President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 228 228 Outbreak

Chapter 228 Chapter 228 Explosion (Part [-])
"Are you OK?"


The voices of Ji Yunxuan and Lu Zhiyuan sounded at the same time.

Lu Zhiyuan quickly occupied the position where Ji Yunxuan arrived, and pulled Gu Cici up and down to check: "Cici, are you injured?"

Ji Yunxuan stood aside, looking at the anxious Lu Zhiyuan.

The senior sister also rushed over, avoiding the mess on the ground, still in shock: "How is it, Junior Brother Ji, are you okay, where is Ci Ci, are you injured?"

Ji Yunxuan tried his best to move his eyes away from Gu Cici, and looked at the senior sister: "I'm fine, let's see how student Gu is." It is destined not to go forward and express my gratitude too much.

But... she saved him just now.

"I'm fine." Gu Cici pushed Lu Zhiyuan's hand away.

This time Lu Zhiyuan didn't let go as obediently as any other time, he pulled her over very forcefully, and checked her from top to bottom with a serious expression, to make sure that she wasn't hurt by the falling debris, so he was relieved.

Gu Cici was a little unhappy, she said she was fine, she didn't know about her situation, but she didn't embarrass him in front of Ji Yunxuan.

Ji Yunxuan finally found the right opportunity, looked at Gu Cici and said, "Thank you." By the way, not forgetting Lu Zhiyuan: "Is she all right, should I go to the school doctor?"

The last thing Lu Zhiyuan wants to see now is Ji Yunxuan!

But Lu Zhiyuan still looked over, the lamp above his head was broken, Ji Yunxuan was looking at them worriedly with his face hidden in the shadows, everything looked normal, Cici saved him, he expressed his gratitude, and Cici was by his side.

However, at such a long distance just now, and it was still night, even he didn't notice that the lamp would fall, so how could Cici notice.

If he hadn't been observing... Lu Zhiyuan's face had turned cold, as if all the fragments on the ground had pierced into his heart, every blow was enough to see blood, why did Ci Ci look at Ji Yunxuan!
The memories about Gu Cici and Ji Yunxuan flooded out, it was a long time ago, he seemed to wake up from the love woven by Gu Cici, and noticed the difference between Cici and Ji Yunxuan.

Her cautious little movements, her unconsciously straight back and restrained voice when passing Ji Yunxuan, she is not obvious among all Ji Yunxuan's suitors, but she has never cared about her appearance. time, as neatly as possible.

Although Lu Zhiyuan didn't want to admit it, this was something they hadn't experienced since they were together.

And just now, what no one paid attention to just now, Cici happened to see it, Lu Zhiyuan seemed to be thrown into a fire pit, his flesh was ripped apart again, and he could not get out no matter how much he crawled and shouted!

Why doesn't he die!
"Senior Ji is okay. If it's okay, the senior will ask someone to repair this light. It flickered a few days ago. I didn't pay attention when I saw it was on. Who knew it would fall off today."

"I'll have someone take a look at it tomorrow." He is no longer in the student union, and he will be a senior next year.

Lu Zhiyuan held Gu Cici's hand tightly.

Gu Cici struggled for a while but didn't break away, and then he didn't look at him when he was pinched and hurt, his expression was normal.

Senior sister patted her chest for the rest of her life: "It's fine, it's fine. Fortunately, the light material is fine." After finishing speaking, the senior sister looked at Lu Zhiyuan's hands holding each other, and remembered the noisy breakup between the two The incident seems to be reconciling now, maybe this is an opportunity, so I hurriedly said: "You all go first, see that Xiao Lu is in a hurry, I will clean up here."

Ji Yunxuan looked at Gu Cici again.

Senior sister asked Ji Yunxuan to open the library door first: "Come on, run with me."

"Thank you."

"It's okay, I've already said it." Gu Ci said lightly.

Lu Zhiyuan held her tightly, and he couldn't breathe, the more relaxed their tone was, the more angry people were running around like headless chickens.

Ji Yunxuan and senior sister left quickly.

Only then did Gu Cici grab Lu Zhiyuan's hand hard.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her with a gloomy face, not letting go.

"What are you doing!" With a restrained voice, she led him out quickly, she didn't want to argue with him in front of Ji Yunxuan.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't move, and looked at her mockingly: "What are you going, it's not better to say it here."

Gu Cici glanced at him when he heard the words, and stopped immediately: "Okay, you want to argue here!"

A mouthful of blood clogged Lu Zhiyuan's heart, and he stepped up to keep up with her.

Ji Yunxuan glanced in the direction of the two of them.

The senior sister also saw the back of the two leaving, and couldn't help being embarrassed: "I didn't expect Lu Shen to be so infatuated."

Ji Yunxuan was noncommittal, just now Lu Zhiyuan felt sorry for Gu Cici, but Gu Cici just didn't say it.

And he... It's not convenient for him to speak, but if he said it, he would embarrass Gu Cici like the senior sister at the research institute.

In the primitive jungle beside Mingxin Lake where the street lights couldn't even reach, Gu Cici shook Lu Zhiyuan's hand.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't let go.

"What are you doing! You hurt me! Lu Zhiyuan!"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't want to hold back any strength, but in the end he let go of some strength, his eyes hidden in the dark night became darker: "You and Ji Yunxuan..."

Gu Cici yelled back almost instantly, as if he had been greatly shocked: "What do you mean! Splash dirty water on me! Lu Zhiyuan, don't go too far!"

He is too much? "You saved him!"

"Nonsense! He just happened to be there! Lu Zhiyuan, don't think about others with your dirty thoughts. What you do may not be what other people want!"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't expect her to beat him up: "What did I do!"

The unrestrained noise disturbed several couples walking in the forest. No one thought that someone was still here in the middle of the night not to bid farewell, but to quarrel.

"You know what you have done, and you are evil and dirty, so you think about everyone!"

"I have something wrong in my heart..." Lu Zhiyuan almost laughed, he didn't want to say it in his heart, he said something that made him even more embarrassed, and blurted out: "You and Ji Yunxuan are innocent!"

As if his character had been greatly questioned, Gu Cici looked at Lu Zhiyuan in disbelief, tears almost falling down: "Okay! Okay! Break up! Whoever finds the other party will be inferior to pigs and dogs!" Gu Cici turned around instantly.

Lu Zhiyuan grabbed her arm almost instantly, not understanding how things got to this point for a while, but it didn't mean he didn't understand, he almost gritted his teeth: "I just mentioned him—"

"Just mention it, it's my character that is being questioned. You have wiped out all the kindness I have been to you for so long. I am the kind of person who eats from the bowl and looks at the pot, or do you think you are attractive? not enough!"

Lu Zhiyuan almost wanted to use the original words to sarcastically go back, did she also feel that she was not attractive enough in Zhu Ling's matter?But thinking about Shen Guangyao and Feng Yu's actions, it seems that Ci Ci would have such a misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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