President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 250 Chapter 251

Chapter 250 Chapter 251
"Did you break up?" Feng Yu tidied up the equipment in the parking lot, and asked casually, just following Qin Pin's words and following the trend.

Secretary Qin stood beside Mr. Feng respectfully, and handed Mr. Feng a cigarette.

Feng Yu didn't answer and continued to be busy.

"It should be... It seems that Mr. Lu has no intention of compromising." Qin Pin also said that he was not distracted.

When the two of them were talking about this question, they didn't feel that they could decide anything, or even speculate on anything, and they knew that the ancient Cici should not be touched. Now they can talk about it. It just happened that a farce happened in the secretary department. The time was terrible, so he mentioned it.


Gu Cici has often shed tears recently, implying to Lu Zhiyuan through their former friends that as long as he bows his head, she will forgive him.

But no one in the business field is willing to help. They know a little bit about Mr. Lu’s girlfriend. Mr. Lu can’t say that there is nothing wrong with him for so many years, but he is absolutely benevolent to his girlfriend. How can she have the face to say, "As long as he bows his head?" , she'll forgive him' words.

Besides, forgive what?Forgive Mr. Lu for being too kind, tolerant, and attentive to her, so that she can't see her weight clearly?

No matter what others think, Gu Cici, she moved out of Lu's house, but still lived in the luxurious flat in Lu Zhiyuan's business circle, waiting for Lu Zhiyuan to apologize to her.


"Sorry, Ms. Gu, I'm afraid you have to move out of here. This is Mr. Lu's private property."

Gu Cici looked haggard, looked at the visitor completely shocked, and said hysterically, "This is my home!"

The visitor emphasized: "This apartment was bought by Mr. Lu with money, and it is registered in Mr. Lu's name, not your property. Therefore, you must move out of here, otherwise we will hold you accountable for the crime of breaking into a famous house."

"Who are you! Why do you say that?"

"I am Assistant Liu's assistant. Assistant Liu is not feeling well. Recently, I will take over the job of Assistant Liu. It is also Mr. Lu's intention to let you move out of here."

"Impossible, he said his is mine! I want to see Lu Zhiyuan! I'm his girlfriend!"

"Sorry, Mr. Lu doesn't have time to see you..."

"We are in love! We will be married later! This house is mine!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Gu, but you married Mr. Lu, and this is also Mr. Lu's pre-marital property."

"He told me this! You let him tell me himself!"

"Sorry, Mr. Lu doesn't have time to see you, but this is what Mr. Lu meant. We have a letter of authorization signed by Mr. Lu here."

Gu Cici seemed to be shocked: "How could this happen? We have such a good relationship..."

The executive lawyers seemed to have expected such a situation a long time ago, and they had encountered too many such things.

The assistant who came up temporarily didn't dare to talk too much. The president's office didn't give any explanation as to why Mr. Liu did what he did yesterday, but no matter what the reason was, he didn't seek meritorious deeds in dealing with the ancient diction.

What's more, from an objective point of view, he had expected Gu Cici to be like this. Miss Gu has no ability to act alone without Mr. Lu. For so many years, all the success of Miss Gu's career came from Mr. Lu's help, so how could she be willing to break up.

"I don't want to move away. He said he would take care of me for the rest of his life. He said it! It's impossible for him not to see me!"

"Sorry." The assistant didn't give her a chance to mess around, and showed her new benefits: "Mr. Lu, thank you very much for getting acquainted with you. The two of you run the company, and all the gifts you give belong to you alone, and Mr. Lu will not take any money."

The ancient speech was muddled, as if he didn't hear: "He won't treat me like this, I want to see Lu Zhiyuan..." But his eyes looked at the assistant saying that the lawyer showed a gift clause, each page had Lu Zhiyuan's signature, that is, Said that Lu Zhiyuan really regarded her as a job and handed her over to a lawyer.

In other words, decorating the feelings for her into chunks has become a 'goods' that can be handled.

"Sorry, Mr. Lu is very busy recently, you just need to sign these documents here."

"I don't sign, I don't sign..."

The assistant got up: "I hope you will move out of the place that is not on the terms of the document as soon as possible, and I wish you a happy life."


One day has passed, two days have passed, Gu Cici seems to be unable to hear any news about Lu Zhiyuan, she still can't believe it, and thinks, it should be like this, is it really like the other party said that she loves her no matter what .

It's ridiculous, not to mention that Lu Zhiyuan can't stand her, she herself thinks she's scum.

So because I am not gentle, love consumption, suck other people's blood and can't look at people's faces, have you been broken up?
Gu Cici suddenly smiled ironically. Looking at it this way, how ridiculous was it in the previous life? Lu Zhiyuan, who wanted to be with her at all costs, pinched her and said, Lu Zhiyuan, who would never leave him even after being turned into ashes, did not love him because of these reasons?

She just took advantage of Shuguang and became cold and violent. Didn't she say that as long as she was with him before, it was all right, but now it's all a problem?
It's not that the face is withered, it's not that life and death are separated, it's just that the temperament has changed and you don't love.

In this way, all the attachments were just because she had a face that suited his eyes and a temperament that he was satisfied with back then.

Gu Cici really wanted to dig Lu Zhiyuan out of the grave in his previous life and let him take a good look at it. This is the feeling he has never let go of, this is his vow to eachother, this is what he calls life or death!Break up before that step!It's not ridiculous!
Standing on the high balcony, Gu Ci Ci looked at the endless night sky, not relieved, but self-deprecating.

Today, time flies, the person she is waiting for is like the missing stars in the distant night, knowing that he exists, but it is not necessary to touch him.

It turned out that everything will change.


Gu Cici didn't dare to take it lightly, he broke up as soon as he said he broke up, she could disappear from his life so easily.

The ancient words are like ashes that are afraid of the resurgence of the ashes, take the infatuated person, go to Lu's house to block him, go to the company to block him, go to the company's gate to block him.

Several times and three times, she was really blocked once.

Gu Cici looked at the man who got out of the car and almost didn't know him for a few days, and was a little stunned.

This is Lu Zhiyuan?
Lu Zhiyuan also looked at her from across the car, his gaze was calm and calm.

The big rock in Gu Cici's heart is firmly on the ground, there is nothing safer than a man who is no longer interested in you.

Lu Zhiyuan turned around!

Lu Zhiyuan didn't stop walking.

Gu Cici caught up in an instant: "Lu Zhiyuan, what they said is true! You want to break up with me! I want you to say it yourself, not someone else! They lied to me, right!"

"In the future... don't contact me again."

Gu Ci Ci loosened his grip on his sleeve in a dejected way, just like when he grabbed him to confess his love back then, the fabric slipped from his hand.

"Lu Zhiyuan!"

In the end, it was the Song family who took away their daughter who had been yearning for Lu Zhiyuan's return.

Ye Man heard that Ci Ci has been harassing Lu Zhiyuan. When she wanted to get back together, she thought she was talking about someone else, but she and her mother-in-law brought back their daughter from the front of the Shuguang Building: "Didn't you say we split up? You are... ..."

Grandma Song was also worried: "You want to get back together with him!"

The ancient words were a bit tiring, and finally someone 'forcibly' took her away.

Gu Cici leaned wearily on his grandma's shoulder, drank slowly, and his voice was even slower. This kind of trouble was also physical work: "He took back a lot of things under my name. I'll see if I can cry."

Grandma Song greeted Gu Cici with a slap in the face when she heard the words.

Gu Cici immediately buried his face in her chest, don't hit her, don't hit her.I didn't see the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It wasn't because they really died of their relationship that they realized that it was good to love Lu Zhiyuan. People like Lu Zhiyuan would never look back once they let go.

The Song family sighed silently when they saw the obviously haggard old Ci Ci being brought back.

"It's all there."

Not only were the Song family members there, Grandma Song also explained why she was there.

"What do you want?"

"Let your second uncle give you what you want, don't mess around." The old face didn't know where to put it.

Song Li felt that it was natural for his grandfather to ask his second uncle for something for his younger sister, but his second uncle even nodded.

But think about it, Cici is broken in love, and she spoils what she should, but it's just that she is too spoiled, which makes her more and more willful. It's okay to be a younger sister. If a girlfriend is like this every day, no one can stand it.

However, she just broke up with Lu Zhiyuan, and she will never be able to find someone who spoils her so much in the future, and it is even more pitiful: "You, don't think about yourself, think about those two, the younger one sees you suffer I'm wronged, I'm going to beat up Lu Zhiyuan." What good can I get at that time, the trouble will be even uglier.

"Did they not go?"

"No." After he found out, he asked them to throw them back, wrong: "Why don't you teach them a lesson?"

"Why don't you go and fight Lu Zhiyuan, I'm still your own sister."

Song Li glanced at him, if Cici wasn't his sister, he would have persuaded Lu Zhiyuan to break up with her long ago, and there is no need to wait now.

Song Li clearly remembered that Cici was not such a person, at least if Cici was such a person, he would not have recognized his sister so quickly.

However, Ci Ci has been degraded these years. It should be said that she is like a beggar who suddenly became rich, and she can't recognize how much she is.

That's right, when she suddenly entered an environment, everyone around her was used to her, her work and studies went well, and Lu Zhiyuan even lost her temper.

It doesn't matter if we broke up, I just hope that Gu Cici will review his own temperament.


The sun was shining on the warm bed. Ye Man walked into her daughter's room and opened the curtains: "Get up." She patted her daughter's buttocks and went downstairs to see if breakfast was ready.

In the sun, Gu Cici stretched out with the quilt in his arms, sat up disheveled, then lay down lazily, and slept for a while.

Song Li knocked on the door outside: "Pig, get up."

Gu Cici did not open his eyes, indicating that he received it.

This is the sunniest day in Gu Cici's opinion, as if all the mist has dissipated, the past has dissipated, the old years and the past are still there, the family is by her side, and the other person is also in another place, living what he wants lived life.

That's fine.

"Hurry up and let your dad drive you to the company, don't you have to ask for five?"

"No, no, any car will do."

Gu Cici is in a good mood. For the past month, she has not taken orders or talked about business. Like a college student at her age who has not yet graduated, she rides a bicycle to the countryside to sketch, watch the sun, and enjoy life.

"Is it convenient for a classmate to add a WeChat account? I'm from the Department of Architecture of Imperial University of Technology. I'm a sophomore this year. What about you?"

Gu Cici looked at the Digong University logo hanging on his drawing board, and knew that the other party mistook her for a student: "Okay... Seventy-two roofs?"

"Yes." The boy showed a little shyness.

"The turret of the Forbidden City." In a huge building complex, the inconspicuous small turret has seventy-two roof ridges, which is extremely gorgeous and complicated.

"You know..." The boy obviously has a lot of knowledge and deep professional knowledge, and turned to tell the magic of architecture to the new girl very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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