Chapter 78
After hanging up the phone, Hisoka looked at the phone with a cold smile.

Think he can't feel it?

Want to escape from him, next life!
Hisoka caught some wild cats and dogs for a feast.

When he killed the stray cat, he was seen by a passing vampire.

The other party recognized his identity, and his face was full of disgust:

"Is this the former Master Hisoka? After being kicked out of the family, he came here to eat wild cats and dogs. It really embarrasses the face of the two families."

Wouldn't it be nice to stay at home, the Tarawi family?

I want to do it, it's okay now, I'm kicked out of the family.

I really don't know how he has lived these hundreds of years. He doesn't understand the reason why he should bow his knees when he is under the fence, and he still humiliates in front of the prince every day.

What qualifications does he have?

Hisoka's face turned blue from being ridiculed, but he also keenly grasped the point.

He frowned and asked coldly:
"Who said I was kicked out?"

The other party: "Who else can say, it must be a member of the Ghataravi family. Now all the families know that you are homeless."

He said it mildly.

The original intention of the Jataravi family is:
Be careful Hisoka, he is a rebellious son who killed his own father along with humans!Whoever takes him in may end up like Castle Osens.

It's just that he didn't call him a traitor directly.

Hisoka's fist was almost crushed, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

very good!

Since Jiang Qi wants to drive him to a dead end, don't blame him for being ruthless!

The vampires have been very uneasy recently, and more and more lonely vampires were killed by the hunter organization.

All of a sudden, the blood clan was panicked, and when they went out at night, they were always in groups of twos and threes.

The dukes and princes of various families also gathered together to discuss what happened these days.

In the end, nothing was negotiated.

"Could it be that the hunter organization is planning to massacre our blood race?"

There were uneasy speculations about the duke.

Although the vampires are more powerful than humans, they are few in number. If they really fight, they will only lose.

Jiang Qi played with the ends of his hair, lightly denying the other party's guess:
"The hunter organization will not do this kind of thing, I guess someone should have betrayed the blood race's trajectory."

Since the war between the blood clan and the hunter organization thousands of years ago, a tacit understanding has been reached between the blood clan and the hunter organization for thousands of years.

As long as there is no large-scale killing between the blood clan and the hunter organization, the country and the ancestor of the blood clan will not intervene in the fight between them.

In other words, it is tacitly allowed for individual blood clans and families, or individual hunter organizations to be killed by each other.

However, the vampires are physically strong and born with supernatural powers. Under normal circumstances, the hunter organization can't find the opponent's whereabouts.

Like the recent cases, the dead vampires were accurately ambushed and fatally shot.

Obviously, an inner ghost appeared in the blood clan.

"Who will betray the blood clan?"

Someone is puzzled.

What benefits can blood clans get from selling blood clans?
You know, the blood clan and the hunter organization are incompatible!
Jiang Qi is not at all afraid of being suspected of "revenging privately":
"Since there is no suitable suspect for the time being, let's make my stepson the best suspect first."

Other blood races: "..."

How can you be so suspicious?

But when she mentioned Hisoka, everyone felt that Hisoka's suspicion was really the biggest.

His girlfriend was a human being, and had killed a blood prince, so it was hard not to be suspicious.

With a candidate in doubt, everything that follows will be much easier, basically without Jiang Qi's intervention.

The Blood Race intends to take advantage of this incident to launch a fierce counterattack against the Hunter Organization.

Jiang Qi couldn't stay idle, but the blood clan didn't arrange things for her to do, and she couldn't just kill Hisoka for bad things.

He was really bored, so when the sun was shining, he sneaked into Hisoka's hut in full armor and beat him up.

Hisoka in the coffin was sleeping soundly, and before he could react, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the beating.

Jiang Qi's strikes were ruthless, and when he saw him wake up, he punched him harder and beat him unconscious.

After beating him unconscious, Jiang Qi put him back in the coffin, closed the lid, and everything around him returned to its original state.

When night fell and Hisoka woke up again, his wounds had already healed by themselves.

damn it!
Someone sneaked up on him while he was asleep!
He climbed out of the coffin angrily, and was stunned again.

The arrangement of things in the small shabby house was exactly the same as before he fell asleep, and there was no sign of being moved.

Could it be that he was dreaming?

Hisoka thought for a long time, but he was not sure if it was a dream or reality.

In the end, he couldn't think of a result, so he could only give up.

After leaving the shabby house, he went to Lin Mengmeng's parents' house.

During these days, he has been hiding from Lin Mengmeng to find her parents.

Lin's father and Lin's mother are greedy for money. After knowing that Hisoka is his daughter's new rich boyfriend, Hisoka was invited into the Lin family without any effort.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were very flattering to him, and the two of them looked at him with bright eyes at all times.

This is a wealthy son-in-law, but let the daughter take care of it!

And today is Lin Mengmeng's birthday.

Xi Suo asked Lin's mother to call Lin Mengmeng home for dinner in her name, and did not let Lin's mother reveal her existence.

He wanted to surprise Lin Mengmeng.

Lin's mother listened to him very much, and also looked forward to the gift Xi Suo prepared for Lin Mengmeng.

Some time ago, the necklace he gave to Lin Mengmeng was checked by someone, and it was almost 100 million.

The rich are so generous, she finally doesn't have to live a hard life!
Lin Mengmeng didn't think too much about receiving Lin's mother's call, and agreed without hesitation.

Mother Lin is partial to her younger son and doesn't pay much attention to Lin Mengmeng.

This was the first time she took the initiative to call Lin Mengmeng to celebrate her birthday.

Lin Mengmeng was very happy, hung up the phone, and happily said to the boy next to her:
"Honey, my mother said she was going to help me celebrate my birthday, and you—"

Speaking of this, a shyness appeared on her face unconsciously:
"Can you come to my house and celebrate my birthday with me?"

This is her new boyfriend. He has a good family background and is also handsome.

Lin Mengmeng did not intend to continue talking with Hisoka.

She only now realizes that she and Hisoka are not suitable.

Hisoka has a big temper and a strong desire to control. She prefers gentle boys.

The boy didn't refuse, and said with a smile:

"Okay, then go and bring some gifts to parents."

Lin Mengmeng gave him a reproachful look:
"Who allowed you to call me Mom and Dad!"

When the boy heard it, he smirked and threw himself on her:

"Who did you say agreed? You are all mine, can't I ask your parents to call you parents?"

When the words fell to the ground, Lin Mengmeng was already stripped clean like a hungry wolf.

Lin Mengmeng snorted a few times, then flushed and began to cater to the boy.

Feeling comfortable quickly, the boy and Lin Mengmeng went to buy gifts, then rushed to Lin's house.

Lin Mengmeng knocked on the door, and the boy went to kiss her in a tricky way, but Lin Mengmeng smiled and pushed him away.


The door opened.

When she saw the person who opened the door, the smile on Lin Mengmeng's face suddenly froze, fear and panic, like an invisible giant net, slowly enveloped her.

(End of this chapter)

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