Chapter 53 Demon Race Bloodline 6
Jiang Qi seemed lazy and casual, but he was actually the most aggressive and domineering of the four of them.

In the past, when the master and the old elders were alive, she dared to put their hips on their hips and yell at them if they made a slight mistake.

Let alone Jun Le Yao.

"I didn't bully her, I just punished her according to the sect's rules, is there anything wrong?"

Throwing away the fire stick, Jiang Qi asked.

Although Jun Leyao was beaten badly and Xuan Yun looked very angry, Xie Yan and Chang Qing really couldn't find Jiang Qi's fault.

The two could only persuade Xuanyun.

Xuan Yun didn't say a word, he gave Jiang Qi a cold look, his eyes were gloomy and cold.

He raised his long legs and walked in front of the injured Jun Leyao, hugged her, and left without looking back.

As soon as Xuan Yun left, Xie Yan couldn't help complaining to Jiang Qi:

"Although Master Nephew Le Yao provoked you, she is Xuan Yun's only disciple after all, how could you strike so hard?"

Jiang Qi slapped the dust on his palm indifferently:

"It's not important, how do you call it punishment?"

The explanation is speechless.

Changqing glanced around, then lowered his voice, and asked her meaningfully:

"Junior Sister, there is no one else here. Tell Senior Brother the truth, are you jealous because Xuan Yun gave the jade pendant to Le Yao, so you are targeting Le Yao?"

They know Jiang Qi's feelings for Xuan Yun

Hearing this, Jiang Qi was so shocked that his pupils quaked.

Clutching her chest, she took two steps back, astonished that her thoughts had been exposed:
"Brother, how do you know?"

Changqing understood immediately, and just as he was about to speak, Jiang Qi put away the panic on his face, and pulled his delicate Bai Le lover into his arms, pointing his slender and beautiful fingers at Bai Le's delicate and soft face. rubbed his cheeks:
"Senior brother, look, is it because my beloved student is not cute, or the little drug boy in my yard is not caring, who do I like, and I want to hang myself on that crooked neck tree in Xuanyun?"

Aren't lovers fragrant?
Is the drug boy not good?
She is not blind.

Bai Le's heart tightened when he heard this, and his face quickly blushed.

isn't it?
Master actually has something wrong with her?


She only wanted to be her apprentice, but she——


Thinking of the inviolable Shangxian trembling under her, with tears in her eyes, and her voice trembling like the wind and rain destroying duckweed, she was inexplicably excited.

in fact.

It's not impossible~
Jiang Qi, who was completely ignorant of her lover's thoughts, was still idly leaning on her lover's body, playing with her thin braids with a hidden smile in her eyes, looking at the direction Xuanyun was leaving, she suddenly said:
"However, I really don't like Jun Le Yao~"

and so.

She bullies her.

Even her master can't do anything, what can Jun Leyao do to her?

Thinking of Jun Leyao's expression of being unwilling just now, but being beaten up by her and screaming, Jiang Qi felt relieved for a while.

On the other side, Xuan Yun took Jun Le Yao back to the bedroom.

Looking at Jun Leyao who was beaten all over by Jiang Qi, Xuan Yun's eyes were full of distress that couldn't be concealed.

Lying on the bed, Jun Leyao's painful face turned pale, and bursts of painful groans escaped from her lips.

Xuan Yun didn't delay any longer, he quickly fetched the ointment and applied it to Jun Le Yao.

Jun Leyao was shy and nervous:
"Master, I—I will do it myself!"

Xuan Yun coldly refused:

"How did you come by yourself?"

Jun Leyao could only bite her lip, blushing and let Xuan Yun take off her clothes.

The clothes came off, revealing bloodstains underneath.

Jun Leyao's skin is very fair, without any blemishes, and the bright red bloodstains are all over her back, which is particularly shocking.

Xuan Yun felt more and more distressed when he saw it.

Damn Jiang Qi, he hit so hard!
Taking a little ointment on his fingertips, he gently spread the ointment evenly on Jun Leyao's wound.

The ointment was cold, and Jun Leyao's body trembled slightly after being stimulated.

Xuan Yun didn't speak, but quietly smeared.

His eyes fell on Jun Le Yao's wound, and then slowly swept to other places.

Concave and convex, well-proportioned.

This is the first time he has seen a woman's body.

Unexpectedly delicate and soft.

As if made of the light of the moon.

Gradually, his calm and indifferent gaze became more charming and lustful.

"Master, what happened today is my fault. I just wanted to use the orchid grass to cook delicious food for you. I didn't expect to make Master Bai Qi unhappy. I'm sorry!"

Lying on the bed, Jun Leyao said in a muffled voice.

Xuan Yun hummed heavily, his voice was not as cold as it used to be.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jun Leyao panicked.

Master is not angry with her, is he?
She propped herself up anxiously and looked up at Xuanyun, but was frightened by Xuanyun's desire-filled appearance.

Master looks so scary!
As if to eat her!

Although scared, Jun Leyao was looking forward to being eaten by Xuan Yun.


The days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the once-a-month competition.

Bai Le was in high spirits.

Although Jiang Qi is very fierce, she is conscientious in teaching.

Bai Le is very confident that he can win No.1 in this competition.

"Master, just wait, if this disciple doesn't get the first place today, he will be punished by Master tomorrow!"

Holding the wine gourd, Bai Le was full of confidence.

The drug boy smirked and joked next to him:
"Then you should be careful. Master punishes people with one set of methods. Don't cry and ask me to pack your bags for you and go down the mountain!"

Bai Le rolled her eyes angrily:

"Whoever cries is a big black pig! I'm sure I'll be number one!"

Jiang Qi was on the sidelines, watching the two quarrel with a smile.

Soon, the test will begin.

The test is very simple.

In the first round, all the disciples gathered in a huge arena and fought in groups.

Use the magic weapon casually, and stop when you click it, and you must not take people's lives.

The ten people who persisted until the end will be compared in pairs by drawing lots.

There is only No.1 in the competition.

This month's No. 1 prize is very tempting. It is the Body Tempering Pill that Jiang Qi personally refined.

Jiang Qi is not only in charge of human love, but also a master of alchemy.

And the Body Quenching Pill is a rare sacred object for purifying the essence and cutting the marrow.

After learning that the prize was Body Tempering Pill, the disciples of Wenxinzong were all excited, and they all tried their best to win the first place.


There are winners and there are losers.

After a stick of incense, there were not many people on the ring.

Bai Le and Jun Le Yao are still on it.

Bai Le relied on his strength to fight until now, but Jun Leyao's victory was invincible.

She is Xuan Yun's disciple, once on stage, when someone touches her, Xuan Yun's piercing eyes will stab her, making those disciples who want to do something to her fearful.

However, others are afraid of her, but she is not afraid of others.

After seeing Xuanyun pampering and protecting herself, Jun Leyao began to strike at others recklessly.

As a result, many people were lightly pushed off the stage by her.

Those who lose dare not speak up.

Who made them the suzerain's disciples.

Jun Leyao happily became a happy little rabbit.

Xuan Yun looked at her dotingly, with tenderness in his eyes and face.

This is his apprentice, and even his only true love in this life. Even if she has demon blood in her body, he will definitely do his best to protect her!
He believed that under his teaching, Jun Leyao would definitely not fall into the devil!

In the arena, Jun Leyao also wanted to push Bai Le, but Bai Le was not afraid of her, so he slapped her with his backhand, turning Jun Leyao's "salted pig's trotter" into a "braised pig's trotter".

Jun Le Yao was annoyed.

Outside the arena, Xuan Yun's gentle face was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

How dare he hit his lover!
Don't want to live?
A terrifying coercion pressed towards Bai Le.

However, Bai Le was not overwhelmed.

Instead, a more turbulent and majestic force collided with Jun Leyao.

Xuanyun's face panicked in fright, and he hurried to protect Jun Leyao.

After confirming that Jun Leyao was safe, Xuan Yun followed the force and saw Jiang Qi who was smiling like a fox with his eyes squinted.

"Brother, can't you afford to lose?"

With his jaw propped up, Jiang Qi had a half-smile, a sarcasm on his face.

Xuan Yun's anger rose, he snorted coldly with a gloomy face, and ignored Jiang Qi.

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(End of this chapter)

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