Jiang Qi said that she would regret it sooner or later, saying that she and Maier were like wolves and sheep, a short-term harmony does not mean permanent happiness.

"Maier, if we want to live here, we must get along with everyone in peace. Can you restrain your temper and get along well with everyone?"

Enduring the discomfort in her heart, Yun Xiang patiently persuaded him.

Maier snorted coldly, apparently not listening to her words:
"They provoked me first and talked nonsense first. Why should I get along with them?"

Yun Xiang was very helpless: "They talk nonsense, it's not because you are too fierce. If you don't change your hot temper, how can we live here?"

You can't live without contact with people.

Mel didn't listen.

He was right, it was others who picked things up first.

But seeing that Yun Xiang kept speaking for outsiders, Maier's anger flared up again.

Getting up angrily, Maier said with a cold face:

"I knew you thought I couldn't give you a life of glory and wealth. If you regret it, then you can go back to the capital and continue to be your concubine!"

At his words, the piercing Yun Xiang turned pale:

"Mile, how can you say such things, I have never regretted being with you."

Maier: "Only you know what you think, I'm going to cook."

After finishing speaking, he no longer cared about Yun Xiang's injury, and got up to cook.

Looking at his back without looking back, Yun Xiang's eyes flushed.

She didn't expect Maier to become so indifferent, obviously he loved her very much in the past.

Every time she was sad or hurt, he would—

Yun Xiang paused, her face froze slightly, she racked her brains for a long time, but she couldn't think of anything Maier did to comfort her when she was sad.

He seemed to have never done anything to make her feel at ease except for being furious.

Thinking about it this way, Yunxiang's mood became more complicated and heavy.

In the following days, Maier was still too hot-tempered, and no one wanted to hire him.

But two people have two mouths and spend money everywhere, Yunxiang can only let Maier stay at home and go out to find a job by herself.

Yun Xiang was dexterous, and soon found a job as an embroiderer in a cloth shop.

Boss Buxing knew that Yun Xiang had to feed and clothe two people when she earned money alone, so he took special care of her when she started working.

Yun Xiang was very happy when she got her wages, and specially bought a pot of Nuu Hong and a roast chicken for Maier.

Unexpectedly, Boss Buxing's kindness made Maier jealous again.

Yun Xiang is from the Western Regions, with deep eyebrows and extremely good-looking looks.

On the other hand, Maier is full of hostility and looks ordinary.

Therefore, there are always people who think that Maier is not worthy of Yunxiang, and Maier also knows those gossips.

When he learned that Boss Buxing took good care of Yunxiang, he suspected that Boss Buxing had something wrong with Yunxiang.

Yun Xiang didn't expect him to have such a dirty mind that he would suspect and misunderstand the boss's good intentions, she blushed with anger, and couldn't say anything to refute.

Seeing that she was speechless, Maier became more firm in his guess. With his eyes red, he slapped away the daughter's red and roast chicken on the table, grabbed the long sword and was about to go to the cloth shop to settle accounts with the boss.

Dare to covet his Yunxiang, let's see if he doesn't kill that bad old man!
Yun Xiang hurriedly rushed over and hugged him and explained loudly:
"Maier, don't be impulsive, Uncle Chen really just gave us a few more copper coins because we saw that our life was not easy!"

Maier couldn't listen, his mind was full of images of Boss Buxing taking advantage of Yunxiang while he was away.

Thinking of this, others almost exploded with anger.

Seeing that Yunxiang still had the guts to stop him, Maier became even more furious. He gritted his teeth, grabbed Yunxiang's arm, and threw her out heavily, and then went to the cloth shop aggressively to settle accounts with the boss.

When Jiang Qi next door heard the movement, he immediately asked the maid to stop Maier.

Maier, who was furious, was something that the little maid could stop.

The neighbors saw that Maier started to go crazy again, and some people rushed to the government to ask the yamen servant for help.

Maier was not afraid of killing people, and seeing that annoying woman next door was getting in the way again, his eyes became more hostile, and without thinking, he drew out his long sword and stabbed at the maid.

There are always people who want to snatch Yunxiang from him, and Yunxiang belongs to him, he will never allow Yunxiang to be snatched away again.

The palace maid hurriedly dodged, without a weapon, she was quickly cornered by Maier.

The people watching from a distance were so frightened that their hearts rose to their throats.

Seeing that the little maid was about to die under Maier's sword, Jiang Qi, who had never wanted to show up, had no choice but to come forward to save the little maid.

Seeing Jiang Qi's face, Maier's eyes turned even redder, as if they were on fire.

Dog Emperor!
She knew that his evil intentions were not dead, and even took a portrait of his Yun Xiang again.

Anger and hatred welled up in his heart, holding the sword, at this moment, Maier only wanted Jiang Qi's life!
But how could he be Jiang Qi's opponent? While protecting the little maid, Jiang Qi dealt with Maier with ease.

Yun Xiang's foot injury has not healed before, and the injury was even more serious when she was thrown by Maier just now.

But she still limped out and was stunned when she saw Jiang Qi.

He actually lived next door to her? !

But the current situation does not allow her to be suspicious, fearing that Maier will hurt Jiang Qi and be punished by Jiang Qi, Yun Xiang shouted anxiously:

"Mel, stop!"

Maier, who was so angry that he heard her voice, felt that Yun Xiang was defending Jiang Qi, and the anger in his chest was like being poured with hot oil, and he wanted to kill Jiang Qi even more.

So, he struck harder, and every time he attacked, he stabbed Jiang Qi's fatal spot.

Jiang Qi was not a character who would get used to people. Seeing that Maier's move was fatal, she dodged Maier's entry into the palace, while pulling out the hairpin from the little palace lady's head, holding her fingers between her fingers, and going towards Maier. shot in the chest.


The hairpin pierced right into Maier's chest.

Just in time, the servants of the county government also rushed over and captured the injured Maier effortlessly.

Yun Xiang glanced at Jiang Qi, endured the confusion in her heart, and ran to check on Maier's injury.

Jiang Qi's attack was not too harsh. Although he stabbed Maier in the chest, it was not deep enough to be fatal.

The yamen servant sent him to the hospital to treat his injuries. As for Jiang Qi——

After Jiang Qi revealed his identity, the yamen servant and the county magistrate were in a state of panic.

Jiang Qi told them not to reveal their identities, so he went to the hospital.

In the medical hall

The doctor had already treated Maier's injury, and Jiang Qi returned the hairpin he had pulled out to the little maid.

The little maid was full of disgust, so she didn't want it!
Jiang Qi had no choice but to throw her a little silver and ask her to buy a new hairpin by herself.

With the broken silver in her pocket, the little palace maid happily went to buy a new hairpin.

After the little maid left, Yun Xiang looked at Maier, who was unconscious from the anesthetic, and looked at Jiang Qi complicatedly. She wanted to ask him too many questions, but for a while, she didn't know what to ask.

Jiang Qi knew her doubts, but she didn't intend to explain too much to her, so she called the doctor:

"Please show this lady another look at the ankle injury. The medical expenses will be paid by me."

Yun Xiang was afraid that Maier would be jealous when she woke up, and just about to refuse, she heard Jiang Qi's irresistible voice:

"If you don't want your feet, just say no."

Yun Xiang could only ask the doctor to treat her foot injury.

During the whole process, Jiang Qi sat on a chair not far away, drinking tea slowly, without even glancing at Yun Xiang's face.

The little maid came back soon after buying the hairpin. It was emerald green and the color was very beautiful. She was happily showing off to Jiang Qi how she bargained with the stall owner.

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