Hearing everyone's envy, Qin Sui felt more and more that he was different, and the unruly look on his face became more and more obvious.

The whole father and mother hurried forward to explain.

It turned out that Qin Sui was abducted on the street when he was two years old because of his family's carelessness.

In the third year after the search failed, the whole father and mother went to the orphanage to adopt a girl who was about the same age as Qin Sui.

After listening, Qin Sui felt no wavering in his heart:
"So, you adopted another girl similar to me to take my place?"

She asked in a cold tone.

She can't forget even now that in her previous life, her biological parents kicked her out of the house for He Na's adopted daughter.

In this life, she will never forgive them.

Seeing her unhappy, He father said:
"It's not a replacement. Your mother and I just want to find some comfort from your sister. Fortunately, now we have found you, Sui Sui, go home with your parents."

Looking at the two who felt guilty and remorseful, Qin Sui smiled but wasn't smiling.

It's really pretending, if you really love her, after she is lost, as parents, they should have been in deep pain and unable to extricate themselves, instead of immediately adopting a girl who is about her age.

She thought of her foolish thinking in her previous life that she would be able to win the favor of her biological parents and be the only little princess in the family when she returned to her family, and she felt that she was so stupid and hopeless.

The so-called blood relatives are nothing compared to the ten years they have had with He Na.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Sui suppressed the resentment in her chest, and said to her father and mother:
"Sister? I don't admit that there is such a younger sister. If you are really my biological parents, then send He Na back to the orphanage. The whole family will have me without her, and her without me!"

In front of everyone around him, Qin Sui responded uncompromisingly to his father and mother.

The two were stunned, they didn't expect Qin Sui to make such a request.

Although He Na is not their biological daughter, but they have been with them for more than ten years, in their hearts, He Na has long been no different from their biological daughter.

Difficulty with the mother:

"Sui Sui, Nana is a very good-tempered girl, you will definitely get along very well—"

Qin Sui interrupted her mercilessly:

"Since you are reluctant to send her back to the orphanage, why are you looking for my own daughter? I only have one request. If you want to choose an adopted daughter and continue to abandon your own daughter, please go back."

Qin Sui had expected that his father and mother would hesitate.

In her previous life, she was too stupid and always cared about their face. She was wronged by the whole family, but she couldn't bear to tell it.

But now, she couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted everyone to see how cruel and heartless her biological parents were to her biological daughter for the sake of an unrelated adopted daughter.

Standing alone, Qin Sui had a stubborn face.

People will always believe their own eyes first, rather than being deceived by the eyes to cover up the truth.

Someone began to feel sorry for Qin Sui:

"I feel so pitiful for Qin Sui. His biological parents chose to adopt a daughter instead of their own daughter. Are there really such weird parents?"

"Her request is not too much. Her parents don't agree. This is her own daughter. Why hesitate!"

"I really love Qin Sui, and I really don't know what her parents are thinking!"

Seeing that everyone supported and sympathized with him, Qin Sui's heart felt cold.

See, even her classmates thought she was the most wronged person, but in her previous life, her parents thought she was unreasonable and willful.

"How can this be weird? Don't tell me you have a cat at home, and if you pick up a dog again, will you throw away the original cat?"

Suddenly, amidst the noisy discussion, a different voice appeared.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned, and someone responded immediately:
"I definitely won't lose it. I will definitely keep cats and dogs at home together. Cats and dogs are also lives, so how can you be willing to lose them!"

"I won't lose it. My cat has been raised for so many years, so I don't want to lose it."


A figure slowly stepped out from the crowd.

With a lollipop in his mouth, Jiang Qi casually looked at Qin Sui who was frowning and staring at her, and smiled meaningfully:
"That's right, a cat can develop feelings, so why shouldn't these two aunts and uncles be allowed to develop feelings for living people?"

Everyone was silent for a short while.

I feel like what she said makes sense.

So, in a few words, everyone was like grass on the wall, and they started to stand together as father and mother.

Qin Sui stared at Jiang Qi angrily, not understanding how this person who didn't have much to do with each other would stand up and ruin her plan.

However, she couldn't refute what Jiang Qi said.

After the whole father and mother cast grateful glances at Jiang Qi, they began to persuade Qin Sui to return to the family.

The plan has been destroyed, Qin Sui originally planned to go back to his family and take back everything that belongs to him.

Hearing this, I can only agree.


If you can't get He Na away today, then after she returns to the He family, drive her out of the He family with your own hands.

As for Jiang Qi——

She cast a cold glance at Jiang Qi, bastard, she won't let him go!


Qin Sui was soon brought back to his family.

In the kitchen, He Na was busy cooking a big meal.

Parents said they would take her sister home today, and she was afraid that Qin Sui would not like her, so she decided to cook a big meal for Qin Sui to please her.

However, thinking of the anonymous text message she had received before, she was in a mess again.

Probably not.

My mother said that my sister was very well-behaved and obedient when she was a child, so she should be very gentle and kind when she grows up. As long as she doesn't make her angry, her sister shouldn't hate her.

To calm down the messy mood, He Na put the chicken soaked in cold water on the plate, and quickly dipped it in water.

Seeing that she was very nervous, the servant next to her comforted her:
"Miss, don't be nervous, the eldest lady will definitely like you."

He Na smiled stiffly.

Hope so.

The yard heard the sound of a car coming in. Through the kitchen window, He Na saw her father and mother getting out of the car with a girl.

Is it sister?
He Na, who had finally calmed down, became nervous again.

After a word of comfort, the servant hurriedly left the kitchen to greet him.

Qin Sui's face was expressionless. When the servant who trot over said that He Na was cooking in the kitchen, a trace of sarcasm flashed across her eyes.

Little Green Tea is still the same as in her previous life, so she can pretend.

Suddenly, Qin Sui had a plan in mind, she said to He Mu:

"Is she in the kitchen? Then I'll go and see this nominal sister."

Mother He didn't think much, thinking that the two girls should also get to know each other, and after agreeing, she gave the servant a wink, telling her not to disturb the two sisters in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, He Na didn't expect that Qin Sui would come to her directly, and with Qin Sui staring at her back, she didn't know what to do next.

Seeing He Na, who was obviously erratic, but asked her servants to ask for credit in front of her father and mother, Qin Sui gave a low snort, and said;
"It's you who occupy the nest and occupy my original life. How about it, the rich and noble life of the whole family is much more comfortable than the orphanage you stayed in before?"

He Na's face froze, and she suddenly turned pale.

She expected that Qin Sui would dislike her, but she didn't expect that her dislike would be so straightforward that she was not at all defensive.

She hurriedly turned around, and stammered an explanation to Qin Sui:

"Sister, no, I never thought of occupying your life. If you don't like me, I can go back to the orphanage and never show up in front of you again!"

She has always been grateful for her family.

She was already ready to accept Qin Sui's return.

Seeing He Na's frightened look as if being bullied, Qin Sui looked at her with a sneer:
"It's just the two of us here. Who are you pretending to show? My parents will be deceived by you, but I won't. Let me tell you, I'm coming back today to take back everything you took away!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Sui's face darkened, he pushed He Na away, quickly grabbed the fruit knife on the chopping board, quickly cut a bloody gash from his wrist, and then, while He Na was stunned, covered the bloody gash, terrified. run out of the kitchen;
"Help, help—"

Everyone rushed to inquire, and when the father and mother saw the bloody mouth on Qin Sui's wrist, they hurriedly sent Qin Sui to the hospital with his father without asking her what happened.

He Na stood in the kitchen in a daze, looking at the blood on the ground, unable to recover for a long time.


That mysterious man actually hit the mark!
Qin Sui really used bitter tricks to frame her!
Thinking of this, she quickly asked the housekeeper to drive her to the hospital.

Qin Sui's injury is not serious. After being bandaged, he will stay in the hospital for one night and he will be discharged tomorrow.

In the ward, she was aggrieved and scared holding her mother and crying;
"I know that you are reluctant to part with my sister, so I tried to accept my sister, who knows—huh, I thought I would just die like this."

Mother He was in a complicated mood: "What are you talking about? The doctor said it's all right. Oh, I'm so sorry, Suisui. I didn't expect Nana to do such a thing. Is there some misunderstanding between you, otherwise Nana Impossible to hurt you."

She knows He Na's temperament best.

Introverted, a little timid, soft and weak.

Getting her to hurt someone is harder than going to heaven.

When Qin Sui heard this, he became unhappy: "You say that, do you think I'm framing her?"

After finishing speaking, she pushed away Hemu, her face turned cold again:

"That's right, I knew that since she's been by your side for so many years, you will definitely choose to trust her. Anyway, I'm used to not being trusted. You guys go, I'm going to rest."

Her sudden alienation and indifference made Hemu very uncomfortable. The words she said were more like needles, which made Hemu feel sad:

"Sui, what are you talking about? How could mom not believe you? Mom just thinks there is some misunderstanding between you."

Qin Sui snorted, thinking she was ridiculous.

She was hurt like this, and her biological mother still had to defend an adopted daughter. Is this what she meant by "love"?

Then this love is really biased.

"Misunderstanding? Could there be any misunderstanding? Don't you just think that He Na is your sweetheart? She is pure, kind and harmless to humans and animals. Only me, Qin Sui, is full of scheming and a villain!"

Father He stood beside him, seeing that Qin Sui was very hostile towards himself and his wife, he didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort his wife.

Qin Sui cast a cold glance, feeling as cold as ice.

This is her good father. When his biological daughter was injured, he didn't say a word of concern.

Such parents are really superb.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

It's Hena.

She listened outside the door for a long time. Originally, she wanted to conceal the truth, because Qin Sui had just returned to his family, and it was inevitable to be hostile towards her, but what Qin Sui said to his mother made her feel very uncomfortable. Unbearable.

Pushing open the door of the ward, she didn't even look at Qin Sui on the bed, she just said to her father and mother:

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