President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 264 Chapter 264 Appreciation

It's just that the person who asked him to drink was Gu Cici, and he subconsciously guessed her intentions. After all, he and Shen Guangyao fell into the seemingly harmless hands of her, but the current self was of no use value to her.

So Feng Yu took the wine glass.

Gu Cici seems to be very elegant, recalling his college days with him, and even mentioning Lu Zhiyuan and his master's past in a thoughtful way, loyal followers will like to hear it.

Feng Yu listened slowly, and the wine in his hand slowly bottomed out. Thinking of the past and looking at the present, he always felt that this woman approached Mr. Lu purposefully, and the feelings she gave were careless and careless.

These perfunctory, after she later became the daughter of the Song family, she no longer gave out even the sloppy feelings. Who would have thought that the seemingly least aggressive person would give them the most unbelievable feelings behind them who thought they were very accurate? blow.

This woman is also ruthless.

Feng Yu ordered another glass of wine.He has a good amount of alcohol, and the current amount is not even slightly drunk.

"Cici, let's go, hey, the handsome guy is not bad, little handsome guy, sister also treats you to a drink."

Gu Cici took his friend's hand off Feng Yu's shoulder and said with a smile, "Bye."

"Stingy, the little handsome guy is so handsome."

"Very foresight, a criminal code, you can go to him if you have a lawsuit in this area, and buy him a drink when the time comes."

Several people gathered around immediately: "He's still a lawyer."

Boss Zhou immediately pushed the person away: "Let's go, don't bother Cicibao handsome guy here, no barrister."

Gu Ci smiled and waved his hands.

Feng Yu frowned: "No."

Gu Cici smiled and looked back at him: "They praised you for being handsome."

Feng Yu doesn't answer her nonsense.

Gu Cici was not angry either: "Are you planning to continue like this forever and not go back?"

Feng Yu didn't open his mouth, put down his wine glass, and had no intention of continuing.

Gu Cici sighed patiently: "Part of what happened back then was my fault..."

Feng Yu paused, feeling a little drunk.

Gu Ci recalled in a leisurely tone: "I want to know that he is so ruthless...he definitely wouldn't say that..."

Feng Yu gradually felt very dizzy, and the next moment he felt that everything in front of him was shaking, but with his drinking capacity, it was not at all.

Feng Yu was about to call someone, but suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth when he wanted to say something, and his whole body was hot.

The ancient words spoke slowly.

Feng Yu restrained himself, but felt more and more uncomfortable. He was about to step away, but his legs went limp in an instant.

Gu Cici hurriedly supported him: "What's wrong with you? Feng Yu, did you drink too much, Feng Yu?"

Feng Yu would be stupid if he didn't know that he had been tricked, but he didn't know when it happened, and it was such a strong drug.

"Feng Yu, Feng Yu? Are you okay? Feng Yu?"

Feng Yu looked at Gu Cici, everything in front of her was shaking, and her anxious face was also distorted.

"Why did you get drunk after just a little drink? You can't drink and talk. What do you do now? Where do you live? I'll take you back."

Feng Yu felt that he was thinking too much, and the same sentence, the wine was made by the waiter and delivered directly to him, mainly because this was his place.

Gu Ci supported him, and reluctantly took him outside: "Where is your car? Where is it parked? Feng Yu, Feng Yu, don't fall asleep, wake up."...

It's not like Feng Yu has no reason at all, but it is extremely difficult to speak, and the fits and starts of discomfort make him want to unbutton his collar.

But the more this has been done for a long time, the clearer he is. He almost knows what's wrong with him. He slammed his hand on the bar, resisting the lure of the person who helped him, and said with difficulty: "No... this is My place..."

Gu Cici was stunned for a moment, where is he?She didn't expect this to be his place!
Feng Yu took a hard look into the bar, but there were too many people, Feng Yu pushed the wine glass on the table to the ground with what little strength he had.

The waiter came over immediately, and two people who looked like managers also came over immediately: "Boss, what's wrong with you, boss?"

Gu Cici felt depressed for a while, thinking that everything was ready.

Gu Cici immediately said: "He drank too much."

"Help me...back to my room..." Don't let him know who it is!

Gu Cici followed directly behind.

"Hi, guest, this is a private domain."

"I'm his friend." He said and took out a group photo of the two of them: "There are many more, do you want to continue to prove, I still have his private phone number, and he was drinking with me just now, so many people are here, I just follow Check it out, to make sure he's okay."

The ancient words followed smoothly.

The three of them put their boss away, but they didn't expect to see the woman drinking with the boss just now at the entrance: "Hello, sorry, no guests are allowed here."

Gu Cici's eyes were affectionate and heavy, and his eyes seemed to carry a lot of emotion, and they seemed to be overwhelmed and collapsed: "What's wrong with him, is he okay?" It seemed that he had written many stories with the people lying on the bed, and finally those stories dissipated in the under irresistible pressure.

The voice of Gu Cici is affectionate and restrained: "He..."

The speaker was more polite: "The boss is fine, he just drank too much."

"He's not a person who pours a few glasses, but I shouldn't mention too much to him..."

A few people vaguely understood something, but: "I'm sorry, you have to go down with us." He will get the magic medicine for the boss later, the boss's state...

Gu Cici tried his best to regain his emotions, and turned around first to go out.

The waiter immediately locked the door and went out.

"Where is the bathroom?" Gu Cici's eyes were reddish.

Seeing this, the waiter spoke politely and pointed to the location of the bathroom.

"Thank you." Gu Cici walked towards the bathroom.

After a long time, after coming out again, Gu Cici looked at the empty corridor, turned around and came back, opened the door just now with a click, went in, and slowly closed it.

Feng Yu on the bed unbuttoned his clothes, his face was flushed, the antidote he opened had already been taken.

Gu Cici didn't look at him, took out a video camera from his bag, placed it not far from the bed, installed it calmly, adjusted the picture in it, and made sure that he could see the person on the bed clearly. Go over and take off your clothes.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Cici's mouth, he took Feng Yu's arm and dragged him to his face.

Feng Yu was instantly like a fish in water...

Gu Cici began to struggle: "Don't! Let me go—Feng Yu! You will die! Let me go! Lu Zhiyuan won't let you go."

Feng Yu didn't know it, and the coolness hit him, weak and cool.

Two minutes later, Gu Cici felt that the struggle was almost over. He put his hands on Feng Yu's neck, and changed into an extremely affectionate, whispering in his ear: "I like you, I like you...I have liked you for a long time. You, I only like you, do you know! I only like you for so many years, I am willing... I know you don't like people approaching you, you are not as kind as you look, I have repeatedly sent things to people around you, When I approach you, you ignore you know..."...

Feng Yu only knew that it was extremely cool.

"I got close to Lu Zhiyuan on purpose... After Lu Zhiyuan and I got married, you went to find me, but what did you tell me? Deliberate, all deliberate..."

Gu Cici cried very sadly: "But you still care about Lu Zhiyuan, you still care about him, what do you want me to do, what should I do..."

Every sentence is an affectionate confession: "What's the use of saying you love me now? What do you think is the use..."

Gu Cici cried, but hugged him tightly, said unforgivable words in his heart, but honestly did not resist him.

Gu Cici waited until both paragraphs were recorded, then pushed that person away...

Gu Cici stood up, disassembled the zenkong camera, played it on the phone, took a screenshot of two paragraphs, deleted the original, took out the card, washed it with water, then cut it into pieces, then looked at the person on the bed and smiled.


The next day, Gu Cici woke up from Feng Yu's arms.

Feng Yu almost had a splitting headache.

Gu Cici looked at her, and everything around her was full of traces.

Feng Yu suddenly felt struck by lightning, and five thunderbolts struck him.

Gu Cici’s heart is full of flowers, colorful and beautiful, it’s boring to get Lu Zhiyuan’s woman after death, how is it now, everyone is alive, the living Lu Zhiyuan, the living you, me and him, aren’t they very happy and exciting!

Gu Ci Ci leaned towards Feng Yu.

Feng Yu seemed to be approached by some virus, and instantly bounced away.

Gu Cici was in a particularly good mood, pulling the quilt to cover himself: "Last night, you didn't do this, you forgot, your enthusiasm." Gu Cici pointed to the mark on his shoulder.

Feng Yu's face was pale, and he was hit infinitely.

The ancient words are not surprising, a loyal dog biting its master, tsk tsk, for a person who is determined to be a good minion, the gap is a bit big, tsk tsk.

Gu Cici looked at him sympathetically, opened it, and got up.

Feng Yu only felt that countless golden lights exploded in his mind. Her current appearance and everything was messy, as well as the fuzzy memories in his mind, which made it difficult for him to convince himself that nothing happened!

Gu Cici put on his clothes and approached him.

Feng Yu stepped aside in an instant, like a bloody beast, wishing to bite her to death!

Gu Cici smiled, and the smile was very sweet: "Why don't I teach you a solution?"

Feng Yu clenched his fists tightly.

Gu Cici looked at him: "You come from the palace and show your heart, and he will forgive you." After Gu Cici finished speaking, he left very happily: "Bye." Sure enough, the air is very good and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

Gu Cici's cell phone rang soon!Showing Feng Yu, Gu Ci answered it thoughtfully: "Do you need me to introduce you to a doctor?"

"Ancient diction!"

"here I am."

"You know what you did!" Feng Yu only wanted her to die now, and now.

The ancient words are very innocent: "I don't know, but you must know, how does it feel to spend a night with your master's girlfriend? What are you afraid of? He has tasted it, shouldn't he give you a drink of soup?"

"Ancient diction!"

"Ah, I forgot, you are loyal, you should come from the palace. I will explain it to you, and he will forgive you. Maybe he will let you go back to serve you when he is moved. Think about it, the eunuchs in ancient times, Do you always serve your concubines like this, so why worry?"

Feng Yu spoke with restraint, "Whatever you want, I can promise you, this matter, God knows you—"

Gu Cici hung up the phone directly, and sent him a photo of himself struggling endlessly, with the text: Enjoy it, I'm waiting for good news from Feng Gonggong.

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