President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 221 Chapter 221

——The reason why Lu Zhiyuan has such a good temper.

In Lu Zhiyuan's eyes, those who talk are a bunch of trash, he dare not say a word, what qualifications do these people have to talk!

It's fine to talk about it, but these words will only make Cici unhappy, how can his Cici be unhappy, and if he is unhappy, he will not forgive him.

Cici must forgive him.

Lu Zhiyuan opened the webpage, entered information, and posted a message on the school website for the first time: Not only because of this matter, she should be angry, if she doesn't know how to shut up!

Zhou Xiaolan was sublimated, and excitedly patted Gu Cici on the shoulder: "Cici, Cici, your Lu Zhiyuan is so handsome, so handsome! How did you train him, how could he be so 'responsible', so cute Yes, you know."

Li Wenqiong hurried over: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Xiaolan showed her the message Lu Zhiyuan just sent: "I declare that I will turn my back and support Lu Shen's reunion!"

Li Wenqiong also didn't expect that he would take the initiative to admit other mistakes: "I can't see that Lu Zhiyuan doesn't have the burden of being an idol."

"It's all because of true love."

Gu Cici is not too surprising, what Lu Zhiyuan said, as long as the situation is not so bad that he can't control it, he can put on any low profile, and he can be a third party to other people's feelings with ease.

"Cici, speak up, Cici."

Gu Cici pointed to his own book: "I applied to skip a grade next year, and I want to read books."

The two people who ate dog food were smeared with career food, and Zhou Xiaolan had nothing to love: "What are you doing so hard! I'm about to be swept away."

"Be his senior sister."


Lu Zhiyuan has been aggrieved and begged for peace, which more or less changed the attitude of many people towards this matter.

Song Moshan stood by his granddaughter unconditionally, and felt that what Lu Zhiyuan did, his granddaughter was right to break up. Seeing Lu Zhiyuan coaxing his granddaughter day after month, he couldn't help but feel that this child could not be forgiven. The girls on the side have nothing.

But Gu Cici was the granddaughter he found with great difficulty. He didn't dare to take care of it, so he could only wronged Lu Zhiyuan and asked him to teach him, but his attitude was very kind, and he really treated this child from a chaotic family as a junior. : "Xiao Lu, don't act too hastily."

Professor Yang immediately interjected and gave a thumbs up: "You are what they call a good boyfriend of twenty-four filial piety. Uncle supports you. Cici looks fierce, but he is actually very soft-hearted."

Song Moshan told him to go to class quickly, so as not to cause any trouble, he looked at Lu Zhiyuan kindly: "We're almost done, don't let Cici make things difficult, right?"

Lu Zhiyuan looked haggard and did not speak.

Song Moshan thought of the child's recent state, and took a step back: "At least I can't always follow her in class, just follow her after class."

Ye Man didn't expect Lu Zhiyuan to be so persistent. Even back then, Song Yue didn't put the pursuit of reconciliation on the surface. She couldn't see that Lu Zhiyuan was such a straightforward person. He didn't care about his face at all.

And it was because of some trivial matters, she had inquired, no one in the Lu family actually bullied her daughter, but her daughter brought her two younger brothers in to live as masters, and the Lu family took good care of her.

In Lu's family, no one said that words were not good.

But Ye Man immediately found a reason for her daughter. Relationships cannot be judged by right or wrong. It must be that her daughter felt that Lu Zhiyuan had done something wrong, which made her unhappy.

It's just that you are not happy if you are not happy. If you don't really want to break up, you can't test a boy's attitude like this. It's not good for boys.

Ye Man was afraid that her daughter was inexperienced, so she only cared about her own happiness, and forgot that her boyfriend is also a human being. After Ci Ci's dance practice, she combed her daughter's hair and said, "If you still have thoughts about him, please forgive him quickly. Be careful." hatred."

Gu Ci raised his head and leaned against his mother's arms, his eyes brightened: "Does Mom think I should forgive him?"

Ye Man patted her daughter's beautiful forehead: "You." Out of a woman's intuition, she felt that her daughter didn't love enough, because she didn't have any emotions towards Lu Zhiyuan's summation, and a girl in love shouldn't be like this. When visiting the door again and again, it is inevitable that there will be times of wavering, but there is no entanglement in Ci Ci's eyes, as if he knew the result from the beginning: "Just figure it out yourself."

Gu Cici suddenly asked: "Mom, do you hate Uncle Song?"

Ye Man looked into her daughter's eyes: "No."

"Are you glad he's been waiting for you?"

"will not."

"What if he did to Mr. Song?"

Ye Man's loving expression immediately withdrew a little: "Then don't blame me for being rude to him for disregarding your feelings."

Gu Cici thought, I am the same, what she did to herself, even if some external things interfered, she could forgive herself, how could he do anything to Ji Yunxuan? Does he still feel that he has face? On the side of justice!
Ye Man looked at her daughter vigilantly: "Did Song Yue tell you something?"

Gu Cici turned around and hugged her mother's waist. She didn't know if she was familiar with Lu Zhiyuan or she was good at acting like a baby, but she didn't feel that it was against her at all to hug Ms. Ye like this: "Why, he was afraid that Mr. Song would not let him see me .”

Ye Man breathed a sigh of relief: "I haven't done my hair yet, in case he can't wait to come up." Lu Zhiyuan was really patient, the spring was cold, and he was still waiting outside: "You, you."


In the cafeteria, Shi Sinian stood behind everyone, watching Lu Zhiyuan follow Gu Cici step by step, and wanted to help her with the sketchbook in her hand, but was ruthlessly rejected.

The meal card in Shi Sinian's hand was in pain, Gu Ci Ci was worthy of Lu Zhiyuan doing this for her!She doesn't know what kind of person Gu Cici is, she doesn't know how Gu Cici mocks people who are inferior to her in the dormitory, even his infatuation with her is Gu Cici's capital to show off!
Since then, some gossip has spread like wildfire.For example——Gu Cici confessed to Lu Shen at the beginning because of his money!

——Gu Cici doesn't like Lu Zhiyuan at all, and often shows off the things Lu Zhiyuan gave her.

——The ancient words said that Lu Zhiyuan was just a puppet in her hands, and she could play with it however she wanted, and when she said to get back together, Lu Zhiyuan would obediently get back together.

——This is too much, what Gu Cici wore and used after being with Lu Shen was bought by Lu Zhiyuan, how could she be ashamed.

——What to buy is what the old Ci Ci wants.Moreover, after she fell in love with Lu Zhiyuan, she stopped doing the work-study program, and there was a car to pick her up when she went in and out. I have seen it several times.

——Lu Shen specially assigned her a driver, and I have seen many of the seniors and sisters who made sculptures in senior grades by themselves.

——What is a driver?Her master, you know, is the leader in the dance industry, and has the same status as Song Moshan in the art department.They were all what Gu Ci Ci asked Lu Zhiyuan for.

——She is really scheming, worshiping Ms. Zheng Qiu as her master, and now Song Moshan is endorsing her, so she will have everything in the future.

So at the beginning, Gu Cici used Lu Zhiyuan to achieve class leap!
for money.

Ye Man and Song Moshan quit immediately!What did you say!Their kids are that kind of people!

Song Moshan directly revealed that Cici was his grandson, his own granddaughter, and his family has always had a good relationship with Ms. Zheng Qiu. Is there any problem with Ms. Zheng accepting the daughter of the Song family as an apprentice!
Regardless of whether it is true or not, at this time it must be that Zheng and Song have a very good personal relationship, and Ms. Zheng Qiu made an exception to accept disciples.


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