President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 155 Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Chapter 155
Thunderous applause erupted from all around: "Mr. Ye is amazing!"

Gu Cici also applauded foolishly: so beautiful.

Ye Mancai gasped slightly, stopped, and only looked at her with a pair of pure eyes.

The ancient words suddenly had the feeling that she was the only one among thousands of people being rushed, her vanity was instantly aroused, she shook violently, and scattered like fireworks in the sky!


Snow fell on the campus at night, and the ground was stained with silver frost in a short while.

With a gentle smile, Ye Man put away the furry scarf for Gu Ci and insisted on sending her back to the dormitory.

Gu Cici was very embarrassed: "I can go back by myself..."

Ye Man spoke softly, as if she was afraid of scaring her daughter, and moved forward firmly: "I recently taught in the dance department. The classroom you went to today was specially approved by the school to teach me graduate students. I will use it in the future. There are usually no people. You can go there every day after school, if you don't mind, I can give you some advice on practice..."


Ye Man immediately stated his position: "You can just pass the time if you are free, I have time... I don't know what you want to learn, but your master is too old to go out and can't teach you personally. I just thought about..."

Gu Cici is not used to seeing his mother's overly cautious appearance, and the cautious temptation is probably because he cares.It is impossible to say that it is not used.

Gu Ci couldn't help softening his heart a bit, but no matter how he calculated, it would not be Ms. Ye's turn to treat herself like this, it was unfair to Ms. Ye, and she was not wrong, so don't be so careful: "Will it waste your time? "

Ye Man was overjoyed when he heard the words: "No, no, I'm fine, you need to practice, send me a message at any time, I have time, the school even arranged a dormitory for me, just behind the faculty building ..."Would you like to sit with me?Ye Man felt that it was too sudden and the other party might not accept it, because she got carried away with complacency.

She has no experience with a daughter who is very independent, and with the matter of Wanwan, they dare not ask for their daughter even if they owe it first.

Gu Cici's eyes lit up cooperatively: "Is it the faculty building? It is said that the school's dormitory for the faculty is very luxurious. I have always wanted to see it, but I have never seen it. Can I go and have a look?"

"Okay!" Ye Man hurriedly said again: "If it's inconvenient for you..." She didn't want her daughter to ignore her own feelings because she took care of others. It was obvious that Cici had been very cooperative with her since she appeared.

"Is it not convenient for you?"

"Convenient, convenient—"

The snow was falling more and more heavily. Gu Cici rubbed his hands and looked at Ms. Ye. He naturally took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around Ms. Ye Man. She was wearing very thin clothes. She didn't even wear a down jacket when she came out.

Gu Cici looked at his scarf that didn't match Ms. Ye's fashion attire, and I was very sorry. With Ms. Ye's family background, there are people picking up and dropping off when she goes in and out. In the deep winter, it is nothing more than a cashmere sweater, which is more decorative than warm. , not like wrapping yourself up like a ball: "Would it be uncomfortable..."

A gleam of water flashed in Ye Man's eyes, and he touched the scarf unconsciously, wanting to untie it and return it to his daughter for fear that she would freeze, but he was reluctant to do so.

Gu Cici looked at it and suddenly smiled: "It looks good, let's wear it."

Ye Man also smiled, the child is willing to get close to her, but there are some things she wants to tell her first, lest she misunderstand.

The two walked forward slowly: "The relationship between me and Song Yue is not what you think."

"?" Gu Cici had no intention of prying into her privacy. In fact, with her current attitude, it doesn't matter whose daughter she is. Ms. Ye is a very good mother.

Ye Man didn't want her daughter to misunderstand her character, thinking that she was a product of indiscretion: "I have no affair with Song Yue."

Ye Man explained the ins and outs of the whole incident: "Although there are always some rumors about me, I always know what I want. I married Song Xing because I love him. He is the person I want to spend my whole life with. , but even though I found out that it was Song Yue that night...but you are already here, even if I divorce, I will still give birth to you. This is also my choice. I have thought about it for the past two days. Love you, he put all the guilt on Wanwan..."


Ye Man looked at her: "I can blame him, but you don't have to, he is pure to you... In fact, no matter how you count, you are a child of the Song family, and your grandma and grandpa's love for you cannot be faked. Song Xing..."

"Do you blame him? Song Yue?"

Not mentioning her husband, Ye Man breathed a sigh of relief. She asked herself how she would feel if her husband had an illegitimate child now: "Now? I don't feel much. It's been too long and too far away. For me, the people around me... are better than those illusory things. Resentment." After Ye Man finished speaking, she suddenly felt that she would cry at first, but... she would accept it, the failed relationship with Song Yue made her see many things clearly, except for love, they are still themselves, human beings, and will make mistakes. Will go the wrong way, since they are husband and wife, since they choose to be together, they must support each other and go on.

Gu Cici looked at her, and it would be a lie if he said that there was no emotion in his heart. This incident hit Ms. Ye the hardest, but she walked out quickly.

Ye Man took her hand: "One more thing..."


Ye Man is a little hard to say, but this may be the truth, she hopes that her daughter has been prepared: "The Song family... will not sue Song Wanwan for taking action against your two younger brothers, and will even turn this page spontaneously, whether it is Song Wanwan Well, it's still your grandfather, who thinks she made a wrong decision because she was bewitched by her friends, and the car accident didn't cause any substantial harm, so the Song family doesn't think she really has any malicious intentions."

As expected in the ancient diction.

Ye Man was very careful: "Are you angry?"


Still angry: "Do you know Feng Zheng?"

"do not know."

"Lu Zhiyuan's half-brother, she is the person Song Wanwan has contact with who is most likely to commit crimes. If I say, Song Wanwan is not fooled, she wants to protect her own interests, but the driver confessed to all the crimes , A closer look requires evidence, do you want Gu Nian, Gu Shi to testify... The most difficult thing is that Gu Nian was not injured..."

The ancient words are thoughtful.

"And... have you ever thought about why Song Wanwan didn't find someone to deal with Qian Yuzhi but your two younger brothers..." Is there something wrong with these two people, and you subconsciously chose to believe them, and combined with Qian Yuzhi said If so, Gu Nian Gu Shi may have known it for a long time, and transferred the money obtained by Qian Yuzhi, but the money flowed overseas and could not be traced at all. Those two children were very likely to cheat Cici.

Ye Man didn't dare to mention it clearly, because she was afraid that Cici would not think so. She had a different attitude towards her two younger brothers and the Gu family. Now that the relationship between the two had just eased, she didn't want Cici to be unhappy: "Of course, you may have found the wrong person. , will you be unhappy that the Song family didn't deal with Song Wanwan?"

"Yes, but I am also maintaining the ancient year and hour, and I am also wrong."

"It's not the same. I should stand on your side without distinction. They are called Gu Nian and Gu Shi? Will they take the college entrance examination this year?" If her daughter likes it, she wants to try to understand those two children.

 Something has happened in the past two days, and there will be double updates in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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