President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 202 Chapter 202 Bicycle

Chapter 202 Chapter 202 Bicycle

Looking at the person sitting by the window in ancient years, who seems to be integrated with the house from top to bottom, just like the princes and grandchildren in the ancient years, who have inherited high positions at a young age.

But they are not, they are rats in the gutter, tooth grass struggling to survive, such a life of extravagance and free reaping does not belong to them!

Moreover, don't you think it's too easy to get all this, this is not the kind of support that someone as cautious as my sister would accept!It can only be said that Lu Zhiyuan's methods are too high: "Can you leave?
Turning over a yellowed lonely page in ancient times, the boy was wearing a simple T-shirt and trousers, blending with the heavy snow outside the window.

"Did you hear what I said!"

In ancient times, he turned the pages of the book back and thoughtfully compared the contents of the previous page.

"Ancient times!"

Gu Shi only looked up at him, but soon returned to the book.

"No matter what you think, it's a fact that we live in someone else's house."


Gu Nian wiped his face: "And what my sister did... Is the project you are evaluating now using Brother Lu's name to make money? Those people are probably using you!" The vibrating phone saw his father's name and hung up immediately.

In ancient times, the look was as usual: "Are you okay? Why don't you go to work when you're okay?"

Gu Nian can't tell the truth, and he can't do the ancient opportunistic skills, but: "In ancient times! Brother Lu is good to us, and to my sister..." Although he is still good to his sister, he must also be nice to her, but Lu He also sees what brother does, he is a serious boyfriend.

Gu Shi didn't like to hear it, the fact is that his sister is most likely to be hurt: "Is my sister treating Brother Lu badly?"

"I don't mean that, but you can't take the possible breakup. You think Brother Lu must be bad. Besides... the gifts I gave you are enough to last you a lifetime."

"Admit that money is settled?"

"That's not what I meant. Sister and Brother Lu will definitely get married."

"Since we will definitely be together, is Brother Lu's sister's?"

Gu Nian didn't bother to talk to him, he turned around and left, then suddenly opened the door and came in: "I ordered breakfast for you, remember to eat." He slammed the door again and went out.

He scoffed at him in ancient times, and I really didn't see that his brother, that 'scum', was the first to talk about etiquette, justice and shame, but he didn't think there was a problem with his sister at all. After all, it is safe to put something in his sister's hands. If his sister wants to take it , he took it as his sister's hand.


"Lu Zhiyuan, come pick up your girlfriend."

"Lu Shen, Gu Cici is in the lounge. It's going to be a holiday soon, and I'm not busy recently. You can go there."

Lu Zhiyuan nodded politely.

Someone outside the lounge was already booing: "Gu Cici, I'm off work, and my boyfriend came to pick me up."

Gu Cici wore gloves and opened the cotton curtain, and a thin white smiling face came out of the makeshift lounge. With a bright smile, the temperature of the cold winter instantly lit up: "Will the team leader let you go?" Zhang Yang was mischievous.


"Hurry up, or someone will rob you."

Gu Cici immediately ran over to hold Lu Zhiyuan's hand: "Whoever snatched me, thank you team leader, we're leaving, I'll treat you to wedding candy when we get married."

The team leader couldn't help laughing, waved his hand, and hurriedly let them go.Candy?As for Lu Zhiyuan's identity, Gu Cici thought too much.

Gu Cici buried his whole face in the scarf, and followed Lu Zhiyuan out with a smile: "Why did you think of picking me up? You can't even call me normally."

Lu Zhiyuan's eyebrows were gentle, and he pulled her scarf up to cover her eyes: "I have something to do here, so I'll take a look at you on the way."

"It's just on the way." Because she promised Shen Guangyao these two days, she didn't 'force' Lu Zhiyuan after her leg injury: "Where? I can't see it, Chuchu, you have to catch him well."

Lu Zhiyuan was speechless, and pulled off her scarf with a smile: "See the way yourself."

Seeing Lu Zhiyuan's bicycle parked beside him, Gu Cici was stunned for a moment, but his smile was still bright, and the blindfold just now seemed to be a surprise: "Why did you suddenly ride a bicycle?" His cheeks were flushed.

Lu Zhiyuan was a little uncomfortable: "The company is near here, and there is a bicycle, let's go."

Gu Cici looked at him with a smile: "Oh..."

Lu Zhiyuan urged her to sit up.

Lu Zhiyuan rode a bicycle very steadily, young as a pine, drunk even if not drunk.

Gu Cici embraced his waist, wanting to put her hand into his clothes maliciously, but the oncoming wind and the familiar street scene reminded her of another person inadvertently.

Also riding a mountain bike, he would embarrassingly stuff his earmuffs and scarf to her, and buy her a roasted browned sweet potato. He rode in the cold wind, and his heart was warmed up with the sweet potato in his hand.

Later, more and more concern, more and more intimate relationship, there is his shadow everywhere on this road, the shadow of his bright smile, the way he looked at her cautiously, the way he turned his head and called her name value……

Gu Cici suddenly jumped out of the car.

Lu Zhiyuan hurriedly braked the brakes and looked at her anxiously.

Gu Cici jumped pitifully: "It's so cold, I'm going to freeze to death, Chuchu, let's take the subway." Looking eagerly at the subway station not far away, like a poor rabbit who only sees carrots: "Chuchu... "

Lu Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief, it was good that he didn't fall, he was not familiar with riding a bicycle, and he had only practiced for a while, so he thought she would like it, after all, she liked this plot very much when she was lying on the bedside watching a movie.

But this kind of weather is really inappropriate, because he didn't think carefully: "The car is behind."

"Ah?" Gu Cici was stunned for a moment, then jumped to beat him: "If you didn't say it earlier, I was going to freeze to death, did you do it on purpose?" Gu Cici had already run towards the approaching car, Quickly opened the door and got in the car: "It's finally warm."

Lu Zhiyuan also sat on the mountain bike, someone has already taken over the mountain bike.

Gu Cici rubbed his hands together, feeling puzzled to reach into his collar: "Look, it's all red."

Lu Zhiyuan couldn't see it, he tilted his head slightly and clamped her hand to make her warmer thoroughly, his tilted eyes saw the two-by-two passers-by outside the window, and he didn't say anything.

Gu Cici approached him, with his chin resting on his chest: "Are you unhappy?" The fingertips on his collar lightly scratched his scar.

Lu Zhiyuan took out her hand in an instant, his ears were reddish, restrained to see the red mark of desire on the back of her hand, restrained his eagerness, took out the frostbite medicine, and rubbed it along her fingers: "No."

"You have, you want to ride with me on the road?"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't want to talk to her.

Gu Ci smiled and put his face close to Lu Zhiyuan's: "Why are you so cute, why do I love you so much..."

Lu Zhiyuan didn't let her rub, it's not easy to take medicine, but the tenderness of his eyebrows can melt into water, and all emotions are soothed by the temperature of close contact.

Gu Ci leaned against him triumphantly: "I knew you liked me as much as I like you, ouch, you were so arrogant when I first chased you..."

Lu Zhiyuan stuffed her with a mouthful of cranberry nuts to shut her up.

(End of this chapter)

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