President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 192 192 million

Chapter 192 192 billion
Gu Cici sighed in her heart, because of them, she couldn't say "she is also your sister": "If you don't like her, just don't contact her, why bother with yourself."

The two nodded in unison.

"Are you all right at home?"

"No." They said in unison.

Just as Gu Cici was about to say something, Lu Zhiyuan came back, took off his coat, the white turtleneck sweater did not soften his facial features at all, his aura was strong and noble: "The ancient year, the ancient time has come."

Gu Nian and Gu Shi immediately got up: "Brother Lu." More polite and respectful than before going abroad.

Gu Cici watched Guanshi Zhao handing over the warm towel, pouted and didn't move: "Why is it so late, I called you after school."

Lu Zhiyuan wiped his hands, walked over to her and sat down, his expression softened a bit, the meeting had already started when Cici called, and he came back from the company not too late: "Be faster next time."

"You still said, I went to your classroom to look for you, but I didn't find anyone, and I didn't tell me in advance where I went."

"Just get out for a while."

"Knowing that my brother is returning to China, you should go out for a while."

Lu Zhiyuan turned his head to look at Gu Nian and Gu Shi, their identities had already been settled, and they even found Cici for dinner, they didn't seem to regard themselves as outsiders.

Lu Zhiyuan looked gentle: "Sit down, how are you playing outside?"

Looking at my sister and brother Lu in Gu Nian, I vaguely felt that it was not good for my sister to talk to Brother Lu like that just now, and the two of them are idlers, when will they come back? There is no need for Brother Lu to come back in person.

What's more, Brother Lu is busy, so he should not take care of them: "Very good, thank you Brother Lu for the arrangement."

"Your sister arranged it."

Gu Nian, Gu Shi was not polite to his sister, but Lu Zhiyuan had already said this, and hurriedly said: "Thank you sister."

The ancient speech was not short of a thank you, and it would not be Lu Zhiyuan teaching his younger brother: "Dinner, the mutton and radish stewed in the kitchen is very fresh, you can try it." He said and poured a small cup for Lu Zhiyuan.

Lu Zhiyuan's cell phone rang: "I'm going to answer the call, you guys eat first." He got up and went to the next door.

The ancient words indicate eating in ancient times: "Is it enough to see?"

Gu Shi hurriedly took out his chopsticks.

Lu Zhiyuan came back soon, but after a while the phone rang again, and Lu Zhiyuan went out apologetically.

After repeated several times.

In ancient times, he was restless. Just now Lu Zhiyuan obviously had something to do, and he rushed back for dinner just because of them. Now he is dealing with outside affairs. Looking at his sister, he couldn't help but say, "Sister, why don't we go first?"

"Are you full? Eat when you're not full."

Gu Shi found that her sister's expression was the same, she just said this sentence simply, but... Lu Zhiyuan is so busy, can't she see, really don't let Brother Lu go first, they don't have to accompany them for dinner.

Gu Ci Ci picked up a piece of braised pork ribs for Gu Shi, and he recommended it in a small voice: "The craftsmanship is very good, it melts in your mouth."

Gu Nian hurriedly took a piece: "I'll try it... um, not bad."

Looking at the two in ancient times, although he didn't like his sister and Lu Zhiyuan being together, and felt that they were inappropriate before returning to China, but...

In ancient times, I picked up the ribs in the bowl and tasted it. Well, it is indeed delicious, better than mutton stewed radish, and has a fuller texture.

The two and a half-year-old children were able to eat, and suddenly forgot what this place was, anyway, Lu Zhiyuan was not always on the table, eating happily and satisfyingly.

Gu Cici sent the two younger brothers away, went back to the living room, saw Lu Zhiyuan who was still on the phone, slammed the door, and went back to the bedroom.

Hearing the movement, Lu Zhiyuan turned around, looked at the door that was still shaking, then looked at the long corridor, rubbed between his brows helplessly, followed while making a phone call.


In ancient years, in ancient times, he never expected to see Song Li when he returned home. The two of them looked at him together, and then lowered their heads to change their shoes tacitly.

When they knew that my sister had an older brother, they went to see him. He was raised by rich clothes and fine food. He was capable and loved his younger sister. The Song family was an older brother who could take care of his younger sister. The conditions of their family are comparable. Being an older brother is also taking care of a younger sister. Unlike them, they need their older sister to take care of them.

Even now, they thought they had the ability to take care of their elder sister, and put on the same clothes as them, they somehow didn't want to look at Song Li more, as if watching them for a long time could reveal their despicableness.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Song Li glanced at them, and immediately frowned. The new season's new models spend money like water, and everything in this family belongs to these two people, so Wanwan has nothing, even if she is hurt like that. She was not sent to see a doctor.

When Qian Yuzhi and Cao Xiurong saw Song Li's face darken, they wanted to protect their grandson and go back to the room, but thinking of the people in the room, they wanted to let someone go to the master bedroom to sit for a while.

Song Li sneered in his heart, and said, "Wanwan's leg injury is not fully healed yet."

In ancient times, they were unhappy when they were pushed and shoved, especially in front of this person, making them feel that they were not as good as him by a single finger. Before they could open their mouths, they heard Song Li speak, and they couldn't help but look over, slightly surprised?Good or bad, not all good, what does it have to do with them.

"How much does it cost Wanwan to live in that room?" He knew that the two of them had threatened Wanwan, didn't they just ask for money?

Gu Shi smiled instantly, and understood what he meant here. For Wanwan, if his sister was by his side from the beginning, it would be his sister who enjoyed his love and care. This possibility made him hate himself: "10 billion." As long as he Here, he risked it all to get his sister a new room.

Song Li looked at him sarcastically.It is written in their eyes that they are not worth the amount.

I also looked at him in ancient times, he is not at home coaxing his sister who has not returned, what is he doing here meddling in other people's affairs?
Song Li didn't want to waste time with them: "Show an attitude to solve the problem."

"Why don't you have an attitude? You can see that our family has this condition. It's normal for three people to live in one room. She hasn't been with her parents for many years. We let her live in the master bedroom, which can enhance the relationship between mother and daughter. Okay, is there any question?" Gu Shi's tone was playful.

Song Li knew that good study does not mean good character: "She likes that room."

"Is it hers to like? She likes a lot of things. It is said that her favorite is still her original room. Are you going to take him back?"

"Don't bully me too much, this is also her home." His mother still doesn't accept his meddling in things, and there are some things that he can't do too much.

Gu Shi reminded him: "Her home is in Xiacheng, this——is a house rented by my sister, so, are you going to send her to Xiacheng?"

There was the sound of crying faintly in the room.

Gu Nian figured out the direction and immediately rushed over to arrest people, she dared to go in!Kick it away, grab her arm and drag her out!


(End of this chapter)

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