "Grandma, my leg hurts..." She was pitiful.

"Call the doctor, quickly call the doctor."

"Why are your legs starting to hurt?" Song Moshan was worried.

Song Xing: "Is the anesthetic gone?"

Grandma Song was very distressed: "My darling is going to suffer."

Seeing this, Song Li hurriedly ran in, very anxious: "What's wrong?"

Grandma Song put her arms around her granddaughter: "The wound hurts."

"Why does the wound hurt?" Song Li, a rigorous scientist, felt that the pain should not be on his sister in violation of medical laws.

Even though Song Xing suspected that his daughter was faking, he couldn't help comforting her.

Ye Man's firm gaze was also tinged with distress.

Song Yue stood by the door and watched this scene. This was a scene he had often seen for so many years, and there would still be him in it, asking for warmth... Warmth.

But that child was painting in someone else's yard, selling himself to gain some peace!
Song Yue clenched his hands a little bit, now for the sake of the peace of the Song family, is Cici going to give in for him!Who made Cici unable to go home!If her father is the eldest brother or sister-in-law, there is nothing she can't say about Ci Ci, and she should question whether they are not well protected.

Ke Cici didn't even think about exposing this matter because of his mistake. Has it become her way of life to make concessions?

Song Yue suddenly stepped forward and grabbed his elder brother's arm: "Come out." Passing by his sister-in-law, he smiled wryly: "My sister-in-law also comes out." His fault should not be repented.

(End of this chapter)

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