Chapter 35 Group pet 2
Like the arrogance of the upper class when they look at the lower class.

But soon, the two realized that they shouldn't show such expressions to their own daughters.

The graceful and luxurious Mother Jiang stood up, and greeted Jiang Qi with a smile:
"You are Ah Qi, I am your mother, and this is your father."

It was obvious that blood was thicker than water, but Jiang Qi wanted to laugh at his alienation and politeness.

Seemingly realizing that she greeted her too bluntly, Mother Jiang looked back at Father Jiang in embarrassment.

Seeing his wife begging for help, Father Jiang stood up and said indifferently:
"Is everything packed? Let's go back then."

Jiang Qi: "Oh."

Then, with a backpack on his back, he followed the two into the car back to Jiang's house.

After getting in the car, Jiang Qi took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to his adoptive father:

"Dad, my biological parents came to pick me up and gave 60 to my mother. I won't be with you in the future. You have to take care of yourself."

After posting, block all the contact information of the adoptive parents.

Then she went to the mailbox, and what she didn't expect was that the resume that was sent more than ten minutes ago had already received a reply.

The other party expressed their interest and was willing to meet and talk in detail, and wrote their contact information in the reply.

Without hesitation, Jiang Qi decisively added WeChat.

The car is a RV, with three rows of seats, Jiang's mother and Jiang's father are in the last row.

Seeing Jiang Qi who was sitting in the second row fiddling with his mobile phone, Jiang's father was not very happy:
"Your name is Chen Qi. Now that you're back at Jiang's house, you'll be called Jiang Qi from now on. The elder is in front of you. What do you mean by looking at your phone all the time?"

No manners, no basic tutoring?

Jiang Qi had already added the other party's WeChat account. Hearing Jiang's father's accusation, he put the phone back in his trousers bag, turned around, and looked at him with a smile:
"Then I won't read it, I don't know what you want to talk to me about?"

Father Jiang: "..."

Unexpectedly, she was so straightforward. Father Jiang really didn't know what to talk to her all of a sudden.

To say that he has no feelings for this biological daughter.

Jiang's father is well-known as a madman who spoils his wife, especially when he was young, for Jiang's mother, he did a lot of things to become a beauty in anger.

And when his wife gave birth back then, he only cared about his wife. Once the child was born, let alone hugging, he didn't even look at it.

So, strictly speaking, today was the first time he met his biological daughter.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting awkward, Mother Jiang hurriedly spoke out to calm the atmosphere:
"Ah Qi, you are your parents' biological daughter, we can chat a lot."

"However, you don't know that there are three older brothers and one younger sister at home. It just so happens that they are all at home today. My younger sister knew that you were coming back today, so she prepared a lot of presents for you a long time ago. You will definitely like them."

The younger sister Jiang's mother mentioned was Jiang Qi's adoptive mother's biological daughter, the fake daughter Jiang Yao.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi pretended to be surprised:
"You also gave birth to a younger sister, who should be one or two years younger than me?"

After the original owner gave birth to the next child, there must be at least one year difference.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother frowned suddenly, always feeling that she was connoting their precious Yaoyao with yin and yang.

But staring at Jiang Qi for a long while, she didn't seem to be faking her surprise.

Father Jiang, who thought he was the best at guessing other people's hearts, could only explain Jiang Yao's identity to her.

Jiang Qi suddenly realized, and didn't ask about Jiang Yao.

For Jiang Yao, she never even expressed any anger.

Jiang's mother and Jiang's father looked at each other, and they couldn't figure out how Jiang Qi thought of Jiang Yao.

In the car, the atmosphere was silent.

After a while, Mother Jiang couldn't hold back.

She still felt that she had to explain some things to Jiang Qi first, so as not to cause conflicts in getting along in the future.

"Ah Qi, Mom knows that you have been wronged a lot in the Chen family these years, but in the future, with your parents and brothers around, no one dares to bully you again!"

Mother Jiang said softly:
"There is also Yaoyao, she is also a victim of this incident, so mother hopes that you will not hate Yaoyao, and hope that you can get along well with Yaoyao, can you?"

The reason why she said that was actually out of selfishness, Mother Jiang didn't want Jiang Yao to be hurt.

Jiang Yao was brought up by her since she was a child, and the depth of her affection is not comparable to that of Jiang Qi, her biological daughter who has been separated for more than ten years.

She was afraid that after Jiang Qi returned to the Jiang family, he would bully and run Jiang Yao by virtue of his Jiang family blood.

Yaoyao is gentle and kind, and if she is wronged, she will definitely not tell them.

"Then I live on campus and try not to appear in front of her."

Jiang Qi responded calmly.

Out of sight out of mind.

Upon hearing this, Mother Jiang became anxious, her eyes turned red all of a sudden:

"Ah Qi, Mom didn't mean that, you misunderstood Mom!"

Seeing Xiaojiao's wife's eyes turned red, Jiang's father was heartbroken.

For Jiang Qi, he suddenly escalated from indifference to dislike.

"Why did you talk to your mother? Yaoyao is your sister, and she just wants you to love her a little when you get home. Isn't this what you should do as a sister?"

Subconsciously, in Jiang's father's heart, Jiang Qi, who was born almost at the same time on the same day of the same year, was older than Jiang Yao, and wanted to protect his younger sister Jiang Yao.

Jiang Qi, who has lived for three lifetimes, never knew that his parents were eccentric, and they could be so weird.

Especially, she and Jiang Yao, she is the biological daughter.

It was Jiang Qi who had suffered in the Chen family for more than ten years!

Let her go back to Jiang's house, just don't care about her, and let her protect and love the fake daughter.

No wonder the original owner died of depression.

There is such a clear-eyed parent and mother, whoever changes, "will not die well".

Glancing at the two of them, Jiang Qi didn't bother to talk to them anymore, took out his phone, and answered the man's question.

Jiang's father comforted the wronged Jiang's mother, and wanted Jiang Qi to apologize to his wife, but seeing Jiang Qi fiddle with his phone without looking up, he blew his beard and stared angrily.

An hour later, the car finally arrived at Jiang's house.

And it was nine o'clock late.

In the villa, apart from the servants, Jiang Yao and the three sons of the Jiang family were not there.

Mother Jiang asked the housekeeper.

The housekeeper glanced at Jiang Qi with a hint of disgust before replying:
"The three young masters knew that the young master and his wife were going to take Miss Chen home today. They were afraid that the eldest lady would be in a bad mood, so they took the eldest lady to travel abroad."

The housekeeper also watched Jiang Yao grow up.

In his eyes, Jiang Yao is the only eldest lady of the Jiang family.

As for Jiang Qi, he was the intruder trying to occupy Jiang Yao's identity.

He doesn't like it very much.

Hearing that Jiang Yao was really sad because of Jiang Qi's arrival, Jiang's mother, who had just stabilized her emotions, fell into deep self-blame again.

She snuggled into Father Jiang's arms and sobbed:
"What should I do husband, Yaoyao isn't really mad at us, is she? She won't do anything stupid, right? She has grown up so much, she has never left home without saying hello, does she not want us? "

When she said this, she didn't care about the feelings of her biological daughter at all.

(End of this chapter)

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