Chapter 64
Isn't there a simple one-and-done solution?
Father Hu helplessly shrugged:

"I can't help it. If the practice is simple, wouldn't there be goblins with thousands of years of cultivation everywhere? Unless—"

Mother Butterfly slapped him suddenly and interrupted him:
"Are you hungry? I'll go and prepare food for you."

Papa Hu came to his senses and nodded quickly:
"Hungry, hungry, go get something to eat!"

so close!

I almost slipped my mouth!
My daughter likes Wen Sheng so much, if I let her know, it will be over!

Hue Ling'er is smart, but the two of them's clumsy acting skills have not deceived her.

She flew to Papa Hu and Mama Hu:
"Don't go! Dad, do you know how to quickly transform into a human form? If you don't tell me, I will never let you go today!"

The daughter is delicate and stubborn.

Father Hu and Mother Hu also knew that if they didn't tell her today, she would definitely not let it go.

Mother Hu glared at Father Hu resentfully, and said:
"It's not impossible to transform into a human form if you don't want to cultivate, but the method is very dangerous, unless you can grab a demon pill with a thousand-year cultivation base!"

If you eat the other party's demon pill, you can become a human.


Monsters with thousands of years of cultivation, how could little goblins like them be able to beat them.

If you can fight well, you won't be unable to transform into a human form!
Therefore, this method is equivalent to nothing.

However, Huo Linger's eyes lit up after hearing this.

She can't beat the snake demon, but Brother Jiang Qi can!

Brother Jiang Qi loves her so much, he will definitely agree!
Father Hu and Mother Hu also think that what she thinks is very feasible.

Huo Ling'er's mood immediately improved, and she ate and went to sleep.

The next day, Huo Ling'er couldn't wait to find Jiang Qi.

Unfortunately, she missed again.

Huo Linger was not happy.

What the hell is Brother Jiang Qi doing?
She couldn't find him yesterday, and she couldn't find him today, so why would she find him whenever she had something to do!

Didn't he say that he would always guard her and always appear by her side when she needed it?

you lied!
Forget it, let's go to Wen Sheng first.

Huo Linger went down the mountain.

Jiang Qi is also down the mountain.

Anding Restaurant is near the lake. Jiang Qi ordered a jug of wine and two small dishes. He put one leg on the bench, held a small wine glass, squinted his eyes, and listened comfortably to the guqin playing in the private room on the second floor. Voice.

The diners unconsciously lowered the sound of dining, and enjoyed the melodious sound of Guqin very comfortably.


Great view.

Good song.

Very comfortable.

However, there are some people who spoil the scenery, shouting and breaking this beauty.

Just as everyone was falling into the melodious sound of the guqin, a rich and young man with a big belly staggered towards the second floor with a jug in his hand.

While rushing, he also drunkenly said unsightly words:

"Master Ben must see which beauty can play such a nice ditty today. Hehe, when Master I marry this beauty back as a concubine, let her play it every day!"

The servant next to him hastened to please him:
"Young master wants that beauty, it's the beauty's blessing!"

While talking, the fat rich and young man had already reached the second floor and rushed into the room where the woman played the piano.

The waiter wanted to stop him but didn't dare, so he hurried to the backyard to find the shopkeeper.

Fat Fu Shao is the son of the county magistrate, he is domineering and domineering on weekdays, and most importantly, he is extremely lustful.

The number of women he has bullied cannot be counted on one hand.

People in the tavern couldn't help feeling sorry for the woman who played the piano.


Another poor girl is about to suffer!

In the room, the woman with a beautiful face did not expect Dengtu Evil Shao to rush in. She forced herself to calm down and said coldly to Fat Fu Shao:

"My lord, this is the private room reserved by the little girl, please leave quickly, my lord!"

Fat, rich and young did not leave, seeing that the woman's appearance was really as delicate as he had imagined, he became excited.

Fat Fushao rubbed his hands, approaching step by step with a smirk:

"Don't be afraid, little beauty, if you let me leave now, you will definitely beg me not to leave later~"

Pei Yuyan was flustered at the bottom of her heart, but her face was still trying to maintain her calm.

Seeing Fat Fu Shao approaching, she could only get up quickly, trying to escape from the private room.

The door of the private room was slammed shut by the fat, rich and young servants.

"The beauty originally wanted to play a game~ Okay, if I catch the beauty, I will punish the beauty well~"

Like a wild beast catching its prey, Fat Fu Shao was very excited when he saw Pei Yuyan who was desperate but still struggling to escape.

He just likes to see women panicked in front of him.

Pei Yuyan is delicate and soft, how can she escape the clutches of the fat, rich and young.

Soon, he was blocked by Fat Fu Shao in a corner of the room.

There was mist in her panicked eyes, and her lips were bitten bright red.

outside the room.

Wen Sheng had known for a long time that it was Pei Yuyan who was playing the piano upstairs. Seeing that the notorious Fat Fu Shao had evil intentions, his heart tightened, and he rushed upstairs to protect Pei Yuyan, regardless of the weakness of the party.

But he is a frail scholar, so he will be no match for fat, rich and young servants.

Before rushing to the door, he was kicked away viciously by the vicious servant:

"Dare to disturb my young master's interest, I think you don't want to live!"

As he said that, the servant glanced to the side, and two burly thugs rushed out, punching and kicking him!
Wen Sheng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen from being kicked.

In the room, Pei Yuyan's terrified screams could also be heard.

Vincent despaired.

He is useless, he can't even protect the woman he loves!

Just when Wen Sheng hated his own incompetence, a pale blue figure, like a gust of wind, quickly passed by his eyes.

With a loud bang, the carved wooden door was kicked away, and the wailing sound of fat rich and young pigs being slaughtered instantly resounded throughout the restaurant!

Jiang Qi hit hard, grabbed the waistband of Fat Fu's young pants, and hung him upside down by the window with his mouth facing down.

Under the head is the bottomless Yan Jianghu, and the fat, rich and young are so frightened that their crotch is instantly wet.

Jiang Qi was very disgusted, grabbed his trouser pocket, and sneered:

"Don't you want to play a game? Is this game fun?"

Fat, rich, and less greasy, his fat face was as pale as paper with fright, but it was a cowardly and vicious threat to Jiang Qi:

"Bastard bastard, do you know who this young master is? Do you believe that this young master has someone put you in the Yamen prison right now!"

The smile on Jiang Qi's lips grew stronger.

With a slight loosening of his fingers, Fat Fu Shao slid a long way to the lake, and the screams resounded through the restaurant again.

He was too frightened to threaten any more, and hurriedly begged Jiang Qi:
"The good man spares his life, the good man spares his life, I know I was wrong!"

He can't swim, and the Yan Jianghu is very deep. If he falls with this tonnage, even if he catches the dry sea and rocks, he won't be able to save him!

Pei Yuyan, who was on the side, was very grateful to Jiang Qi for his rescue. She didn't want Jiang Qi to rush forward to persuade him because he offended the county magistrate:

"Thank you for this young master's rescue, Yuyan is fine, young master, don't take a life for Yuyan!"

Jiang Qi didn't intend to kill Fat Fu Shao for the time being.

Although in the memory of the original owner, Fat Fushao was the murderer who turned Pei Yuyan into a female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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