President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 234 Senior 234

Song Moshan looked at Cici's sketches, and rarely commented on them. He put them aside and motioned her to eat. After a while, he said a topic that had nothing to do with the sketches: "How are you and Lu Zhiyuan doing recently?"

Gu Ci was puzzled: "It's pretty good." What's wrong?
Song Moshan sighed, actually: "Be nice to him recently."

The ancient words are even more strange. When did Mr. Song take care of this matter, let alone in their hearts, there is no reason to think that others should treat her well. Why did they change their nature today: "What's wrong? What happened? ?"

Song Moshan has indeed heard something: "The Feng family... His mother had a bit of trouble with him. It seems that there is a project. There was already a cooperation target, and Lu Zhiyuan took it privately. You can deal with their family's affairs." It's not that I don't know, I don't know how many relationships have been entangled, and which brother or younger brother of his has taken a fancy to it, and now it's another week..." Thinking of myself telling my granddaughter that the chaotic private life of my mother-in-law is not good: "In short, he suffered an unreasonable disaster, More than half of the equity in Lu Feng Xinzi is under his name, but now it is Mr. Lu and Ms. Feng who are controlling the shares, especially Ms. Feng's side. It is inconvenient for him to say some things. If he mentions it, you can open it if you can. Untie the solution."

Gu Cici did not expect that Mr. Song would care about Lu Zhiyuan, and he seemed sincere: "Yes."

"Don't worry, it's not easy for him."


The more Song Moshan listened to the child, the more he felt sorry for the child. He said he was young: "Are you leading the project of your father and your master?"


Song Moshan also knew something: "The third party is the guarantor, have you figured out who to find? Your grandma..."


Song Moshan was stunned for a moment: "You have so much money?" He originally planned to let the child's grandma...

"Yes, I have shares from grandma under my name. Uncle... also gave me a lot. On the contrary, it is grandpa. If you have any good projects that need financing, you can borrow them from me."

Song Moshan sees that she is really not lacking, and this project is good. Ye Man and the boss have been operating it for many years. meal."

"Haven't you guys eaten?"

"That's the same, no adults don't know the rules. He is your boyfriend now, and he hasn't officially come back for dinner. Is it plausible? Ordinarily, his parents should treat us to sit down and talk." He didn't bother to talk with him. The family fights for etiquette.

"It's not about getting engaged."

"Establishing a relationship is getting engaged. I usually keep my head down and don't look up. Who doesn't know about your relationship. Let Lu Zhiyuan come to our house for dinner." This is also their recognition of Lu Zhiyuan.

Some time ago, the child was wronged by this girl's temper, and they didn't expect Lu Zhiyuan to have such a good temper. From this point of view, even his family's messy things can be accepted.

As long as the child is a good child, since the two children are willing.It is also necessary to cross Minglu.

"Tch, maybe we'll break up after getting along for a long time, so what's the trouble?"

"We're going to talk about points, now we're together and we're going to have dinner at home."

The ancient Cici Duduzui: "I'll buy you off if it's a little bit better."...

"Is that a little bit okay? Don't bully others, let your mother tell you about you later, you must know how to cherish it."

"You should say this to Lu Zhiyuan, let him cherish me, I'm so good."

"He is more obedient than you."

Gu Cici could tell that the old man had turned his back on him, so it was useless for her to say anything: "Got it." As for the matter between Lu Zhiyuan and his mother, Gu Cici was not too worried. With Lu Zhiyuan's style of handling things, Ms. Feng might not be able to please her. it is good.

It's just that in the past Lu Zhiyuan's energy was devoted to dealing with himself, and they were all at ease one by one, and they still had the time to let Feng Zheng help others deal with her family.

Letting Lu Zhiyuan and the others now is just to repay their past 'kindness'.

"Recently... I haven't been looking for you over there, have I?" Song Moshan asked cautiously.

Gu Ci came back to his senses, in fact, Gu's father had approached her several times. Over the years, his father just didn't support the family, and he could only watch Gu's mother vent her anger on her.

Now, the only one who feels guilty is Papa Gu, who is ashamed of taking away the life that belongs to her.

Papa Gu wasn't wrong, of course, he just became paranoid after losing his labor force. It's useless to say anything when he insists on going his own way, and he often does bad things with good intentions.

Papa Gu came to her recently and didn't say anything to her, he just hoped that she would persuade Niannian and Xiaoxiao to go back.

She also helped to persuade her, but she didn't listen when she was young, but Niannian, hey, actually Niannian can't get along with his parents, but no matter what, they are still alive, she really has no reason to go over their parents.

In the end, Niannian and Xiaoxiao didn't say they couldn't go back, and occasionally went back to have a look. The day before yesterday, she heard that Xiaoxiao hired a nanny for the second elder.

Gu Cici didn't say anything, she could almost imagine what would happen between the two of them and Gu Mom and Dad when she wasn't here: "Nothing."

Song Moshan didn't believe it, just like that... Song Moshan thought of the people his granddaughter had met over the years, even her boyfriend...

Song Moshan sighed, and pulled back his thoughts: "Grandpa doesn't say anything about you, but you should remember that their family has no kindness to you. If anyone threatens you with the kindness of nurturing, let them come to me directly!"


"You don't care about the two children in their family."

Sure enough, he came: "Yeah."

Seeing that his granddaughter agreed, Song Moshan was more satisfied. He heard from Song Li that the two sons of the Gu family were not good people, and recently they have even been holding on to his granddaughter.

Sure enough, Cici has taken care of them for so many years, and he will not let them go. They will lose face one by one, and they eat extremely ugly.

Song Moshan doesn't have a good impression of those two, but if they really think about Cici, they shouldn't hold on to Cici, lest others don't know they exist, let the Lu family, the Feng family, and people in the circle think, Just know that adding chaos is not a good person.


Assistant Liu has been very busy recently, not because of the company's heavy workload, but because Ms. Feng let Mr. Lu go over again and again angrily.

Mr. Lu didn't care about the past. He didn't care about Ms. Feng, and the matter fell on him. Mr. Lu could turn a blind eye to Ms. Feng. As an employee, he treats the boss's mother...

Assistant Liu was annoyed by being pestered, so he had no choice but to go to the hospital in a low-key manner to consult the two seniors who were still lying down.If it wasn't for being afraid of going too far, even if he was killed, he wouldn't want to admit that when he needed someone to help him with an idea, how much worse he would be if he could sit in his current position.

It's just that when Liu Ju saw the two 'seniors' who were able to get out of bed in the ward, he was still shocked, and then he stopped thinking.

When Shen Guangyao saw him, he looked away and heard that someone had taken their place. If Mili hadn't been taking care of them, they would be nothing now. What are the people who are in the limelight doing now? Do you want to see their jokes?

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