President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 163 Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Chapter 163
When the two separated, Gu Cici reluctantly went to hug him. The document in his hand analyzed the results of various games between Song and Gu. The parts related to the ancient time and the ancient year were clearly marked. Lu Zhiyuan was very busy. Taking time out to worry about her affairs, she naturally wants to be gentle and gentle, and Song Wanwan will need his people in the follow-up.

Lu Zhiyuan thought about what she ate, and put his finger on her forehead to prevent him from seeing.

The old saying is no, humming and chirping to be hugged, clingy and noisy.

Lu Zhiyuan looked helplessly at the people coming and going to class around him, he had no intention of showing his private behavior outside: "Outside."

What's going on outside: "It's nothing else to hug me." He never picked a place before, where he couldn't let him play together for a while, as if he was rushing to reincarnate.The ancient words are coquettish softly.

Lu Zhiyuan's gentleman's refusal.

Ji Yunxuan rode by the small road in the middle of the lake, his eyes fell on the two people who behaved naturally, and then quickly looked away. The post at noon is just like the post of him and Gu Cici back then. They are all insignificant supporting roles in other people's lives. was brought up.

Gu Cici also saw Ji Yunxuan, and he glanced away from the corner of his eye, not getting emotional.

Lu Zhiyuan and Gu Cici were fighting and fighting all the way forward. When Gu Cici entered the classroom, he was the only one with smiling eyes.

With gentle eyes, Lu Zhiyuan waved goodbye to his girlfriend. Due to the emotional fluctuations caused by certain things, the memories in the cafeteria were filled with warm pink colors at this moment.


Lu Zhiyuan was sure that he had adjusted his emotions well, and the strange eyes around him disappeared because he and Gu Cici appeared in the cafeteria at the same time.

In fact, this matter is not important, with all the evidences out there, no one knows that between him and Shen Guangyao, the latter is not worth mentioning.

So when Lu Zhiyuan saw Shen Guangyao outside the gate of the Lu family in the evening, his expression was very natural.

"Mr. Lu..."

When Lu Zhiyuan came back to his senses, Shen Guangyao's head was completely pressed against the wall, his hands tightly clasped his head, and blood flowed down from Shen Guangyao's head drop by drop!
Lu Zhiyuan frowned, looked at his hands, he was very dissatisfied, and the next moment his expression returned to calm, he let go of his hands, and returned to a gentle and gentle calm: "Sorry." He doesn't like the feeling of being swayed by emotions, let alone the obvious ones. 'Little things': "Call the doctor."

Shen Guangyao slowly slid to the ground, his eyes were filled with blood, he couldn't even remember how he was smashed against the wall, the pain was dull but overwhelming.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't think Shen Guangyao was at fault, there was no reason why he lost control just now, let alone now that he was back to normal, he felt that he just made trouble for no reason: "You..."

Feng Yu came almost at a gallop, panting, but the moment he saw Mr. Lu, he suppressed it instantly, and quickly said, "Mr. Lu, Shen Guangyao is fine. I will take care of you here. Mr. Lu still has things to do. Mister's business is important." It seemed that he was afraid of speaking slowly, as if Mr. Lu could not walk fast enough.

Lu Zhiyuan stood still, detached with a gentle expression, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, Qixi, whose hand hadn't been rubbed off on his girlfriend who was infected at noon, said in a gentler voice, "Alright, you take care of it here."


Lu Zhiyuan turned around and left with steady steps. The plaid windbreaker drew a small arc in the cold wind, making him look more dignified and thoughtful.

Feng Yu was sure that Mr. Lu had really left, so he looked at Shen Guangyao.

Only now did Shen Guangyao dare to feel the pain, his whole body was trembling. At that moment, he had no ability to resist at all, and was easily smashed against the wall with a hand. He was like an ancient tomb that had been buried for a thousand years. Suddenly seeing the sun, It was about to shatter in a blink of an eye, and the gravedigger was expressionless, bumping into him like a machine, and the crash was the program of the machine itself.

"Shen Guangyao, Shen Guangyao..."

The distant voice sounded out of nowhere, and the eyeballs were soaked in blood, and the scene was filled with red light.

Half an hour later, in the VIP ward of Zhonghai Hospital.

Shen Guangyao finally woke up, his vision was normal, his eyes were not damaged, his head injury had been treated, and the flow of fluid at the head of the bed was normal.

Feng Yu stood in front of the window, looking at the lights lit up by Bitter Winter, and then slowly looked at Shen Guangyao after hearing the voice: "Wake up."

Shen Guangyao's mind is still a little stuck. Although he quickly assessed himself and was sure he was fine, the sequelae have not gone away. The scene just now is still in his mind. The person who came suddenly, the way he couldn't resist, and Mr. Lu's expressionless face , simply - a nightmare.

Feng Yu walked over without any sympathy, and even warmed his heart to give him time to calm down before he said mockingly, "Isn't it very enjoyable." If Mr. Lu didn't regain his senses, his first seven days would be in a few days.

Shen Guangyao had nothing to say.

Feng Yu was also very helpless. Rather than saying that he was late, Feng Yu didn't expect that Mr. Lu would lose control of his emotions at night because he didn't have any ambiguous matters: "How many times have I told you, be careful."

Shen Guangyao was wronged.

"You don't need to complain, do you dare to say that you didn't mix your personal emotions with the ancient words? Even if it was sympathy at the beginning?"

Shen Guangyao did not argue.

"I reminded you once last time, and you can still cause a disturbance on the forum, those really passed this time, don't forget why the Shen family sent you here."

"I don't have a relationship with Ben..."

"Okay!" Feng Yu also knew if he didn't have it, how could he have it, he didn't want to live anymore, even if he had it, he didn't dare to reveal it, he wouldn't think that Shen Guangyao had the guts to argue with Mr. Lu.

Shen Guangyao shut up, but there was another vague thought, did he really not have it?The moment Mr. Lu shot, he was very calm.

Feng Yu still felt that it was unreasonable for Mr. Lu to act.

Shen Guangyao didn't dare to think too much. He needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few days in this situation: "Please take care of Mr. Lu during this time."

"Did she seduce you?" Feng Yu frowned, but he could still think of her figure by the lake, sitting there silently. In her dream, she had another appearance, even more enchanting.

"What are you talking about!" Shen Guangyao almost recovered from his illness!
Feng Yu is very calm: "There are many kinds of seduction, not direct hints." A smile, subconscious turning around, even the distance when speaking, and the intimate tone are all very subtle ways to get closer. "Think about it for yourself..." He waited patiently.

Shen Guangyao thinks a fart!I think Feng Yu is ridiculous: "There is something wrong with you! She just asked me about the relationship between Mr. Lu and Feng Zheng, and she was asking about Mr. Lu, seduce? Thanks to you Yumu, you can think of these two words in your mind!"

Feng Yu called out the phone expressionlessly, opened the saved picture, and the familiarity between the two of them was obvious.

Feng Yu didn't mind showing it to Shen Guangyao, and even took out a picture of the three of them when he was in office to help him compare.

Shen Guangyao didn't deny it, but: "When she started chasing Mr. Lu, she took a roundabout route and delivered milk to me, and we usually have a lot of contact. I took care of her affairs at the beginning. Last time I delivered After his mother went to the hospital, she was indeed a little more familiar than before, who became kinder to your face."

"I consider myself to be kinder than you."

"Fake compassion that doesn't look like Mr. Lu's student! You can't be kind even if you put your cross in your smile." The laughing tiger, the jade rakshasa, and the hidden knife hidden in a smile are all invented by you.

"So you kindly eat a bag of nuts." Feng Yu's words were quite ironic: "You have also seen many women, and you will let the girls you don't like eat what you hold?"

"Don't be so nasty, okay?"

"What's the rush?" Feng Yu was in no hurry.

"I just can't stand your nonsense!"

"Speak louder and your head can be fixed again."


"What if I told you she seduced me"

Shen Guangyao looked over in an instant: You have hallucinations, and you feel dizzy for a while: "Who do you think you are!"

It seems that he really never seduced him: "It's just talking, what's the rush." ​​Feng Yu resumed his understatement.

Shen Guangyao wished to kill him, that is to say, he couldn't move now: "You fucking say I'm in a hurry with you!" After scolding, his head hurt again: "Hurry up, I don't need your service here." Serve him to death again up.

Feng Yu looked at him.

"Don't think about it, it's just that we are more familiar." Shen Guangyao explained: "Mr. Lu was not so active in the matter of Gu Cici when he first got in touch with Gu Cici, and he was quite cold, so everything about Gu Cici I was the one who made the arrangements, including her preferences and the clothes and accessories for the banquet. Mr. Lu knows all of these, so we are familiar with each other invisibly, can you not be familiar with her! I even know her measurements and shoe sizes, and she likes sweet rice dumplings Even the salty rice dumplings know it, and still seduce you! You can’t find a good excuse to lie to me.”

Feng Yu didn't actually lie to him, he just had that vague feeling that she was sitting outside the gazebo by the lake, the stone in the water, it was very subtle, although she didn't look at him, but that feeling, he was a prey, someone Throw out the hook.

(End of this chapter)

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