Seeing that Xinyue got into trouble, Fu Cheng and the third son of the original owner, An Yong, hurriedly got up to apologize to Xinyue and Maier.

Seeing that people around him have started to pay attention to his group, Maier's friend persuaded Maier not to have any more troubles in Western Region dialect.

Maier could only grit his teeth to hold back his anger, he gave Xinyue a bitter look, and called the waiter to take him upstairs.

After Maier and his party left, Xinyue was still curious about the other party's strange clothes:

"I think that man's clothes seem to be very similar to the emperor's——and the concubine that the second uncle newly married."

The three of Rong Wei also felt alike.

Fu Cheng suppressed his voice and said to Jiang Qi:

"Second Master, there is blood on that man's clothes, and he looks murderous, should he report it to the police?"

Because of the King of the Western Regions, the capital was very lively these two days, and it was inevitable that some thugs would mix in and endanger the public security of the capital.

It would be bad if this group of people were also thugs.

Jiang Qi was going to let a few people report to the officials, but after hearing what Fu Cheng said, he nodded in agreement.

When Xinyue heard that Fu Cheng wanted to report to the police, she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to stop her, but after a moment of hesitation, she still didn't say anything.

Xinyue has always longed for the life in the rivers and lakes outside the palace, with swords and swords.

Today, she finally met a group of people who looked like quacks, and she really wanted to get to know each other.


If I had known earlier, I would not have brought Huang Ama out today.

How could Jiang Qi not guess what she was thinking, picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said softly:

"I saw that the leading man was full of hostility and had a fierce look on his face, but his companions were very loyal. He was also seriously injured, but he was still worried about the man's safety."

When she said this, Xinyue and the others were taken aback, not knowing what she meant by these words.


What she said is also true.

Both Fu Cheng and An Yong were martial arts practitioners, and it was obvious at a glance that the man's companion was more seriously injured.

Even in this case, the companion was still worried about the man's injury first.

Thinking of this, Ernst & Young said:
"Perhaps, that man is their master."

Jiang Qi smiled and shook his head:

"Did you see the scimitars on their waists? There are two accessories on the scimitars, which are more gorgeous than his."

In the Western Regions, adornments on weapons are also a status symbol.

The more gorgeous the adornment, the more noble the status.

Just as he was talking, the people sent by Fu Cheng to report to the officials came with officers and soldiers.

Maier and others did not expect that someone would report to the official.

Hearing the movement downstairs, a group of people immediately jumped out of the window and escaped, regardless of their injuries.

Fu Cheng and An Yong rushed to help the officers and soldiers.

Xinyue also clamored to go, and Jiang Qi, who had seen through her mind long ago, pinned her to death on the chair:
"Don't mess around, in case you get hurt, be careful that your imperial mother will take back the token of leaving the palace after returning to the palace!"

Rong Wei was also at the side persuading her.

There was no other way, Xinyue could only worry by Jiang Qi's side.

Jiang Qi drank tea and ate leisurely.

Let Xinyue go to help, there is no guarantee that she will not let Maier and others go.

Soon, with the help of Fu Cheng and An Yong, the officers and soldiers wiped out Maier and his party.

government office.

Maier and his party knelt down in the hall for interrogation.

Jiang Qi sat below, and Xinyue and the others stood beside them, curiously looking at Maier and the others kneeling below unwillingly.

Because the emperor was present, the governor was very cautious. After several questions, when he learned that Maier was actually for the new concubine Yun, he immediately panicked.

The four of Xinyue were also shocked.

Who would have thought that Maier and Yunxiang would be childhood sweethearts.

Fu Yin didn't know for a while that it was time to interrogate Maier and the others. He looked at Jiang Qi anxiously, for fear that the emperor would be angry.

Jiang Qi didn't react too much. She looked at Maier who looked like an angry beast anytime and anywhere, and suddenly thought of Qin Sui.

These two have really similar personalities.

A megalomaniac anytime anywhere.

An angry mania anytime, anywhere.

Standing up, Jiang Qi walked towards him, pausing in front of him, looking condescendingly at Maier whose face was flushed red with anger:
"Since your king has already given Yunxiang to me as a concubine, if you go to the capital to take her away, aren't you afraid that the king of the Western Regions will anger your family?"

Maier snorted coldly, his eyes seemed to be on fire, so turbulent that his eyes looked extremely scarlet:

"For Yun Xiang, I don't care about anything!"

Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this, his eyes swept over his body, and Jiang Qi's eyes swept over his companion behind him:
"What about them? What about their families? Aren't you afraid that the king of the Western Regions will do something to their families?"

Mel replied without hesitation:
"As long as it's for Yunxiang, all the sacrifices and sacrifices are worth it!"

Not to mention his family, his partner's family, even if it cost his own life, he didn't care.


He thought so, but his companions didn't think so.

They are all young, and they are full of arrogance when they are young. For the sake of the so-called loyalty of friends, they will inevitably be impulsive and reckless.

After being told by Jiang Qiyi, they couldn't help but start to worry that the king of the Western Regions would really take revenge on their family members.

And they didn't expect that in Maier's heart, the lives of them and their family members were not worth the love between him and Yunxiang.

The ridiculous thing is, in order to help Maier get Yunxiang, many of their companions died from the Western Regions to the capital.

Now, all he got in return was "As long as it's for Yunxiang, all the sacrifices and sacrifices are worth it!"

Seeing that the faces of Maier's friends became ugly, Jiang Qi curled his lips and smiled meaningfully:
"What about Yunxiang? She is a woman given to me by the king of the Western Regions, but you tell me that you and Yunxiang are childhood sweethearts, aren't you afraid that I will kill you and Yunxiang in a fit of anger?"

Mel still looked fearless.

Jiang Qi: "Don't you love Yunxiang very much? Don't you just have the heart to let Yunxiang pay with your life for your impulsiveness and recklessness?"

There are swords and swords everywhere in the palace, if people know the past between Yunxiang and Maier, they will definitely make a big fuss.

At that time, even if she had to protect Yun Xiang, Yun Xiang would still be struggling in the palace.

"For our love, even if Yun Xiang paid the price with her life, she would definitely be willing."

Mel answered firmly.

He and Yunxiang are destined by fate.

No one can tear them apart!

Jiang Qi glanced at Xinyue and the others, and had nothing to ask.

She asked Fu Yin to temporarily put several people in prison.

Then, Jiang Qi took Xinyue and others back to the palace.

On the way back to the palace, Xinyue chattered, obviously moved by the love between Maier and Yunxiang.

The three of Rong Wei did not speak.

The love between Maier and Yunxiang is touching, but his feelings make the three of them feel unspeakable discomfort.

"Then if you and Fu Yu were torn apart by me, and Fu Yu brought Rong Wei and Yong'an to rescue you from the palace, would you still feel moved?"

(It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you a happy holiday in advance)

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