President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 216 216. Attack

"Because of me?"

"Why do you think so." The only thing that Gu Cici hadn't considered was probably Wanwan, but now he vaguely felt that she had considered the ancient times and the ancient years: "No, she has her own considerations."

Song Wanwan vaguely felt that Song Li was different. In the past, he would ask her if she was in good health, if she had been wronged, why her complexion was so bad, and would never speak for Gu Cici, but what he said just now vaguely meant to defend Gu Cici. resignation.

Song Wanwan didn't understand why this happened, the elder brother obviously hated that ancient speech, why did he turn his back on it!

But Song Wanwan knew that she didn't have the capital to ask questions. If she made trouble like before, she would have nothing. Now Song Li can obviously throw her away as a burden: "I thought she would have gone back long ago." After all, that home is better than the Gu's Ten thousand times, she still rushed over like she had never seen the world.

"Maybe busy."

When Song Wanwan heard this, her hand almost broke, and she couldn't help but say, "Perhaps this is where she is clever. I heard that grandma gave away 30% of the shares of Songjia Gallery. I'm afraid there will be more in the future."

Song Li couldn't help looking at her, this time he didn't go to Gu's house, but asked her out.

"That's not what I mean, I just think... She really got the most affordable benefits."

"Have you not had these before?"

Song Wanwan's face turned pale.

Song Li did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, and the poor should not chase after him. He actually used this word to describe Wanwan. If someone had told him this way earlier, he would not have believed it: "Are you okay over there now?"

Song Wanwan 'hesitantly' showed the injury on her hand. Those people wanted to make her hook up and not slap her in the face. There was no good place for the bruise on her arm.

Song Lixiang thought that Gu Cici was about to cry today, and subconsciously thought, she would be beaten when she was in Gu's house, and she knew how to run when she was a child.

"Brother, I..."

"I heard that Cici used to be at home, taking care of the elders and the younger ones, and doing everything."

The corners of Song Wanwan's mouth froze, and she pulled down her sleeve to cover the wound on her arm.

"You can try it too, exchange your heart for another heart, they will understand sooner or later."

What is her brother talking about!Let her serve that family! "Brother also thinks that I am suitable for those..."

"It doesn't matter whether it's suitable or not, we always try to move forward." Ci Ci, his own sister has been doing it for so many years, so it can be seen that anyone can do it.

Song Wanwan burst into tears instantly.

Song Li still sat in his seat and didn't try to coax him. Lu Zhiyuan's daring to cheat was the source of his anger. What's wrong with ancient words!

Seeing that there was no effect, Song Wanwan suppressed her tears: "Is mom still blaming me?"

"Your aunt is fine."


Song Li didn't look at her.

Song Wanwan really felt hopeless, as if she was completely cut off from the past, woke up with a stick, even her mother was not worthy of crying, crying was useless.

Song Li didn't feel it. Seeing her lifeless appearance, he took it calmly and said that he was dying after breaking up with Cici: "Why haven't you gone to school yet?" In his opinion, it was a breakup.

"I'm not going to go!" How could she go, Gu Cici has even shown up at the Song family!Everyone who should know or not know about her through their own channels, how many people are waiting to see her jokes!

Song Li glanced at her: "If you don't go up, you won't go up."

Song Wanwan was dumbfounded, seeing her eldest brother's appearance as having nothing to do with her, she smiled desolately, now he doesn't even care if she goes to school or not.

Song Li only felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill, why didn't she find out that she was so hypocritical before, Gu Cici has always been in that family, and he has come to this day, and even found himself a boyfriend who was 'inappropriate' despite everyone's criticism, Achieved a class leap.

Even now, she has not said that she is Song Li's younger sister, and she is not clear with those two people who don't know what benefits they want from Cici.

Song Li really wanted to say take your two younger brothers back, but thinking of Ci Ci's attitude towards those two, Song Li didn't say anything after all. He just repaired a little relationship with Ci Ci and couldn't stand the blow.


Lu Zhiyuan threw the whip to Feng Yu and Shen Guangyao. The whip in his hand had barbed spikes with stars and flesh hanging on it. It gleamed eeriely under the light, and his voice was even weirder: "With this little ability, I can also control my body!" thing."

Feng Yu and Shen Guangyao were already bruised and bruised. It's not that they didn't resist. If they didn't resist, Shen Guangyao's eyeballs would be lost. At this time, they must do their best to survive here.

Feng Yu was lying on the ground with blood on his hands and body, and his breath smelled bloody.

Lu Zhiyuan walked over step by step, stepped on the back of Feng Yu's hand with spiked boots, exerted a little force, and heard the sound of bones breaking, but he didn't feel happy. Instead, he looked even more sadly at Shen Guangyao who got up and wanted to escape, but fell down again: " In my place, pointing fingers at her, do you feel that you are superior." Lu Zhiyuan slapped Shen Guangyao's face with a whip, provoking a large amount of flesh and blood.


Feng Yu's entire arm was trampled off.

Lu Zhiyuan said word by word: "You - what! You are worthy of talking to her, just give her what she wants, and you have grown tongues, right?" Lu Zhiyuan knelt down and pinched the jaws of the two of them with great interest. , snapped their mouths open...

As the night became more and more quiet, Feng Yu and Shen Guangyao were thrown out of the Lu residence on the verge of death, and at the same time they were relieved of all positions in Shuguang.

The servants of the Lu family were terrified. Looking at the bloody two people, no one expected this result.

Aunt Wang still couldn't believe it when she came out chasing the man. The person she thought would never leave the Lu residence was fired, and the one they waited for carefully wanted to break up with Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu was furious because of this, almost Kill the right arm and right arm.

Mei Zhi didn't dare to go forward either, and could only watch the security guards throw people out like trash.

Shen Guangyao lay on the ground, his whole body in a state of chaos.

The corners of Feng Yu's mouth were covered with blood, but the bloody wounds on his body didn't seem to be able to touch his painful nerves. The moment his body was thrown out of the Lu residence, he crawled forward dazedly, whimpering With a loud sound, large pieces of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Mei Zhi couldn't bear it, but this was not his field of expertise.

Aunt Wang: "Call Mili quickly."

Shen Guangyao was not much better, his mind was in a state of disorientation, he looked at Feng Yu unconsciously, such a simple action hurt his eye, he was motionless in a daze, an hour ago Feng Yu would rather accept more He is not willing to leave the Lu family even if he is punished severely.

But Mr. Lu dismissed it...

They are now discarded.

Feng Yu crawled in desperately, exhausting all his efforts in his heart, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was just moving his fingers in a pool of blood.

Anbao guarded the door indifferently, without squinting, surprised or surprised, not surprised by the current scene, slightly surprised that there was President Feng.

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