Chapter 82
She also hopes to have a warm marriage like her father and mother.

Unfortunately, in the end, everything can only be hope.

With a mouthful of vegetables, Jiang Qi couldn't bear to break the warm moment, but he still coughed twice, and said seriously:

"Dad, Mom, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Seeing her serious expression, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also looked at her seriously:

"What are you discussing? Did something happen?"

Jiang Qi shook his head with a smile, and answered lightly:

"It's not a big deal. I just want to discuss with you. I want to cancel my engagement with the Fu family."

She is not in the mood to use the engagement contract to stimulate revenge on that four-year-old girl.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were surprised:

"Why did you suddenly say that you want to break off the engagement? Did something happen between you and Fu Yuan? Or did that bastard Fu Yuan do something wrong to you?"

As parents, the two immediately suspected that Fu Yuan had cheated.

Just as Jiang Qi was about to deny it, he realized that Jiang's father was right:
"Well, I think Fu Yuan has empathized with someone else."

Father Jiang slapped the table angrily, and with his sleeves rolled up, he was about to go to Fu's house to settle accounts with Fu Yuan.

Dare to be sorry to his daughter, see if he doesn't peel off a layer of skin today!

Mother Jiang was still calm, so she quickly grabbed him:

"What are you impulsive about, first ask your daughter what's going on."

His wife's dissuasion made Father Jiang hold back his anger for a while.

With a dark face, he asked Jiang Qi sharply:
"Okay, girl, tell me what's going on. If Fu Yuan really cheated, I won't let him go easily."

Jiang Qi pursed his lower lip, and after being silent for more than ten seconds, he said deeply:
"I think Fu Yuan and his niece are not serious."

Mother Jiang: "..."

Father Jiang: "..."

Mother Jiang rolled Jiang Qi's eyes speechlessly:
"What nonsense are you talking about? Fu Yuan is already in his twenties. How could he be so rude to his four-year-old niece? Don't talk nonsense like that, or people will think you're crazy."

Father Jiang had an idea with his wife.

Jiang Qi was silent.

Well, I know they don't believe it.

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

Shrugging, Jiang Qi was very helpless, and didn't say anything about breaking off the engagement.

But she asked Father Jiang a question:
"Dad, if you were Fu Yuan, would you take your little niece to take a bath together?"

Father Jiang: "!"

Mother Jiang frowned:

"You mean Fu Yuan took a bath with his niece?"

Jiang Qi nodded.

Jiang's mother glanced at Jiang's father, and their expressions became complicated.

Even if it is his own daughter, at the age of four, her father should avoid suspicion when she is taking a bath.

Let alone uncle and niece.

Besides, his niece's biological mother is still there, no matter what, it won't be the uncle Fu Yuan's turn to take her to take a bath together, right?

Glancing at the two of them, Jiang Qi didn't say a word, and began to eat seriously.

But Jiang's father and Jiang's mother couldn't eat it.

Shouldn't you tell the Fu family about this in a tactful way?
But this is a family matter, and they have no right to discuss it.

"Why don't you eat it? Eat it? The sweet and sour pork ribs made by Aunt Wang today are really good. Eat it quickly, otherwise it will be cold and affect the taste."

Jiang Qi, who was about to break off the engagement just now, is like an outsider at this moment, only knowing how to eat and drink.


After dinner, Jiang Qi went to Fu's house.

The original owner made an appointment with Fu Yuan, and today he will take his little niece to the amusement park.

When Fu Yuan arrived at Fu's house, Fu Yuan hadn't left the house yet. Mr. Fu was sitting in the living room, next to a dumpling.

Fu Yuan's little niece, Qin Xiaoye.

The Fu family all like this well-behaved and beautiful female doll. The clothes they bought for her are famous brands. She is a small person, and she also wears hundreds of thousands of bracelets and necklaces. She looks very jeweled.

Seeing Jiang Qi, Qin Xiaoye showed absolute enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling and she called out to Jiang Qi crisply, sister.

Jiang Qi also responded with the most gentle and bright smile:
"Ye Baoer~"

Play with her, it's tender.

Qin Xiaoye frowned, why does Jiang Qi feel a little different today.

But she didn't think much of it.

What a lot to think about.

She is a reborn.

In the previous life, she died of mediocrity, and in this life, she was reborn, and she let her mother take her to join the Fu family.

The Fu family has a lot of money, and Fu Yuan is one of the best in a thousand, even if he is more than ten years older than her, so what?

Anyway, in this life, she, Qin Xiaoye, will be the young lady of the Fu family who is admired by the whole world!
No matter how smart Jiang Qi is, can he still beat her, a reborn person who has lived a lifetime?
Two barrels【…】

How come you meet the reborn again.

It just wanted to remind Jiang Qi, but when it thought that Jiang Qi would abandon it, it didn't want to remind her anymore.


One scumbag.

Why are you so nice to her!
Seeing Jiang Qi coming, Fu Yuan frowned slightly.

He thought of Jiang Qi taking Qin Xiaoye out to play two days ago, and when Xiaoye came back, she told him that Jiang Qi was very fierce that day, and even scolded her.

So Xiaoye asked him, did sister Jiang Qi not like her?

Fu Yuan and Jiang Qi were childhood sweethearts, he knew Jiang Qi's temper, guessed that Jiang Qi might have encountered troubles at work that day, so he casually comforted Qin Xiaoye a few words.

It's just that when he saw Jiang Qi again today, he unconsciously remembered what Qin Xiaoye said. He wanted to ask Jiang Qi why he got angry with Qin Xiaoye that day, but he didn't know how to ask.

Forget it, maybe she is really in trouble at work.

Soon, Jiang Qi took Qin Xiaoye away from Fu's house.

She didn't take Qin Xiaoye to the playground. After getting on the expressway, she slowly increased the speed of the car.

On the dashboard, the pointer was almost turned to the end, and the sound of the wind whistling outside the car window became sharp and terrifying.

Qin Xiaoye is afraid:
"Sister, don't drive so fast, it's dangerous."

Jiang Qi glanced at her from the corner of his eye:
"It's not that it's either injured or dead, what's the danger?"

The corner of Qin Xiaoye's mouth twitched: "..."

Why is she crazy?
"Little girl, your uncle called me to ask why I abused you. Tell me, what did you tell your uncle?"

Stepping on the accelerator, Jiang Qi cheated on her.

Qin Xiaoye was taken aback for a moment, a hint of guilt and panic flashed across his face.

Fu Yuan actually asked her directly!

"I feel guilty now? Why didn't I feel guilty when I told your uncle?"

Jiang Qi's voice was very soft, and the wind outside the window was loud, making her voice seem light and ethereal.

There is a strange feeling of ghostly voice.

Qin Xiaoye's scalp was numb, and she pretended to be innocent and puzzled:

"Sister, I don't know what you're talking about. Did you quarrel with my uncle? Then Ye Baoer must help my sister out!"

"Ye Bao'er will definitely protect my sister and won't let my uncle bully you!"

A four-year-old child's voice is crisp and sweet, full of innocence.

Anyone who listens to it will unconsciously smile.

Jiang Qi glanced at her, but smiled silently.

Just let her pretend for a while.

Twenty minutes later, the car left the highway.

There are many mountains in Jiangcheng, and most of the mountains are winding mountain roads. Soon, Jiang Qi drove the car onto a winding mountain road.

The winding mountain road is like a winding python hanging on the mountain.

Jiang Qi's speed didn't slow down, it was still frighteningly fast.

Qin Xiaoye sat on the co-pilot seat, watching the speeding car seem to leave the road when turning several times, her face turned pale with fright, and her little hands were tightly clutching the seat belt, not daring to let go.

Jiang Qi didn't feel bad, and continued to enjoy the passion brought by the absolute speed.

So comfortable~
No wonder drag racing gangs like to bang the accelerator on this kind of road, because the feeling of fast speed is too exciting.

Qin Xiaoye didn't think so, she was almost scared out of her wits.

She wants to throw up.

Jiang Qi noticed that she was smiling, her eyes were threatening:

"If you dare to vomit, I will throw you down!"

Qin Xiaoye didn't understand what was wrong with this woman, why she looked crazy today.

She could only tremble and beg Jiang Qi to drive slowly, but Jiang Qi ignored her.

Jiang Qi didn't stop the car until it reached the top of the mountain.

The moment the car stopped, Qin Xiaoye stuck his head out of the window and vomited with a wow.

After vomiting, she was about to shrink back and take a rest on the co-pilot.

Before he retracted, his neck tightened, and Jiang Qi's hand, which had been blown cold by the wind, suddenly pinched him.

The child's neck is thin yet soft, and Jiang Qi's slender fingers can easily pinch her neck between them.

The sudden confinement and cold feeling scared the defenseless Qin Xiaoye into screaming.

Jiang Qi scratched her head and pinned her to death against the car window.

The little girl's film can't kill her!

Qin Xiaoye panicked:
"Sister—sister, what are you doing, Ye Baoer is afraid, Ye Baoer hurts so much!"

Jiang Qi sneered, and asked the question again:
"Tell me, what did you tell your uncle? If you don't tell the truth, I will destroy your body here!"

Jiang Qi was too lazy to intrigue with her.

When she was asking her, she had already called Fu Yuan.

Before making the call, I also sent a WeChat message:
If you dare to call the police, I will kill her directly.

Qin Xiaoye didn't know, she could only feel that the pinch on her neck was extremely strong at this moment, and the force was still tightening slowly.

She didn't expect Jiang Qi to dare to attack her directly.

But as a reborn, how could she compromise so quickly, she bit the bullet and continued to pretend innocent:

"Sister, I really don't know what you are talking about. Do you not like me? Then Ye Baoer will stop pestering my sister in the future. I beg my sister to let go of Ye Baoer. Ye Baoer really hurts!"

She struggled twice, and was pressed to death by Jiang Qi.

On the mobile phone, Fu Yuan heard Qin Xiaoye's voice, and his anger instantly crept up on his face.

This woman Jiang Qi really dared to hurt Xiao Ye, and even called him to let him listen. When did she become so bad?
"If you really don't tell me, then I'll kill you and throw you into the mountain. I heard that there are wild wolves in this mountain. Do you think your body will become food for wild wolves?"

Like a vicious witch, Jiang Qi said without softening his heart.

Qin Xiaoye: "..."

Fu Yuan was angry.

What the hell is this woman up to?
Is she out of her mind?

If you have any dissatisfaction, come to him, why do you want to hurt an innocent little girl?
Qin Xiaoye: "Sister, if you kill me, you will also go to jail!"

Jiang Qi didn't care: "Anyway, you were already dead before I went to jail, so don't think I'm afraid to do it."

Qin Xiaoye stopped talking.

She was silent.

She didn't believe that Jiang Qi really dared to kill her.

Fu Yuan has already started to let people rush up the mountain according to Qin Xiaoye's location bracelet.

Seeing that Qin Xiaoye was silent, Jiang Qi grabbed her to the edge of the cliff.

Qin Xiaoye panicked, and Jiang Qi's eyes glowed coldly. He grabbed her delicate arm, lifted her lightly, and suspended her on the cliff:
"I'll give you one last chance. If you don't say anything, I'll let you go. Of course, you can also pray that your dear uncle can come to rescue you in a minute."

(End of this chapter)

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