I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 19 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 3

Chapter 19 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 3

The belt missed Jiang Qi, she flipped her wrist, and in the blink of an eye, the belt was in Jiang Qi's hands.

This was Jiang Qi's first resistance, and Chen Qiang glared in disbelief:

"Jiang Qi, what are you doing?"

Jiang Qi ignored him, grabbed the tail of the belt, sneered, and lashed his face with a whip.

Chen Qiang was stunned on the spot.

The belt wasn't enough, so Jiang Qi kicked him over again, gritted his teeth, and hit him with a meteor butterfly fist, bang bang bang.

When beating Chen Qiang violently, she obviously felt that she was not like herself at this moment, but a bit like the host character in a book she had read in the void space before, but Jiang Qi did not suppress this force.

This kind of scum, his head was smashed.

However, all the hits she hit were skillful, so she wouldn't kill him, and she punched to the flesh, and hit the most painful places.

While beating him desperately, Jiang Qi stepped on Chen Qiang's head and asked him heartbroken:

"Knowing that our mother wants to eat salty food, why don't you make more money and open a salt farm to feed our mother salt?"

"Our mother is working so hard, why do you only know about work, why don't you go home and serve our mother?"

"You know mom wants to eat bass, why don't you build a fish pond for mom?"

She said why at a mouthful, and then swung her fist down.

The fists were banging, it was like a muffled sound of fists, and the fists had landed.

Open your mouth and shut up, it's hard work, is it caused by her?

Before getting married, I didn't hear him say that being a mother is not easy. After getting married, I said that being a mother is not easy.

Some men, in terms of morality, really stand at the top for thousands of years!

When Chen's father and Chen's mother saw the weak and deceitful Jiang Qi, they dared to beat their precious son, and rushed over angrily and anxiously to beat Jiang Qi violently.


A cold light flashed, and a fruit knife ran along Chen Qiang's crotch and plunged into the floor.

The blade went straight into the floor!
Jiang Qi, who was heartbroken one second, looked cold like a murderous god the next second.

Whoever dares to come over, she will immediately cut off the bags of his descendants!

The scalp of the three of them went numb, and they froze in place.

Especially Chen Qiang, his teeth were so frightened.

Damn, his lifeblood!
Just a millimeter away!

However, the so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

The three of them were afraid, but Chen Tongtong, who was only four years old, was not.

Seeing his grandparents and father being bullied by Jiang Qi, a bad woman, he waved his fists and rushed towards Jiang Qi with grinning teeth:
"Bad woman! If you dare to bully my father, see if I don't beat you to death!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Qi slapped him backhand, making him roll three times on the ground.


The Chen family: "..."

This woman is crazy!
How dare she beat her husband, and even her own son, is she still a woman?
But looking at Jiang Qi who seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, Chen's father and mother, who had always been superstitious, were frightened.

Could it be that he was possessed by a demon?

Neither of them dared to go up to fight, Chen Qiang was beaten up and screamed, the tears in his eyes were twinkling and sparkling.

But the louder he yelled, the more excited Jiang Qi became:

"Scream, if you break your throat, no one can save you today!"

Chen's father and Chen's mother were very distressed when they saw their son was beaten so helplessly:

"Don't hit, if you hit again, you will die. Tong Tong is still watching!"

Glancing at Chen Qiang, who had already been beaten so hard that he couldn't make a sound, Jiang Qi felt a little better.

Clapping her hands and standing up, she glanced at the three people who looked at her like a ghost:

"What can kill someone, just beat him a few times, isn't he still alive?"

After reading so many books left by the former hosts, she concluded a truth.

Husband, if you don't fight for a day, your bones will be cheap.

If you don't fight for three days, go to the house to uncover the tiles.

Beating her husband every day makes her happy like a fairy.

Besides, as far as his injury was concerned, it was not as serious as the original owner.

The original owner was beaten and had a miscarriage, and the bridge of the nose and ribs were also broken.

After finishing speaking, he kicked Chen Qiang twice, and asked him angrily:

"Hey, are you still alive?"

If you are out of breath, dig a hole and bury it, and then change your husband.

Chen Qiangsheng was afraid of being beaten again, so he quickly moaned twice.

Seeing that he was still alive, Jiang Qi smiled and said good, then his eyes fell on Chen's mother's face:
"Mom, didn't you just say that the food was too sweet, wait, I'll get you something delicious now!"

After finishing speaking, he walked into the kitchen.

Mother Chen didn't know what kind of demon she was going to do.

In the kitchen, Jiang Qi came out soon.

Carrying a bag of white elephant salt in his hand, he walked to the dining table and poured half of the bag of salt into the fried pork and bean sprouts.

After pouring, he greeted Chen's mother with a smile:

"It's not sweet now, hurry up and eat."

Mother Chen: "..."

Is this trying to salt her to death?
She doesn't eat.

Also, after beating her son like this, how could she be in the mood to eat.

In short, if Jiang Qi knelt on the ground and begged her to forgive, she wouldn't even eat a bite!
Seeing that she couldn't come, Jiang Qi smiled and pulled his hands behind his back.

In the next second, he grabbed a bone chopping knife and smashed it into the dining table with a click.

The Chen family was shocked!

That's marble, but neither a kitchen knife nor an ax can cut it in!

"Mom, this is a meal specially cooked for you by your daughter-in-law. Don't you really want to take a bite?"

Holding the knife handle, Jiang Qi squinted his eyes and looked at Mother Chen with a smile.

With that posture, Mother Chen had no doubt that if she didn't eat, Jiang Qi would stab her with a knife in the next second!

Swallowing her saliva, Mother Chen sat down at the dining table in fear, picked up the chopsticks, and began to swallow the food with difficulty.


Salty to bitter!

Mother Chen couldn't swallow it.

On the opposite side, Jiang Qi held a knife:

"Mom, is the dish specially cooked for you by your daughter-in-law delicious?"

Jiang Qi stared at her with bright eyes, how dare Mother Chen say it was not delicious:
"It's delicious, it's delicious! It's delicious!"

Does she dare to say it's not delicious?
This woman is really bewitched!
She has to find a chance to find a master to help.

Seeing that Jiang's family members were all afraid of him, Jiang Qi was satisfied.

After eating, seeing Chen Qiang lying on the ground unable to get up, she walked over, kicked him, and cursed viciously:

"I don't have long eyes, I can't see that my mother and I have finished eating, so hurry up and wash the dishes!"

Jiang Qi, whose force value suddenly exploded, absolutely suppressed the Jiang family.

Chen Qiang was in pain from being kicked, but he didn't dare to resist, so he could only reluctantly get up to wash the dishes.

Seeing Jiang Qi's domineering manner, Father Chen, who was not beaten, couldn't stand it.

Since ancient times, where men work in the kitchen truth.

What about Fu Gang?
What about the dignity of a man?

This kind of work should be done by women!

As soon as his neck was raised, he forgot that Chen Qiang's picture before:

"What's going on with you? How can you let your man wash the dishes? Are you still a woman?"

"Qiangzi works hard every day to earn money at work, and when he gets home, he still has to wash the dishes and serve you. Is there anyone like you who makes you a wife?"

Glancing at him, Jiang Qi peeled the fruit with a kitchen knife:

"If he doesn't wash it, can I wash it? I take care of this big family at home every day. Is it easy for me? Isn't he just going to work, what's the hard work?"

"If he thinks it's not easy to go to work, then he will take care of you at home, and I will go to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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