President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 210 Chapter 210 Talk

Chapter 210 Chapter 210 Talk (Part [-])

"No, it's me. I took a look at Brother Lu's work schedule and some of your itinerary. You know, I don't mean anything else. I'm just asking. It's really you who said it?!" Finally said it.

"Well, Sister Mumian has given me a lot of benefits."

Shen Guangyao was choked and speechless, did he admit it?

Gu Cici was amused by his expression.

Shen Guangyao became anxious: "You are kidding me!"

"No, it's what I said, they give money."

Shen Guangyao was in a hurry: "Why do you want their money? You are not short of money, Song Yue is not... Even if you are short of money, you can ask me for it...

"I felt that these two sentences were wrong, so I immediately changed my words: "If you can't do it, you can ask Brother Lu for it, and Brother Lu will definitely give it to you!" "

"I know, but during Chinese New Year, I met Feng Zheng, and Zhou Chen."

Who is that?After Shen Guangyao finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the illegitimate child of the Feng family and the starlet who wanted to 'marry': "They."

Gu Cici was slightly confused: "I don't think Chu Chu seems to have any thoughts about them."

"No." Mr. Lu didn't think they were clowns.

"Does he really not want to get what belongs to him? The Lu family and the Feng family belong to him."

But Mr. Lu is not short of that, but Cici obviously doesn't know.

"So there are some benefits that you have to hold in your own hands."

Shen Guangyao looked into her innocent eyes, and said it was their fault: "Actually..."

Gu Ci looked at him eagerly: "Is what I did right? If the benefits are in Lu Fengxin's capital, it is better to be in my hands."

" can't say that, Brother Lu didn't think about them..."

"When to think about it, it will be too late when you think about it. Fengzheng and Lu Jiaye have their own foundations."

Hehe, Shen Guangyao casually ordered two dishes: "You want Brother Lu to get Feng's and Lu's?"

"I just think that what should be his should be his. No matter whether he wants it or not, others should not touch his things."

Shen Guangyao nodded, but said: "The matter of the Feng family is a bit complicated. There is the mother over there, and all the illegitimate children came out of Mr. Feng's belly." Shiyue is pregnant, so it can be said that Mr. Feng has feelings for every child: "It's not the same as the Lu family's situation."

Gu Ci sighed: "Yeah, it's so tricky, he hasn't gotten close to that side yet, Chuchu doesn't fight or grab, so many people bully him because of it."

Shen Guangyao: "..."

"He has a soft temper."

Shen Guangyao: ""

"It's easy to talk, but you will suffer in the future."

"Yes, we didn't think about this matter. We should really focus on the Lu family and the Feng family." Don't say such things if you want to suffer.

"Ms. Mu Mian is a nice person. She is not the kind of person who talks nonsense. Is Feng Yu unhappy?" The last sentence caught her off guard.

Shen Guangyao responded quickly: "No."

Gu Cici looked lonely: "He doesn't seem to like me very much."

"He just looks a little serious." But when he thought of Feng Yu's gentle manner to the outside world, he immediately changed his words: "He is very kind to everyone, even if he thinks you are wrong, he is asking too much of you."

"He really thinks I'm wrong..."

"No no……"

"Oh, I also collected the money, and he thinks I'm not good. Do I need to give him the money?"

"no, I'm fine."

"I'm afraid he doesn't like me even more."

"No, he won't care about money, but no matter why, don't leak the documents you saw in the office in the future, okay?"

Gu Cici's face was full of innocence: "Then how can I help Chuchu?" Then he was shocked: "I did something wrong, just meddle in my own business."

Shen Guangyao hurriedly comforted him: "No, no."

Afterwards, they got entangled in the issues of whether Feng Yu hated the ancient Ci Ci and whether Lu Zhiyuan was wronged or not, and finally did not mention the matter of reading the documents.

Until Shen Guangyao left the hotel, he still felt that he had done everything he should do, and he didn't say a word that he thought was useful.


The role of Gu Cici continued until Lu Zhiyuan came back.

Lu Zhiyuan opened the door of the study and saw her sitting in front of the easel in a daze: "What's wrong?"

"Why are you back now? It doesn't mean that it will be noon."

"Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival."

Gu Cici looked lonely: "It's time to start school."

Lu Zhiyuan wanted to say that he came back specially to accompany her for the festival, but when he saw Cici's gaze, he looked out of the window again, unconsciously following her.

An old saying: "What do you think of the new garden style?" Your right-hand man doesn't like it.

Lu Zhiyuan sat beside her, half-embracing her in his arms, and looked at the scenery outside the window together: "Well, why do you ask this suddenly?"

"It's nothing, just asking casually." Gu Cici didn't feel happy at all, and picked up his brush again.

Lu Zhiyuan held her hand: "What did someone say?"


"Who doesn't like to let him have no chance to watch it again, and you don't have to take it to heart."

This is what you said, it should be used immediately, remember: "Yeah."

"Don't blame yourself."


Shen Guangyao didn't expect him to hide from Feng Yu, but was still blocked by Feng Yu.

But Shen Guangyao didn't get any errands done: "She doesn't have as much thought as you think, but she met Zhou Chen outside that day, and she was afraid that Mr. Lu would suffer a loss in the inheritance rights, and she was thinking a little too much to scare herself, and went to the doctor in a hurry. , but also for the good of Mr. Lu."

Feng Yu looked at him sarcastically: "Brother Shen, are you missing the point?"

Shen Guangyao didn't dare to let Feng Yu call him brother.

The next moment, Feng Yu became furious: "Who is it good for? She can see this today, and she can see more things tomorrow! If she can easily take out these things, you know what will happen The consequences? Who is doing good to someone by stealing things! Mr. Lu needs her to be good to Mr. Lu!"

"Calm down, talk well, she..."

"It's still her vulgar ideas that can help people! Pig teammates are more sensible than her! Look at what she does!" Mr. Lu is blind!
"You have spoken, and she doesn't know."

"She doesn't know anything. I think the value she exchanged is just right. She knows how much to sell! She even colludes with the merchants on the other side of the Nanjiang River!"

Shen Guangyao lacked confidence: "That's her classmate's father..."

"You know she's fattened her own pockets, too."

Shen Guangyao had nothing to say, but: "Even if that's the case, what can I tell her, I'm still an outsider."

"The worst thing is to let her know what should be touched and what should not be touched. What is she herself?"

"What are you talking about! Why don't you talk to Mr. Lu, and don't spread important documents in front of her in the future!"

Feng Yu smashed the lamp on the desk, the house belongs to someone else!


(End of this chapter)

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