President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 Try

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 Try
"Who is this? Is it from our department? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"You don't know her?"

The person who asked the question had a blank expression on his face: "Should I know it?" But she is so beautiful, so she really should know, right?

The speaker lowered his voice: "She is Zhu Ling, the one who was rumored with Lu Zhiyuan."

"She is."

"Isn't it beautiful, the goddess of the Department of Numbers, or else have the courage to like Lu Zhiyuan."

The little girl who asked the question couldn't help but take another look, thinking: "She's so pretty..."

"Otherwise it will make Gu Ci Ci tremble with fear."


Ye Man quickly saw the people outside the dance room: "Are you looking for someone?" However, Lu Zhiyuan didn't come today because of business, if she looks for Lu Zhiyuan, she may be in vain.

The ancient words turned back, breathless: "I don't know."

Ye Man was so stuck at his daughter's words that he had nothing to say. He had been arguing for more than a month, and he didn't know another girl: "Then kick your legs straight, with your toes over your head, and stick to 8 beats." See if you can remember.

The ancient words are wronged and wronged, the body is infinitely elongated, and the movements are standard and beautiful.If you don't know, you don't know.

Zhu Ling stood outside the door and looked at the girls inside through the glass. She had seen Gucici many times, but this was the first time she saw her in a professional class.

She didn't deny that Gu Cici was not ugly, if she wasn't good-looking, she wouldn't be Lu Zhiyuan's girlfriend. Looking at it now, it seems that besides being good-looking, she is not without merits.

In the past, she always felt that Gu Cici was a bit of a girlish mentality. She often called Team Leader Lu regardless of the occasion, and she was coquettish and clingy.

But looking at her now, I feel that she was also very serious in her professional field, with beautiful movements and hard work. Maybe she is so flamboyant now because she is still young and not mature enough. Unfortunately, time will not wait for a person to mature. Once a person misses it because of his willfulness when he was young, he will have no chance to meet the second one.

If it wasn't for Lu Zhiyuan, for the laboratory, she would really like to see her lose Lu Zhiyuan in the end.

Forget it, Lu Zhiyuan's future is important, Zhu Ling waved to the people in the dance room.

The ancient Cici should not be seen.

Zhu Ling couldn't help laughing. Seeing that Gu Cici didn't respond, she wasn't in a hurry. She waited quietly for her until Gu Cici was over and half of the classrooms in the corridor turned off the lights. smile.

Ye Man touched her daughter: "It seems that they are indeed looking for you." Not Lu Zhiyuan.

Gu Ci put down the water: "I'll go and have a look."


Gu Cici added a blue drop-shoulder coat to the dance clothes, covering her slender figure under the large windbreaker, beautiful and charming, pure and clean.

Zhu Lingsuyan stood opposite the ancient Cici, slim and heroic, not letting herself be at a disadvantage: "Hi, Zhu Ling." Zhu Ling stretched out his hand.

Gu Cici didn't reach out: "Gu Cici." The attacker is of course generous. If she likes someone else's boyfriend, she can't be so confident in front of the other's girlfriend. I feel that I am suitable to speak in front of other people's girlfriends.

Zhu Ling was not annoyed, and naturally withdrew her hand: "I didn't bother you."

Joke: "The purpose of your standing here is to disturb me. Is it to watch a shadow play?"

Looking at her, Zhu Ling didn't expect her hostility to be so obvious. She was indeed a child, so she went straight to the point, with a calm voice: "You think too much about Lu Zhiyuan."

Gu Ci looked her up and down: "I thought you came to prove it, but I think it's missing."

Zhu Ling still looked at her, a little helpless, coaxing the child was very tiring, not to mention that this was not her child, but this seemingly harmless person blocked Lu Zhiyuan's way forward.

A person like Lu Zhiyuan shouldn't be stuck in the love of his children, he has a wider world, a stage that is suitable for him now, and he has that kind of talent.

So Zhu Ling didn't deny it: "I like him, but he doesn't like me. We haven't had any contact except for work. What you saw that day was just an accident."

"..." Gu Ci dismissed it.

"You should believe him, and you've seen it, he loves you very much." Although you seem very inappropriate: "For me. It's not worth it for you to get into such a fight with him, what do you think?"

"I said, yeah, you really aren't worth it."

The corner of Zhu Ling's mouth twitched, okay, she can do that, as long as she is willing to turn the page, but she still has one sentence to say: "His world is big, you should catch up with him." In the relationship between children, they are getting more and more backward, and as time goes by, their feelings will wear off sooner or later.

Gu Ci suddenly smiled when he heard the words, and blinked his eyes: "Catch up, but every time I turn around, I can see him, he has been following my footsteps."

"You—" Zhu Ling thought of the recent events, looked at her with a smug face, and finally endured, okay, she let the ancient words show off her power, and patiently and gently guided: "He should go back to the laboratory."

"I didn't let him go back to the lab. He can go wherever he wants. Didn't he go to the lab? Oh, is there someone he doesn't like in the lab?"

Zhu Ling was at a loss for words for a while, does Gu Cici know how low she looks now! "Do you think it's interesting to crush a man's self-esteem on the ground?"

"Isn't he having a good time?"

"Why do you rely on ancient words?"

"Because he likes me." Gu Cici lowered his voice and slowly approached her: "Do you believe it or not? I have been hanging on your male god like this, and he will always follow me. Wherever I tell him to go, he will follow me." Where to go, I told him not to go back to the laboratory, he would not dare to take a step into the laboratory, do you want me to tell him not to do experiments in the future. "

"Ancient words!" Zhu Ling didn't expect to hear these words, how could this woman do it? "You know what you're talking about!"

Gu Cici looked at her gently.

"Don't be naive, you just haven't pressed him yet, of course he chooses the lab between you and the lab!"

"Do you want to try?" Gu Cici waited for her answer.

Zhu Ling couldn't even utter a word of criticism, she was worried that this stupid woman would really say it, and Lu Zhiyuan, who was dazzled by love, would really agree: "You are not worthy of Lu Zhiyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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