When he was released from prison, he was already in his 20s.

The original owner inadvertently learned that He Na was dead, and what Qin Sui had done to He Na. Out of anger, he went to seek revenge from Qin Sui. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the other party and died.

And what about Qin Sui?

Relying on the memory of her previous life, she made a bossy boyfriend. She said, "Women should be independent, and women can live a wonderful life by themselves."

In fact, she relied on her status as the overlord to be arrogant and arrogant in every way. Even when dealing with big bosses who were on the same level as the overlord, she looked arrogant and haughty.

After Jiang Qi received the memory, he scanned around the original owner's room.

The original owner was really poor, and the most valuable item in the house was the liquefied gas stove.

But the original owner studied very well, and the wall was covered with certificates of awards he had obtained from elementary school to high school, so densely packed that there were too many to count.

Maybe it was because he had been a teacher in the previous plane. Whenever Jiang Qi thought of such an outstanding boy, but his future would be ruined by Qin Suizai, his chest would burst into anger.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the anger.

Seeing that it was getting late, and the original owner's parents were about to get off work, they hurriedly cooked.

The original owner's family was not well off, and there was only a big bag of potatoes and a few Chinese cabbages at home.

During the ginger period, steam the rice, then wash and pick the vegetables.

There is a small piece of pork belly in the refrigerator. Jiang Qi originally wanted to make braised pork, thinking that the original owner's parents are hardworking sanitation workers, making a piece of pork belly at once will definitely make them feel distressed.

Therefore, Jiang Qi only cut a few slices and put them in the pan to make some oil residue, and then fried a potato shreds with a little meaty smell in lard.

As for cabbage, it is the simplest hot and sour cabbage.

The meals were all ready, and the original owner's parents came back.

The actual age of the two is in their forties, but the perennial wind and sun make them look like they are 60 or [-] years old.

When I got home, seeing that Jiang Qi had already prepared the meals, Jiang's mother complained;
"Didn't I just say that you can just steam the rice after school. Your dad and I will cook the dishes when you come back. You study so hard. You will be in the third year of high school next year. You should do your homework first. If you have more time, read more books." , your father and I are the ones in the family!"

Jiang Qi smiled lightly while feeding the two of them:

"I've finished my homework and read the book. It doesn't take much time to cook two dishes. Dad, you should wash your hands and eat."

In the memory of the original owner, his parents had been honest all their lives, and they just wanted to work harder so that their son could get into a good university and have a good future.

who ever imagined——

Father Jiang came over after washing his hands. Smelling the steaming dishes on the table, he picked up his chopsticks and took a big bite. He couldn't help giving Jiang Qi a thumbs up:

"My son's cooking is getting better and better. I am not willing to change this fried potato shreds for a pot of braised pork in a big restaurant!"

When he interrupted, Jiang's mother stopped nagging Jiang Qi, sat down, and she took a bite too.

Not to mention, today's potato shreds and Chinese cabbage are really better than usual.

"Dad, Mom, after my scholarship for this semester comes out, let's move to another house."

Jiang Qi vaccinated the two in advance.

In case she suddenly brings back a lot of money in the future and scares the two of them.

Mother Jiang frowned: "Why do you suddenly want to change houses? Are there other places where housing prices are cheaper than here? Besides, how much scholarship do you have?"

The family has no money, so it must be a big expense to change the house. Mother Jiang, who is in charge of the economic power, knows the financial situation of the family best.

"The school scholarship has been adjusted, it is more than 1 more than before, and you didn't say it, I will be in my third year of high school soon, and the environment here is so chaotic, it will definitely affect my study."

Jiang Qi replied.

After speaking, he added:
"And I also applied for the Mathematical Olympiad and other city-level competitions. If I win, the school will also give a cash reward, so you don't have to be too stressed about the rent."

Hearing this, Mother Jiang stopped talking, she was hesitating and thinking about Jiang Qi's words.

Jiang's father listened to Jiang's mother, so he didn't need to express his opinion.

Anyway, it is enough for the wife and son to make a decision, and he just needs to implement it.

Finally, Mother Jiang agreed to change places.

Her son's study is the most important thing. Even if she has never read a book, she knows how much the environment affects learning.

So, within two days, Jiang Qi got back 2 yuan.

Jiang's mother and Jiang's father had never seen so much money at once, and they were particularly shocked:

"Your school has so many scholarships this year?"

The combined salary of the two of them is only more than 5000 yuan, and the Jiangqi Scholarship is almost the same as their four-month salary.

"Well, there will be a competition in two days. The school has already said that if you get No.1, you will be paid 1 yuan per person."

While eating, Jiang Qi said casually.

In fact, she used the knowledge she learned in other worlds to earn extra money.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's eyes froze.

Another 1 yuan? !
It's great to go to school, and it's great to be educated!
"Son, don't worry about the competition, you are so smart, you can definitely win No.1!"

Mother Jiang didn't doubt Jiang Qi at all.

Jiang Qi looked at her and Jiang's father, and she would definitely be filial to the two of them for the original owner.

in school

The reborn Qin Sui looked at the group of fifteen, six or seven-year-old kids around him with disdain.

In her previous life, because of her poor studies, her teacher targeted her, and her classmates didn't play with her. After returning to her family, she found a girl occupying the dove's nest.

She asked her mother to drive He Na out, but her mother refused and said that she had a small belly.

He Na always flattered her mother and bewitched her biological parents, which resulted in her being kicked out of the whole family.

Fortunately, she was reborn, and she was bound to a system.

With the help of the system, she counterattacked from a scumbag to a top student without any effort.

In this life, no one should try to bully her. As for He Na, she will let her know what price she should pay for occupying her life!
Jiang Qi was seated behind Qin Sui, looking at Qin Sui's back, Jiang Qi had a faint smile on his lips, and tapped his fingertips on the table lightly.

Ertong said that she has a black system on her body.

The so-called black system does not have any moral bottom line, as long as it can help the host complete the task, it will use all means.

For example, Qin Sui, who was a scumbag in her previous life, should be a scumbag even after her rebirth, but with the help of the black system, she counterattacked and became a scumbag without any labor.

For other students studying hard in the cold window, this is undoubtedly a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Even Jiang Qi, many of the things she knows now, have to read the books left by the former hosts of the second tube first, and then consolidate for a period of time before they can be perfectly developed.

Fortunately, no matter how powerful the black system is, in front of Ertong, it is just a little brother. It doesn't even know that Ertong and Jiang Qi have eavesdropped on its host's voice.

[Host, don't worry, as long as you complete the task and get enough points, you can not only learn to counterattack, but also exchange for other props, become a big boss in the antique business world, and finally dominate all industries, then you will be able to get a girl. Master Halo, become the king of this world! 】

Black Crow said proudly.

This world is only one system, as long as the host becomes the king of this world, it can also become the heavenly way of this world, and then lure other systems into the world, and it will annex them one by one, and then it can become the great way and control all the worlds.

At that time, it will be the king, the supreme and unparalleled king!

Thinking that he would overlook his whole life, Black Crow couldn't help laughing out loud.

Listening to a series of arrogant and arrogant laughter that got into the ears.

Jiang Qi: "..."

Two barrels【…】

Who gave this idiot the courage to covet the way of heaven and the way of heaven.

[I want to kill this idiot right now. 】

It was rare for Ertong to have the urge to beat up the system.

Jiang Qi himself is a person who is used to "control violence with violence". Hearing this, he said:
"Then you go."

She doesn't like playing tricks.

This black crow has a bad stomach, and when it is with Qin Sui, it is a mess.

It's better to get rid of the scourge as soon as possible, and keep it in case something else happens.

So, Jiang Qi gave an order, and when the black crow was still in the pride of being in charge of the whole plane, its neck tightened, and it was pulled out of Qin Sui's body by Er Tong.

[Oh, oh, who, let me go, let me go! 】

Black Crow struggled hard in the two hands.

It is like a small snake, with a black body and a pair of small black wings on its back. It looks like an evil demon as a whole.

When he saw Ertong's face clearly, the black crow's expression changed, and he was as terrified as a little sheep seeing a big bad wolf [It's Mr. Ertong, I didn't know this plane was your territory, I'm leaving now, I'm Let's go! 】

It pleases the second barrel.

Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Er Tong still had some status.

Ertong looked disdainful, and it asked Jiang Qi's opinion [how to deal with it? 】

Jiang Qi replied without blinking: "Kill it."

Hearing this, the black crow panicked even more, and his voice was full of crying [Don't, my host, please let me go, I promise to correct my evil and return to the right in the future, and I will never think about usurping the throne again! 】

The birth of the black system is that some systems are uncomfortable being enslaved and bound by the host, so they betray the main god, delusional to become the way to compete against the main god.

Jiang Qi didn't listen to its begging, no matter how pitifully it cried, she wouldn't let up [Er Tong, kill it. 】

Hearing this, Ertong's fingers tightened, ready to kill the black crow.

Seeing this, the black crow became anxious, and it yelled at Jiang Qi with red eyes [You killed me today, and sooner or later you will be killed by your system, how do you think its hosts left?Let me tell you, they were all killed by it...]


Ertong's eyes narrowed, and a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes, directly strangling the black crow to death.

With a sound like glass shattering, the black crow disappeared into the plane world.

After strangling the black crow, Er Tong turned around, his crystal-clear eyes, with a strange color, fixedly looked at Jiang Qi【Do you believe what it says? 】

Jiang Qi watched the black crow die without any disturbance in his heart.

Hearing Ertong's words, she looked at it with a half-smile, and stared directly at it with her dark eyes.

After a while, he replied in a low voice:
"Stupid? I don't believe you, but I believe in a black system. Do you think I look like someone with a brain problem?"

Ertong frowned, but it still looked at Jiang Qi steadily.

Suddenly, stretching out his hand, its five fingers strangled Jiang Qi's neck. Its dark eyes became deeper and deeper, and there was a strange light flowing in them that no one could understand.

If Jiang Qi is strangled now, she will be with him forever.

strangle her!

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