President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 266 Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Chapter 266
Qin Pin pretended to be very resembling: "Mr. Lu, I looked around and didn't see it just now. I will send someone to look for it immediately."

Qin Pin's people came back very quickly: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Gu has left."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the phone in his hand.

"Let's call General Gu later to look for it... After all, a mobile phone is such an important thing..." Heh, heh.

Lu Zhiyuan hummed lightly, since she had already left, there was no need for him to be here: "Let's go." He got into the car with his mobile phone.

Qin Pin doesn't think he should wait, it's too obvious to do so!


inside the car.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the phone in his hand naturally, turned on the screen, turned it off, and turned it on again, imagining that she had played with it too.

Lu Zhiyuan tried to unlock it boredly, just inputting numbers casually to pass the time, without any intention of unlocking it.

It didn't work out the first time.

Lu Zhiyuan's brain subconsciously enters the number sequence calculation, and after three times, the screen changes to three smiling faces, which are successfully unlocked.

Lu Zhiyuan was embarrassed, and his fingers rested on the phone screen stiffly. He didn't like to peek at people's privacy, not before falling in love, and even less after falling in love.

Compared with Gu Cici who always likes to check his mobile phone, he has never touched her mobile phone, because he really doesn't think it is a good thing, not to mention he trusts Cici.

But now...

The phone is on.

Lu Zhiyuan only hesitated for a moment, and then he was relieved. He swipe the screen, not to spy on anything, nor to seek her privacy, but just to have a look at her, as selfish as to be curious about a piece of clothing she bought.

Because of her lack of selfishness, Lu Zhiyuan naturally opened the platform she had browsed recently.

She is often the biggest banker of data such as securities trading one by one, scene by scene.

He naturally clicked on the photo album, there are many photos, grandma's cooking, mother severely criticized her, Song Li is a straight man, and there are photos of Gu Nian cooking in the kitchen.

Lu Zhiyuan felt that his cooking skills were not bad in ancient times, and he was taught cooking skills by Steward Zhao himself these years, and his level was not bad.

Lu Zhiyuan flicked through boredly, and suddenly stopped at the frozen picture on the video file, his eyes narrowed suddenly, his pupils changed sharply, as if a hammer hit his heart hard, smashing him to pieces.

In addition to this frozen picture, there is also a photo of her drinking with that person in several photos. The person in the photo smiles very softly. These two photos are majesticly crowded in a group of photos of her and her family. Then At first glance and dazzling.

Qin Pin suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the car.

Lu Zhiyuan was stunned, staring at the two photos with his eyes motionless, feeling a rusty taste in his heart.

Lu Zhiyuan suppressed it, his eyes fixed on everything, his fingers turned white little by little, his empty vision seemed to be able to swallow all the things he hated in the next moment!
"Lu... President..."

Lu Zhiyuan didn't even move his eyebrows, only these two photos remained in his eyes.

It must be Feng Yu who forced could she fall in love with him.

Lu Zhiyuan endured the fishy sweetness rushing to his throat, and resolutely clicked on the video, but he withdrew his hand in an instant, picked up the earphone in a hurry, connected it, and clicked on it.

As the video played, Lu Zhiyuan's pupils dilated little by little, red gradually filled his eyeballs, and his breathing became more and more depressed. He had to hold on to the seat in front of him, and the seat was scratched in an instant, so he could restrain himself and not relax. Open your mouth and breathe.

Qin Pin's face was pale: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you? Mr. Lu..."

Lu Zhiyuan was like a fish thrown on the shore, under the high temperature, he became dizzy and couldn't grasp the opportunity of life.

"President Lu...President Lu..." Qin Pinyu stood up!

"Sit back!" His voice was like a knife blade, and he stared straight at the screen. Those words cut his body, blood dripping from inside to outside.

The beauty he thought, all the traces of being in love, the days when she was obedient to him, the lights she turned off, how serious she was when she wanted to kiss him, how she hated his scars, how she confessed...

How could it be all fake!

Something flashed in his trance, and a voice in his mind told him: It was a fake!You have doubted too!You have doubted more than once!

Qin Pin sat stiffly on the seat, anxious, but did not dare to move.

impossible!impossible!Lu Zhiyuan was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe, those words and those two people stood in front of him one by one, staring at him mockingly with swords and arrows.

Lu Zhiyuan seemed to be tied to that bed again, he called and begged over and over again, but no one reached out to give him a hand.

She loved him, at least once...

Lu Zhiyuan was almost masochistic, and he clicked play again, his eye sockets were a little bloodshot, slipping out of the eye sockets, and uncontrollable blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Pin didn't dare to move anymore, took out the medicine, jumped over the chair, and wanted to stuff Mr. Lu's mouth: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, take the medicine!"

Lu Zhiyuan angrily pressed him down on the seat in front of him, his cell phone!The next moment I lost my mind and wanted to throw him out!

The driver pressed the emergency contact device in horror!Press handler.

Lu Zhiyuan's eyes were so empty that he almost strangled Qin Pin to death!
Thick fog rose from the car, and the driver put on a gas mask and hurried to the hospital.

ten minutes later.

The doctor lifted the unconscious two out of the car, and pushed the tranquilizers into Lu Zhiyuan's body one by one.

Lu Zhiyuan still held the phone in his hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and the video had stopped playing.

The doctor tried several times to remove it without success.

Mili rushed over very quickly, seeing the doctor was still struggling with the phone, he was angry: "Don't move." Now that you have it!If Mr. Lu wakes up and can't see his phone, things will be even more troublesome! "Give Qin Pin medicine and let him wake up quickly!" He wanted to know what happened.

Thirty minutes later.

Qin Pin and Mi Li squatted beside Mr. Lu's bed, and finally saw clearly the frozen picture on the phone.

The two looked at each other in shock, feeling like a thunderbolt!how is this possible!

Mili: "Feng Yu!"

Qin Pin: "Mr. Feng!"

"How is it possible?" They said in unison.

If anyone were to say who was the least likely to take action against Gu Cici, it would be Feng Yu.

But the video is real, those two are hugging each other... absolutely impossible to be fake, otherwise Lu will always be like this!

"Who sent it to Mr. Lu!" Mili's eyes were dark!
Qin Pin was even more confused, and suddenly thought: "This is Gu Cici's mobile phone." Qin Pin almost bit his own tongue as he spoke!He was the one who handed the phone to Boss Lu, and it turned out to be him who gave it to him!

Qin Pin realized that something might have happened, so he quickly explained the process of getting the mobile phone to Mr. Lu, and after recovering, he hurriedly explained: "Mr. All in all, who would have thought..."

Mili also couldn't think of: "It's not enough to succeed! It's more than failure! Get out of the way!" But he knows that there is someone who is going to be finished!I didn't die last time, this time it's just an extra meal!
Mili hastily called Feng Yu and ran away, as far as possible, and never appeared on this land in the future!
After half an hour.

Feng Yu came to the hospital with trembling hands and feet, and knelt in front of Lu Zhiyuan's bed, pious and resigned to his fate!
Mili is about to die of anxiety. He used to be tall and burly, as if nothing could overwhelm him, but now he is almost crazy: "What are you doing? I let you go, go, do you know?"

Qin Pin was also very anxious, especially, he never expected that he would kill his master: "Mr. Feng, hurry up, leave the green hills behind, don't worry about running out of firewood, hurry up!"

Feng Yu does not move!

Mili walked back and forth anxiously in the room: "You fell for that woman's tricks!"

Feng Yu didn't deny it.

"What does she want to do! Does she know that she will kill you! Hurry up! Mr. Lu's current situation is very unstable, and he passed out after taking sedatives and anesthesia! You won't be given a chance to explain! You just want to die Take it here! Mr. Lu can't see your sincerity!"

"Yeah, Mr. Feng, hurry up and leave. After a long time, Mr. Lu will understand..." Although the hope is slim, he is with Ms. Gu... a person who is not easily moved by Mr. Lu, how could he let Mr. Feng go.

Feng Yu still didn't move.

"That woman in Gu Cici...that woman..." Mili didn't dare to say anything other than this sentence, after all, it's not their turn to talk about Mr. Lu's lover, but she wants to kill his brother!

"Since she can do it for the first time, she can do it for the second time. We can't move the ancient words, so we might as well accept our fate. You guys go out, I know it."

Mili: "What do you have in mind! You don't want to live, do you? Why did she do this? What kind of hatred does she have with you?!"

Qin Pin: "She deliberately left her mobile phone on the venue, she just wanted to kill you, Mr. Feng."

Mi Li: "If you don't leave, you are slipping into someone else's trap, hurry up and leave!" She can't let her wish!
Feng Yu remained motionless: "My life was saved by Mr. Lu."

When Mili heard this, thinking of his brother whom he might have lost for many years, his face was livid with anger, and he immediately called Gu Cici, and he wanted to ask her what she wanted to do, and if he knew the consequences of doing so!
The phone suddenly rang in Mr. Lu's hand.

Miri was shocked!
There was an instant silence in the ward!

Qin Pin: " phone..."

Mili hastily hung up.

Everyone was quiet, and their hearts beat faster, until it was confirmed that Mr. Lu hadn't woken up, and the three breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Mili didn't expect...unexpectedly...he could only suppress his anger, and cautiously called the Gucici studio, but no one answered.

How could she pick it up? Feng Yu was not surprised: "The doctor said when Boss Lu would wake up."

Mi Li did not give up and continued to fight: "After taking so many medicines, the doctor said that the earliest time would be midnight."

(End of this chapter)

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