President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 180 Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Chapter 180
However, compared with the Gemini Mall, the international business is less crowded, more magnificent and quieter.

I don't know if the dress that was silent in the high-ceilinged and clean window was bought by Gu Cici many times, and Lu Zhiyuan would not waste time on a dress.

Gu Cici was still a little unhappy: "Why did you just buy it? I haven't looked in the mirror yet. Although I look good in everything I wear, there is always a comparison."

Lu Zhiyuan: "..."

Gu Cici: "Although it looks good after comparison, I already have a lot of clothes. I have a lot of clothes in my closet at home, and I also have the same style."


"What a waste. Last time they all said that I wasted things, and that too many skirts were wasted. It gave a bad impression."

Lu Zhiyuan said, "I have no objection."

"But I have." Gu Cici took it for granted.

Lu Zhiyuan felt that it was better for him not to speak.

"However, thank you. I still like it very much. I'll give you a gift too." Gu Cici walked for a long time on Lu Zhiyuan's arm. What looked good at first was nothing compared to Lu Zhiyuan.

Lu Zhiyuan answered three or four calls.

Gu Cici chose something along the way, and the salesperson greeted the person beamingly and sent him away politely, with no performance at all.

"Why do I feel that they are not worthy of you?"

Lu Zhiyuan's cell phone rang again, and he picked it up with a sullen face.

Gu Cici shook his head at the thirty-nine thousand suits: "The clothes look good...but your temperament...doesn't match." It really doesn't match.

Lu Zhiyuan had no shortage of clothes, and when he saw the person enjoying himself, his thoughts were completely on his phone.

Gu Cici held his hand, weighed the price-performance ratio again and again, and slowly led him forward along the way.

Passing by a men's jewelry store, Gu Cici fell in love with a maple leaf brooch, priced at 15, very beautiful.

Just as Gu Cici was about to speak, a man next to him motioned for the waiter to take it out for a look.

Gu Ci looked up and saw a slightly familiar face wearing sunglasses, then thought about the endorsement posters he saw along the way, suddenly, it was the person on the posters.

Gu Cici subconsciously turned to look at Lu Zhiyuan.

Lu Zhiyuan was still on the phone, he had no doubts that he was taking him to the women's bathroom and he didn't even know it, Gu Cici turned his head back.

The man on the poster was wearing sunglasses, and hurriedly chose two tie pins. When paying the bill, Gu Cici heard him on the phone, and his voice was very low: "I don't think you chose me between me and him... ...I'm not could it be, I wouldn't be where I am today without you."

Gu Ci chose a water drop brooch worth [-] yuan, and led Lu Zhiyuan to pay the bill.

The man on the poster was walking outside with his things, passing by Lu Zhiyuan, he just glanced at it casually at first, then he was taken aback, and left quickly.

Gu Cici quickly took two steps back and looked at Lu Zhiyuan.

Lu Zhiyuan turned her head back, took out the card, put it on the counter, and gestured for the payment.

Gu Cici returned the card and took out his checkout account: "I thought you knew him?" The popular fried chicken just now is the gossip guy who is now making trouble with Ms. Feng, and is as old as Ms. Feng's eldest son.

Under normal circumstances, if such a problem pops up on a popular niche with an unstable foundation, the house will definitely collapse, but this one is different. The reckless and indomitable interpretation of the heart and soul, purely selfless.

Coupled with the fact that the head of the Feng Group is well-maintained, the capital behind it is strong, and the politics is correct, fans of the popular Fried Chicken feel that Ms. Feng is an old cow eating tender grass, and at the same time feel that Ms. Feng should give their idol a sideways look. Gu, seeing their idols' love for her, realized that everyone else is looking for her money and her status, and only they have love for idols.

Gu Cici admires this young student very much. At least he remembers the first encounter clearly. It is completely because the little fan was gently encouraged when he was down and down. The little fan fell in love at first sight. No more, I want to be with Big Sister Wen Rou, this huge reverse operation, but strangely gained a wave of fans.

There was a lot of applause on the Internet, and everyone was waiting to see the scene where the little wolf dog would never leave the gentle elder sister and the lovers would get married. They completely forgot that Ms. Feng had a legitimate child and three or four illegitimate children, each of which could Now that they are all on their own, all (they's) younger brothers will 'marry' in, and they will have to fight wits and bravery with the fathers of these children in terms of property, and they will also compete with the children for shares.

If the little brother wins in a Gongdou drama, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky, not to mention, the first successor of the Feng Group is Lu Zhiyuan.

The old sayings all sighed for this young man who was young and strong and good at grasping women's hearts. The family with Lu Zhiyuan as the heir is so easy to advance and the property is so easy to get.

Thinking about the ancient words, it's not necessarily true, as long as Lu Zhiyuan died, wouldn't he be killed in the previous life? With the advantage of the niche, it may not be impossible to win in the end.

Lu Zhiyuan knew it, but there was no need to know it.

Judging from Lu Zhiyuan's attitude, Gu Ci knows that he doesn't care, as if he owns a larger and more extensive king than his own land area, and he doesn't like how many concubines are brought in by the head of the dilapidated old home: "The ship capsized in the gutter , Walking too much at night, damn it, you’ve heard of house sparrows pecking at geese all day long, right?” Gu Cici took the box and went out.

Lu Zhiyuan hung up the phone and looked at her with a smile on his lips.

"why are you laughing?"

"Are you worried about the property?"

"I'm reminding you, do you know the reminder?" From now on, Ms. Feng dotes on this little husband very much, coaxing Ms. Feng around, wishing to give all the Feng family, even if they haven't given away the vital shares, but people like the Feng family , There are not many good things locked in the safes everywhere, and the mansions and old houses are even one after another. These things are invisible.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her pouting, thinking about him, and was a little surprised: "Do you like things from the Feng family?"

"What do I like! Isn't the Feng family yours?"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't think it was filthy, corrupt, and decayed, everyone and everything was festering and bleeding, and he felt sick when he saw it. He didn't need it.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Do you think you can't win?" Feng Zheng didn't hurry up and kill him, so he can keep it for the New Year!
Lu Zhiyuan didn't expect: "You really like the Feng family."

"I care about you, if it weren't for you, who would pay attention to these gossips."


Gu Cici gave him the box: "I bought it for you, I am also a rich man now, and what I gave you is a gift from me."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the small box in his hand, the black and gold box was tied with a dark blue ribbon, delicate and thoughtful.

"You thank me?"


"I gave you a gift?"

(End of this chapter)

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