Chapter 59 Anti-crematorium 3
Not only betrayed the original owner, but also left his one-year-old son in a private car for a private meeting with Lu Jiayan.

The scorching sun caused the temperature inside the car to rise sharply. If a passerby hadn't smashed the window in time, the original owner's son would have suffocated to death in the private car.


However, instead of being suffocated to death in a private car, she still died indirectly at the hands of her biological mother.

After Lu Jiayan won the Best Actor Award, he lied to Meng Wanqing, saying that as long as the original owner's son was dealt with, he would be with her.

Because he couldn't bear that Meng Wanqing had other children.

Meng Wanqing, who was dazzled by the scumbag's love, really murdered her son.

She tried to poison her own son to death with a gas leak, and then cleared her suspicions, but when she ran away, she found out that the door lock had been tampered with by Lu Jiayan.

When the original owner came back, the apartment had already exploded due to a gas leak, and the entire apartment was already on fire.

In order to save his wife and children, the original owner rushed into the fire——

Meng Wanqing didn't believe it:
"How could you possibly know?"

After finishing speaking, she realized that she had slipped her words, and hastily denied:

"No, no. Husband, I didn't betray you, I didn't do those things, you believe me, I only have you in my heart, I really didn't do anything to be sorry for you!"

Jiang Qi: "The photos are clearly taken, Meng Wanqing, why didn't I know you still have such a slutty side?"

She is cold and indifferent to her husband, and if she touches her, she will die, just like a chaste and strong woman.

When she was with a scumbag, her enthusiasm was like fire, and she wished that the other party would eat her up.

Meng Wanqing's face turned pale, she cried and begged Jiang Qi for forgiveness:
"Husband, I know I was wrong. It was all the mistakes I made when I was ignorant. For the sake of little Bao'er, forgive me, okay?"

No matter how sweetly she cried, Jiang Qi didn't feel bad:
"Now that I know I was wrong, what did you do before? Didn't you use to call me QJF every day? Meng Wanqing, don't forget that when you were drugged and thrown into my room, it was your best first love and peerless best friend who did it. Since we are going to divorce now, I'd better return this pot of dirty water to you."

I made friends carelessly, was drugged, and betrayed. Instead of finding out the truth, I resented the original owner instead.

The original owner is really a great grievance!

Meng Wanqing continued to cry, her face covered with tears and snot.

Jiang Qi was upset when he heard that, and looked at the lawyer who was about to eat melons:

"Draft the divorce agreement as soon as possible. I don't want any of her money. She will never take my money and my son away!"

The lawyer nodded quickly and agreed decisively.

Jiang Qi's evidence was sufficient, and Meng Wanqing left the house without leaving the house. That was a sure thing.

Soon, the divorce between Jiang Qi and Meng Wanqing became a hot topic.

Jiang Qi didn't press this matter down.

There is nothing to press.

It was Meng Wanqing who cheated, and she was also the one who lost face.

Not only that, Jiang Qi also sold the photos of Meng Wanqing cheating on Lu Jiayan to the newspaper at a high price.

Best value for money!
Never waste!

Soon, Meng Wanqing and Lu Jiayan's reputation was discredited, and the whole network could not wait to scold them to death with spit.

Especially fans of Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi had suffered a lot of infamy for Meng Wanqing.

Not only did Meng Wanqing never defend Jiang Qi, but she also allowed her fans to tease Jiang Qi eccentrically, saying that Jiang Qi chased her first, that Jiang Qi was a dog licker, and that Jiang Qi was able to marry Meng Wanqing because he must have used his status as a film star to force Meng Wanqing.

Now that the truth has been exposed, Jiang Qi's group of fans who have been aggrieved for a long time can be regarded as sternly angry:

[Where are the fans of Little Fairy?Why don't you come out and call?Didn't it mean that your fairy is peerless and pure?Come out and keep calling! 】

[The male god is finally divorced, I have long felt that Meng Wanqing is not good enough for the male god, the tea is full of tea]

[I said that every drama that Little Fairy acted in later, why is the male lead Lu Jiayan, dare to bully my boys for being too gentle, and openly pampering the little boy! 】

【That Lu Jiayan is not a good guy either, someone picked him up to drink a cup of milk tea with Little Fairy's assistant before】

[Let me break the news, Little Fairy, Lu Jiayan, and Little Fairy's assistant, these three were college classmates before~]

[Hold the grass!Is what you said above true? 】


Looking at the endless insults and taunts on the Internet, Meng Wanqing was so angry that she almost crushed her phone.

After the divorce, she was mercilessly kicked out of the Jiang family by Jiang Qi, and the TV series and endorsements she was filming were also terminated by the company.

Meng Wanqing, who has no income, can only rent a small apartment of more than 30 square meters.

She called Jiang Qi a lot, but Jiang Qi not only didn't answer, but later blocked her directly.

Meng Wanqing didn't give up, so she ran to Jiang Qi's apartment to find Jiang Qi, and Jiang Qi directly asked the security guard to blow her away.

As a result, Meng Wanqing became another trending search.

She didn't expect Jiang Qi to be so cruel.

She knew she was wrong, and she told him that she would change it. Why is he so fussy?
Could it be that the love he said before was all fake?
No, she absolutely can't just leave the Jiang family.

She also gave birth to a son for the Jiang family!
Tomorrow she will go to Jiang's old house to find Xiao Bao'er, and let Xiao Bao'er speak well for her, and Jiang Qi will definitely let her go back to Jiang's house.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Lu Jiayan post a Weibo:
"Because I was filming in the mountains and there was no communication equipment, I only found out today what happened on the Internet in the past two days. The matter between me and Ms. Meng Wanqing was actually framed by Ms. Meng Wanqing. Before that photo in the hotel, we Because of the intersection of work, I drank alcohol, but what I didn't expect was that Ms. Meng Wanqing actually drugged my drink..."

There are hundreds of words in the back.

Anyway, it's all about shirking responsibility and throwing dirty water.

Qin Jianing also stood up to prove that it was Meng Wanqing who designed Lu Jiayan.

Lu Jiayan also posted a lot of chat screenshots.

Section after section of screenshots are all Meng Wanqing kneeling and licking Lu Jiayan.

Meng Wanqing's angry face twitched.

Lu Jiayan clearly took some screenshots one-sidedly, deliberately throwing the pot away.

But she couldn't help it. Before her rebirth, she was worried that Jiang Qi would find evidence of her affair with Lu Jiayan. Every time she finished chatting with Lu Jiayan, she would delete the chat data.

Now, a few days after she was reborn, the chat evidence on the phone is not enough to prove that Lu Jiayan is lying.

She could only call Lu Jiayan angrily.

On the other side of the phone, Lu Jiayan's face was gloomy and scary.

That idiot Meng Wanqing actually let Jiang Qi find out about her affair with him.

Lu Jiayan's statement did not lie in one thing.

That is, he was really filming in the deep mountains and wild forests.

Otherwise, it would have been public relations in the first place.

Just in time, Meng Wanqing called.

As soon as the connection was made, Lu Jiayan cursed angrily:
"Meng Wanqing, you idiot, what did you do and how did Jiang Qi find out? Let me tell you, if you can't solve this matter, you won't even think about marrying me!"

(End of this chapter)

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