The room is also pitifully small, seven or eight square meters in size, and the gas stove for cooking is at the door.

There is no washing machine in the room. If you want to wash your clothes, you can either go to the laundromat or wash it yourself.

Fu Shaoqian went to the laundromat, and there were a lot of clothes mixed together. He was pampered since he was a child, and he couldn't bear it.

He had to wash it himself, so he ran to the supermarket to buy laundry detergent.

But laundry detergent is very expensive for him now, Jiang Qi only gave him 400 yuan a month.

There is no other way, Fu Shaoqian can only buy washing powder.

When washing his underwear that night, Fu Shaoqian's palms were torn.

That night, Fu Shaoqian's heart was extremely heavy, and he would feel better only when he thought that he could spend more time with Chen Mengmeng in the future.

And soon, this goodness disappeared.

It is said that distance produces beauty, and once the distance is too close, Fu Shaoqian finds that he is also angry with Chen Mengmeng.

Before, he always came out to protect Chen Mengmeng when Chen Mengmeng was being bullied.

In his heart, Chen Mengmeng is weak and easy to be bullied. As long as Chen Mengmeng sheds tears, it is the fault of others.

The rule of "I'm weak but I'm right" was brought into full play by him in Chen Mengmeng.

It was only after he had in-depth contact with Chen Mengmeng that he discovered that Chen Mengmeng did have the ability to stir up anger.

Fu Shaoqian's lectures to Chen Mengmeng were all the most basic function questions, but Chen Mengmeng seemed to have never been exposed to functions, and could not remember many basic formulas.

Fu Shaoqian could only be patient, and start with the simplest knowledge points, but he talked about it, and Chen Mengmeng kept making mistakes.

Either the formula is used indiscriminately, or it is sloppy.

The angry Fu Shaoqian lost his temper, and his voice became louder unconsciously.

As soon as his voice raised a pitch, Chen Mengmeng bit her lip, tears pattered down on the textbook.

Fu Shaoqian's forehead twitched as he watched, trying to make her cry, but looking at her pitiful appearance, he really couldn't get angry.

In the end, Fu Shaoqian entangled himself with anger, and his face was suffocated with pimples.

Seeing that Fu Shaoqian was so angry that he couldn't speak, Chen Mengmeng felt aggrieved:

"I'm sorry, I'm too stupid and sloppy, I'm sorry!"

Hearing her apology, Fu Shaoqian was so depressed that he couldn't speak.

If you know that you are sloppy, you should pay more attention when doing the questions.

Every time he was sloppy, every time he knew he was wrong, but he just didn't correct it, he was very tired!

What annoyed Fu Shaoqian the most was that he had to pay back the pen money from that female classmate.

In the past, let alone more than 1000 yuan, even if it was [-] yuan, he would throw it out without blinking.

But since Jiang Qi kicked him out of the house, his life has been dry, and he has to search and search for breakfast. How can he have money to pay back to others.

After being urged several times by the girl, Fu Shaoqian could only tactfully ask Chen Mengmeng to pay back the money with AA, or she can take one or two hundred.

As soon as the conversation started, Chen Mengmeng's eyes were like pouring rain, tears rolled out:
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know that I've troubled you in this matter, I'm sorry Fu Shaoqian..."

She was crying so much that Fu Shaoqian couldn't talk about asking her to pay back the money.

But because of this, Fu Shaoqian felt very uncomfortable.

The pen was indeed broken by Chen Mengmeng. He said he would return it for her because he wanted to help her.

Now that he was kicked out of the house and his pocket money was restricted, it would be right to ask her to pay back the pen money, but why would Chen Mengmeng cry like he was blackmailing her.

People who didn't know about it thought he was a rogue.

But Jiang Qi didn't care what he thought, she just focused on bringing her students, and went to Qianjin's house for dinner during holidays, or took Qianjin out to play.

The daughter's name is Wen Yun, she has a grand appearance and a generous personality.

At first, Wen Yun thought that Jiang Qi always took her out to play because of Fu Shaoqian, but later he realized that Jiang Qi just wanted to play with her.

"My student said before that this hot pot tastes good. It just so happens that you are off today, so let's try it together."

Jiang Qi was very considerate to Wen Yun.

Although the original body is already a child's mother, but with proper maintenance, and Jiang Qichuan has been exercising frequently since he came here, he looks as young as Da Wenyun, who is only eight or nine years old.

Jiang Qi came into contact with Wen Yun originally to prevent her from marrying his pig-headed son, but after getting along for a long time, he suddenly felt that Wen Yun sometimes looked like Lin Rou'er.

She still misses Lin Rou'er and her parents.

Gradually, the contact became more and more frequent, almost as long as Wen Yun rested, she would habitually go to Wen Yun.

Fortunately, Wen Yun didn't seem to dislike her, and he was in a good mood when he came out with her.

Wen Yun: "My classmates also recommended it to me, but either they didn't have the time, or no one accompanied me to eat."

Her parents had a light diet, and it was even more impossible for her to eat hot pot with her.

Jiang Qi smiled: "Then if you want to eat anything from now on, just call me."

"Okay, by the way, auntie, how is Shaoqian doing recently? Are you still angry with him?"

About Fu Shaoqian and Chen Mengmeng, Jiang Qi did not hide it from Wen Yun.

After Wen Yun knew about it, he was very speechless about Fu Shaoqian's behavior.

He was kicked out of the house by Jiang Qi, he really didn't deserve it!

"Just let him fend for himself, don't mention him, it will affect his appetite."

Jiang Qi replied.

Wen Yun didn't mention it.

After eating happily, Jiang Qi went to watch an evening movie with Wen Yun before sending Wen Yun home.

When she got home, she saw Fu Shaoqian who had been waiting for some time at the door.

Fu Shaoqian's past few months can't be described in thousands of words.

In order to pay back the money, he had no choice but to find a part-time job, for which he was blindsided.

In his spare time, he had to help Chen Mengmeng with his homework. Chen Mengmeng tortured him so much that even his dreams were her cries.

He finally understood why Chen Mengmeng's classmates hated her so much.

She starts to cry when she disagrees, or keeps saying sorry, anyway, she has the look of "Although I made a mistake, but you can't say it, if you speak louder, you are hurting me", that face is It was the same as the one taken out of bitter gourd juice. After watching it too much, Fu Shaoqian felt that it was not pitiful at all, but it was bitter, so bitter that he felt like he had eaten Coptis chinensis.

Now, he felt that he had seen Chen Mengmeng's true face clearly, and he had begun to dislike Chen Mengmeng.

Therefore, he wanted to admit his mistake to Jiang Qi, and wanted to return to the Fu family and be the young master of the Fu family who could have a good life.

However, how could Jiang Qi let him come back so easily.

Now just meeting a little Baihua makes her dizzy.

If you encounter high-grade green tea in the future, you have to give all your property to others.

Jiang Qi refused to let him go back, so Fu Shaoqian was forced to continue living in the rented house depressed.

Gradually, he stopped looking for Chen Mengmeng. Every day he was either studying or working part-time to make money.

It's true, getting up earlier than a chicken, and working harder than a cow.

After feeling his indifference and grooming, Chen Mengmeng was heartbroken.

So, every time she met Fu Shaoqian during recess, she stared at Fu Shaoqian with a pair of red, tearful eyes full of accusations, just like the thousand-year-old female ghost who died wronged in ghost movies, Fu Shaoqian's scalp was numb.

In order to avoid her, Fu Shaoqian rarely left the classroom between classes.

Even so, Chen Mengmeng's resentment still lingered like a shadow.

Fu Shaoqian didn't leave the classroom, and Chen Mengmeng was lying at the door of his classroom, her sad eyes fixed on his back.

Jiang Qi still seemed to be against him, knowing that he was afraid of getting along with Chen Mengmeng now, and always asked him to tutor Chen Mengmeng in math.

The worst thing is, if he refuses, Jiang Qi will choke him with his previous words:
"Didn't you say that as long as you have a little patience, your Mengmeng will counterattack and become a schoolmaster? Then why are you impatient?"

"Isn't Chen Mengmeng the most beautiful girl in the world, don't watch it carefully, be careful that Chen Mengmeng is being bullied by bad guys again."

Fu Shaoqian: "..."

Is this his mother?

Why is it even more devil than the devil!

In order to get rid of Chen Mengmeng, Fu Shaoqian could only study hard and try to get into a university far away from Chen Mengmeng.

He thought it was easy, Jiang Qi would not let him live a happy life.

Without this Chen Mengmeng, she arranged for other Chen Mengmeng.

A year later, Fu Shaoqian was successfully admitted to a foreign university.

Because of his excellent grades, he not only received a full scholarship, but the school also waived his accommodation fee.

For Fu Shaoqian, who was almost unable to go to college because of lack of money, it was really worth celebrating with fireworks.

On the first day of school, Fu Shaoqian met a senior from the same department.

The senior sister is gentle and good-looking, with a strong classical atmosphere, and her every move is as graceful and graceful as the ancient ladies.

Soon, Fu Shaoqian fell in love with his senior sister.

After falling in love, the senior sister often prepares love bentos for him, and even knits scarves and other gifts for him.

Fu Shaoqian felt that he had met the most perfect girlfriend in the world.

In today's society, girls are so pampered that they can't tell the difference between garlic sprouts and leeks, let alone weaving scarves.

Senior sister is different, you can go from the kitchen to the hall.

Fu Shaoqian felt that Senior Sister must be his only companion in this life.

If nothing else happened, after graduating from university, he immediately married his senior sister, and gave birth to their child within one year of marriage.

Thinking about the bright future, Fu Shaoqian felt that the future was promising, and he doted on his senior sister even more.

Senior sister gave him a love bento, and he used the scholarship to invite senior sister to a high-end restaurant for a big meal.

The senior sister knits a scarf for him, and he uses the scholarship and part-time salary to buy the senior sister brand-name bags.

In short, although Fu Shaoqian has no money now, he still does everything he can to treat his senior sister well.

Soon, the scholarship ran out, and Fu Shaoqian found another part-time job.

Although it is hard work, as long as I see my senior, I am tired and happy.


Fu Shaoqian saw a pickpocketing post on the school forum.

The heroine in the post is obviously a senior.

It turned out that while the senior was falling in love with him, she was also talking with six other boys at the same time.

There are rich second generations, powerful second generations, and ordinary stinking dicks.

One a day, no duplicates for a week.

Fu Shaoqian was shocked, he didn't want to believe that the gentle and gentle senior would be a sea queen.

But the posted photos were shining evidence, he couldn't help but not believe it.

The most unacceptable and sad thing for Fu Shaoqian is——

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