Xinyue stared at him displeasedly:
"That's my Huang Ama, if it weren't for my Huang Ama's magnanimity, you are still in prison!"

Mel didn't appreciate it:

"Even without you, I can get out of prison!"

Fu Cheng and others: "..."

When the boss of the government office in the capital is a roadside stall, come out as soon as you think of it?
"All right, all right, you can do without us, then do you still want us to help you enter the palace to meet Yun Xiang?"

Ernst wanted to roll his eyes.

If it wasn't for Xinyue pestering them to help Maier, he would really be too lazy to deal with a selfish and arrogant person like Maier.

Rong Wei also doesn't like Maier's character very much.

She is also a woman, but she doesn't understand why Yun Xiang is interested in Maier.

Hearing that the four of them had a way to help him enter the palace, Maier's anger subsided. He grabbed An Yong's arm excitedly, and asked him anxiously:
"You didn't lie to me, did you really have a way to help me enter the palace?"

An Yong pushed his hand away:
"Tomorrow night, the palace will hold a birthday banquet for my empress's mother. There will be many transport vehicles entering and leaving the palace. You can dress up as a vegetable delivery guy. After entering the palace, we will take you to meet Yunxiang."

Hearing the sound, Maier spoke incoherently with excitement.

You can see Yunxiang tomorrow night, and finally see his Yunxiang!

"Although we have already made arrangements, you must listen to our arrangements after entering the palace, otherwise, let alone seeing Yunxiang, Yunxiang will even be killed by you!"

Fu Yu seriously told him.

Maier didn't know if he had listened, and kept chanting the word Yunxiang excitedly.

After Fu Cheng and An Yong looked at each other, they were very helpless.

Hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow.

The next day
As Ernst and Young said, today's palace is very lively, and the carriages and people entering and leaving are all checked very carefully.

As night fell, Maier, who was disguised, followed An Yong and others into the palace.

At the gate of the palace, soldiers checked the carriages and people as usual.

After seeing that Maier was a new face, he asked Ernst & Young:
"Third prince, may I ask who is this?"

Ernst and Young was very calm: "The little eunuch who was driving before fell ill today, so I temporarily replaced him with a new little eunuch who entered the palace."

After listening, the soldier said to Maier:

"That's it, take out the ID card, let me see."

Every little eunuch in the palace has his own identity card.

EY got Maier a fake one ahead of time.

The night was dark, and the soldiers guarding him would not check so carefully because of his status as Prince An Yong. Maier would definitely be able to get away with it.

But Maier's mind was full of clouds, and he didn't hear what the soldiers said.

An Yong frowned and patted him:
"What are you thinking, didn't you hear that you need an ID card?"

When Maier heard this, he became nervous again, and hurriedly searched for the ID card in a panic.

But it may be because I was too nervous. After finding the ID card, I didn't hold it firmly.


The badge fell to the ground.

An Yong immediately clenched his fingers, but his face remained calm.
Maier's heart flustered visibly, his heart beating out of rhythm.

Seeing this, the soldier gave Maier a strange look, and bent down to pick up the ID card.

His intuition told him that there was something wrong with the little eunuch!

Picking up the ID card, the soldier was just about to take a closer look, when a charming voice sounded not far away:

"Brother Sanhuang, why are you so slow, Rong Wei and I are waiting for you to bring us candied haws!"

It was Xinyue and Rong Wei who came to rescue them.

As soon as Xinyue interrupted, and several carriages came behind, the soldiers had no choice but to let An Yong and Maier in.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Ernst hurriedly asked Xinyue and Rong Wei to take Maier to meet Yunxiang.

in the palace

When Yun Xiang learned that Maier would enter the palace today, she was excited and excited all day long.

Restlessly waiting in the palace, Yun Xiang was very worried that Maier would be discovered by others, so she kept asking people to go outside to find out the news.

at last!

During the difficult wait, Yun Xiang saw the figure she had been looking forward to every day.

As soon as Maier saw Yun Xiang, he rushed over and embraced Yun Xiang without looking around to see if there were other people in his arms.

Rong Wei unconsciously frowned and reminded:

"You go into the palace first before hugging. It will be dangerous if the Empress or others see it."

As soon as he heard it, Maier picked up Maier directly, and walked into the hall with great strides:

"Yun Xiang is my woman, so what if someone sees her?"

He doesn't care!
Rong Wei frowned even tighter.

He is not afraid, but what about Yunxiang?
What about himself and others who helped him enter the palace?

Even Xinyue, who has always been careless and carefree, was a little shocked.

In the palace, Maier, who hadn't seen Yunxiang for a long time, hugged her excitedly and refused to let go.

For a moment.

He reluctantly let go of Yun Xiang, and confided to her his longing for these days with red eyes.

Yun Xiangting's eyes gradually became moist, and she really wanted to stay with Maier for the rest of her life.

After the two exchanged their hearts, Maier swept around Yunxiang's bedroom.

There are many luxurious decorations, which shows how much Jiang Qi loves Yun Xiang.

He watched a mass of resentment gradually build up in his chest.

Emperor Dog really dotes on Yun Xiang more than he imagined!

"Yun Xiang, did Emperor Dog touch you?"

Mel asked her hoarsely.

Thinking of the bet with Jiang Qi, Yun Xiang hesitated for two seconds before answering Maier:

"Mile, what are you thinking, are you doubting me?"

Her reaction gave Maier a bad guess.

Standing up abruptly, he grabbed Yunxiang's wrist with an angry look on his face:

"Did the dog emperor touch you? Yunxiang, I gave up everything for you, and you dare to betray me. Why did you do this to me? Why!"

He roared angrily, spraying all the saliva on Yun Xiang's face.

Yun Xiang was terrified by his furious appearance, she hurriedly explained to him:
"Mair, I didn't betray you, I really didn't, you have to believe me!"

Mel trusts only his own judgment.

Yun Xiang is so beautiful, how could the Dog Emperor not be tempted!
He didn't believe that the dog emperor would sit still in his arms against a delicate beauty!

When he thought of Yun Xiang betraying him and smiling at Qianxi at another man, he was so filled with hatred that he almost burned him to ashes.

"Do you know what I paid for you? I abandoned my family and sacrificed the lives of my companions just to take you away from the capital. How could you treat me so cruelly? How could you!"

Mel couldn't hear anything.

Now his mind is full of Yun Xiang's betrayal.

Yun Xiang felt that his wrist was about to be broken by him, she struggled and explained in pain:

"Maier, I really didn't betray you, how could I fall in love with other men except you?"

Maier sneered: "Even if you didn't fall in love with Emperor Dog, how can you prove your innocence?"

His words are too shameless.

Yun Xiang cried at his words.

How could Maier doubt her so much.


Biting her lip, Yun Xiang burst into tears.

Seeing her crying, Maier was taken aback, regretted and blamed himself.

He quickly let go of Yun Xiang, and changed his face to be gentle faster than turning the pages of a book:

"I'm sorry Yunxiang, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was too impulsive just now, so I said those things that hurt you, I'm sorry!"

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