President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 262 Chapter 262

Ancient words!Thinking of these three words makes his head hurt, but anyone with a long brain can't say such words!vulgar!

Qin Pin looked at Aunt Wang with a polite smile, and asked in a low voice, "Have you taken your medicine?"

Aunt Wang nodded, her voice was also very low: "I have eaten."

The two of them smiled gratifiedly after talking, and it's good to eat. Mr. Lu has had a headache for a long time, and he has a bad temper, and he can't maintain his gentleness for a long time.As for taking medicine, no one dared to persuade him for so many years, let alone this year.

Fortunately, after Mr. Lu came back from outside today, he took the initiative to take medicine, and even ate half a bowl of lean meat porridge.

Aunt Wang pulled Qin Pin aside, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Lu is in a good mood today?" Who did you meet?There is something to please sir.

Qin Pin smiled and didn't speak. He was in a good mood after being satirized like that. It seemed that Mr. Lu was mentally abnormal, although he was indeed a little abnormal.

"You're still so polite to Auntie, and I won't say it." She likes Qin Pin, who treats them very politely, unlike the last one who owed him millions.

"It's nothing."

"With Mr.'s character, how can there be nothing? Speaking of which, the last time Mr. was so talkative was when Madam was around." It's a pity...Mr. .

Qin Pin still maintained a decent smile.

Aunt Wang: "It's not easy for you." She had heard all about it, and everyone in the company was also worried: "Is the vixen who killed the madam and left the husband not in the company?"

Qin Pin felt that Aunt Wang's structure was too small, and I'm afraid she would never know whether the other party was Yuan or Bianlu, let alone offend her, so according to Shuguang's employment system, she should be where she should be now, even if she can do it for a lifetime with her ability. It's a fact that the secretary can't do it: "It's still there."

Aunt Wang sighed: "That's right, Mr. doesn't care about Mrs., how can you deal with a vixen? It's fine if you don't deal with it. Bring it back. How is Mr. Lu's relationship with that little girl?" Having experienced Mrs., they don't think anyone can be more difficult than Mrs. Waiting, poor character, not to mention as long as the husband likes it, they will be fine.

"Aunt Wang is too worried, she is just an employee."

Aunt Wang also noticed it, otherwise how could Mr. Lu be like this: "It would be great if Madam was still here..."

Qin Pin didn't speak.

In other words, Aunt Wang said that Mr. Lu would not look back.


The night rain crackled against the window.

Lu Zhiyuan suddenly opened his eyes under the heavy pressure. His eyes were as thick as ink blades filled with bloodthirsty pain. He slowly pulled out a knife from the bedside. The next moment, he put it back and closed his eyes...

The wet rain continued to fall, and the person on the bed was motionless, his chest heaving slowly, as if he had fallen asleep.


The level of business gatherings that Gu Cici usually attends is not low, but most of them are not high.

Because the affairs of the painting association are more complicated, and she puts more energy into this aspect than the former, so she should not be able to reach the point where she can meet Lu Zhiyuan every time, not to mention that Lu Zhiyuan seldom participates in such activities.

But this month, it was the second time she saw Lu Zhiyuan at the banquet.

Gu Cici didn't bother him anymore, he didn't mean to 'greet' at all, and the two of them didn't meet at all, he treated her as nothing, and she treated him as if he didn't exist, as if the tit-for-tat confrontation that day never happened.

But Gu Cici participated in the opening ceremony of a gallery today, and all the people in the painting and calligraphy circles were invited to visit and guide, and it had nothing to do with business at all.
But she still met Lu Zhiyuan at the opening ceremony of the art exhibition. He was very low-key, and only Qin Pin was with him. Too big, young people are not qualified to go forward, it is rare that he is very 'cool' around him.

But this also made him completely exposed in front of her.

Gu Cici didn't look over.

It seemed that Lu Zhiyuan was only here to see the painting.

Gu Cici stood quietly in front of Grandpa's painting, as if blending in with the painting in silence, a haze flashed in his heart.

He shows up too often.

Song Moshan and a few old friends came out of the conference room: "Where, she is still young, and she needs a lot of experience... No, no, she will be proud again if she hears you praise her..."

Lu Zhiyuan's footsteps stopped.

Song Moshan was also puzzled, why Lu Zhiyuan was here: "Lu Zhiyuan?"

Lu Zhiyuan immediately adjusted his attitude, neither eager nor distant, which was very in line with his identity: "Grandpa Song is good."

Song Moshan heaved a sigh of relief, but his heart was complicated. After all, his granddaughter and the other party had a great-grandson, and he couldn't say that what happened last time was because of his granddaughter's fault. It was more or less the fault of the other party's lack of attention, and he didn't know about it when he had a child.

But the old man knows that he can't blame this child for the ins and outs, not to mention that he has even dealt with his father, and it's not good for him to make a fuss. Due to the reality, he has to maintain his superficial politeness: " Come to see the painting too?"

"Just passing by."

The two soon discovered that there were no old sayings between them, and they had nothing to chat with. Song Moshan immediately gave up struggling: "Mr. Lu, take a look. If there is something you like to talk about, Xiao Zhang, show Mr. Lu around."

"President Lu please."

After watching Lu Zhiyuan walk away, Lao Yang followed Song Dashan's footsteps: "Is it really divided?"

Song Moshan was unwilling: "How long ago did it happen, why bring it up."

Also: "This kid has taken my class, and his painting skills are very good. If it weren't for his inappropriate status, I would have accepted it. The things you have here may not catch his eye."

"I'm not going to sell him."

"However, why did he come here? Isn't he very busy? I didn't dare to speak when I saw him just now. Today's young people are so fierce at such a young age that they even laid that cruel hand on his father."

Song Moshan subconsciously said: "His father..." But in recent years, Lu Jiansen has been considered lenient, and he even sent some things to his family during the holidays. Even if he had a few illegitimate children, Lu Zhiyuan was more ruthless.

Song Moshan told himself not to get involved in other people's affairs.But he still couldn't help thinking that if the two children could live in harmony, he would not object, so that his great-grandson could come back to be by his side.

But Ci Ci didn't like him, alas, he couldn't understand what young people were thinking.

"What are you sighing for?"

"Sigh, your painting skills haven't improved! It's my granddaughter's master!"

Professor Yang was happy: "You said it was annoying."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the two people walking away, looked away, and distant memories unexpectedly jumped into his mind, she ran towards him with a smile and depended on her, and asked him what he had for lunch, holding his arm.

She would be very nervous because of his slight injury, would be happy because he held his hand, would smile all day because he accompanied her in class, and lose her temper because he didn't reply to messages in time.

Today, the empty gallery is just like their current relationship, only the dead things on the wall that can’t make waves, not even the owner’s private collection, are randomly placed here for the treasures to live safely behind.

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