President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 143 Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Chapter 143 Grandma Song ([-])
Song Moshan looked up at his wife, saw that the old wife's expression was not indifferent, and sighed understandingly: "This matter has gone too far with words."

"It's more than excessive..." She even forgot that she was a member of the Song family, that she was still a child!her niece!Blame her for being too arrogant and indulgent, for not teaching her daughter well.

Grandma Song restrained her emotions and said, "Can you tell me why the child didn't come back?"

Song Moshan thought of those words, and looked at the old wife's self-blame, he couldn't bear to say it, but said ambiguously: "The child is old, how can it be so easy to accept another parent."

"What did we do wrong? Or does the child feel wronged? Is it because of the second child? Or..."

"Don't think about it, there is none."

"How could it not be possible? The Gu family treated her badly. There is no one who doesn't want to go home. The mess in our family made her laugh, or she is angry that I gave someone else a chance to take her place..."

"Why are you here again..." Song Moshan had to say that the woman became sensitive and pointed at the vital point: "It's nothing."

"Blame me as a grandma."

"Don't say that, our whole family is here, how can you be responsible."

"Don't comfort me, I know, after all, it's all my fault, I led the wolf into the house." Grandma Song hurriedly grabbed his wife's arm again, her expression brightened slightly: "Can you take me to meet the child?"

"...Don't go, we just came back..." She might be a little unhappy.

Grandma Song looked at Song Moshan, and after a while, she settled for the next best thing: "Let me see the photo."

Song Moshan called up Lao Yang's Weibo, which contained many photos of her in front of the painting, from all angles.

Grandma Song brushed those images with her fingers, and smiled unconsciously: "It looks so good..." The appearance and energy are good.

Song Moshan also thought it was good, especially the one standing in front of the painting: "A very hardworking child, Professor Yang likes her very much. I didn't see that her paintings were very contagious at the apprenticeship banquet that day. She turned around with her own ability. What everyone thought of her that day, she is still very hardworking, and she can give Lao Yang a pair of instructions every few days for paintings that are not in class, and Lao Yang expects our granddaughter to post them on Moments to show off."

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Grandma Song looked at the little girl's cooperation or snapped photos: "I was admitted to Digong University..."


"It's hard to take the test..." Grandma Song slowly scrolled through more photos.

Song Moshan followed suit and said, "It's not too difficult for her."

"But she still went to school a year late like Wanwan..."


"The Gu family didn't train her well..."


Grandma Song's expression became even more bitter. Not only did she not cultivate her, but in the past year Qian Yuzhi was fine and even said bad things about her words, as if her granddaughter was something dirty, and she used all kinds of dirty words on her children. What kind of thing is Qian Yuzhi!
Seeing that his wife's expression was wrong, Song Moshan hurriedly said, "We are all responsible. You were busy with Ye Man's delivery at the time, so you couldn't take care of so much. Besides... when you were not with the child, didn't you also send Yan Yan to watch over her?" ..."

Grandma Song didn't get out of her emotions: "But why should I bring her daughter-in-law? If I don't..."

"We've already found the child, don't even think about it."

The child hasn't come back yet, how can he be found, and...Song Moshan is blind, the military training uniform the child wore at the beginning is still wearing it after a month of school, whoever wears it, and occasionally a few sets of regular uniforms are also I have been wearing it for many years, and my hair is tied up casually. Maybe I have never thought about combing my hair to look good, even if it is high or low. It is just how convenient it is.

A little girl, admitted from such a small county so far away, living in such a colorful environment, and still smiling so relieved, it shows that she has been coming here like this, I don’t know if she is used to it, or she has to reconcile with herself, not reconciled So what can I do, if I fall into a dead end, the child's life will be over.

What makes Grandma Song even more heart-wrenching is that, looking at multiple photos in succession, there are almost earth-shaking changes between her first few photos and the last few photos.

If she grew up in the Song family, why should she...

Grandma Song suddenly looked away, her eyes were extremely sour, and she changed the topic: "How is Ye Man?"

Song Moshan also felt deeply: "The doctor said that you are overthinking, and resting more is not a big problem."

"Let her take care of her well. I'm here... If she wants to have a child, go and see her more. If you have time... take me to see her too."

Song Moshan was worried. He felt that his old wife said: "You look very bad, let the nurse take care of Wanwan."

"Don't think about it, whoever hears this kind of thing can have a good face. Tell the child, I can't bear Qian Yuzhi."

"it is good."

"What are you still doing in a daze, let Sister Zhang pack up some Wanwan clothes and bring them here."


"I'll go to the ward to watch, you all go to your work." Grandma Song seemed to have aged a few years overnight, and her walking was a little unsteady.


In the ward, Song Wanwan pouts her mouth and refuses her brother to feed him chicken soup. Her wound hurts and she can't beat the sky. When she saw grandma came back, she immediately acted like a baby: "Grandma, have you got the medicine yet?
Grandma Song looked at her granddaughter on the bed. She was cute and cute, and she was fond of making trouble. The grandson was helping her adjust the height of the pillow. Under the soft light, the surrounding was quiet and at ease. Not good, and because it's a girl.Got more love from home.

The children of the Song family can't be overly pampered, so she has always been pampered by thousands of pampers.

Cici is the granddaughter of close relatives by blood, and Wanwan is the granddaughter who is held in the palm of her hand. She didn't feel anything just now. Wanwan is sick, so she should take care of her.

Even the moment she entered the ward, she felt that Wanwan was a good child and a good granddaughter. She watched the child grow up little by little, and it was natural that her family raised her and it hurt.

It can be imagined that Qian Yuzhi has spoiled her so much for so many years, and even received rewards every month for her hard work, which made her feel that Qian Yuzhi did his best for his granddaughter and wanted to treat her well.

Grandma Song felt like a fool, a fool who was fooled by others!That old godly woman is not sure how to be proud, she can train her own granddaughter, and at the same time make her own granddaughter rich and well-fed.

Seeing her family being played around by her, isn't she very proud?


Mrs. Song's elegant and loving eyebrows drooped, covering up the flash of indifference in her eyes. She actually felt that although she could still take care of Wanwan, she could no longer empathize with her. She even forgot the urgency when she went out to seek medical treatment just now.

She took good care of her enemy's granddaughter to grow up, and made every effort to do so.

Grandma Song sat down, her voice slightly concerned: "Can you bear it? The doctor said that if you can bear it, we won't take the medicine."

Song Li really looked at his sister like this, and said in a gentle tone: "Did you hear that? The wound can only heal if you endure it."

Grandma Song glanced at her grandson again. In the Song family, Wanwan only needs to be loved. She has an older brother, and she has no younger brother, so no one needs to take care of her.

I heard that the Gu family has two sons, the parents of the Gu family can't take care of themselves, and she has to take care of the two younger brothers...

Grandma Song was in a daze, and suddenly realized that if Ci Ci came back, without the companionship she had when she was a child, would Xiaoli be able to treat Ci Ci so naturally?
Grandma Song felt uneasy suddenly.

Song Wanwan didn't listen to her brother: "Grandma, it hurts, the wound really hurts..."

Grandma Song directly handed her the painkiller pills from the doctor: "Take one." She asked herself if it was half an hour ago, would she have given the pills to the child?

Probably not, she would blow Wanwan's wounds, hug her and call her sweetheart, to distract her, and take less medicine if possible.

"Grandma, you are too used to her, what's wrong with the pain for a while, taking too much medicine is not good for the wound."

Okay, it's just a trivial matter, she can eat as much as she wants, Grandma Song watched her drink it and said, "Take a break."

Song Li sighed: "Only this once."

"Hmph, grandma, where's mom?"

"When you ask her what she does, she always asks something that shouldn't be asked."

A guilty conscience flashed in Song Wanwan's eyes, and she quickly calmed down again: "I... I'm fine, and my mother is doing it for my own good."

Grandma Song saw her expression at that moment. Her living environment was too simple, so she couldn't hide this little trick from them.

Grandma Song looked at her legs again and doubted them together. If it was the past, the granddaughter used some tricks to avoid Ye Man's questioning, and she just felt distressed: "Your mother is so sad to see you hurt like this, so I'll give you an infusion below." , I will ask your father to wait for her to get better, and take her back, so that you two won't be able to take good care of her if you quarrel."

"Is mom serious? I'm going to see mom." Song Wanwan lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Song Li hurriedly let her lie down: "What are you doing, don't you know what kind of injury you are? I will take a look for you and take a photo for you. Now I know that I am worried about my mother, but I don't know that my mother is also worried about you. Do you know what you must tell your mother?"

Grandma Song didn't move, and she was also surprised that she didn't move. She even thought maliciously, "Go and see, you must see, just crawl over to see Manman with such legs. That's it, it can't pay back Manman for so many years." Love spent on you!
Grandma Song was taken aback by her thought of trying to torture people like this. Although she didn't dare to say that she was kind, and there were many intrigues in the mall, it was not the cold-bloodedness used on young women.

(End of this chapter)

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