Chapter 86
Qin Xiaoye was one of the few people in Jiang Qi who would let her play tricks.

As soon as she said these words, Qin Xiaoye froze in place as if being struck by five thunders, his face paled visibly with the naked eye.

Qin Xiaoye growled angrily at Jiang Qi, gnashing her teeth:

"Impossible! You can't do this to me!"

No wonder Fu Yuan has been alienating her for the past six months.

No wonder Fu Yuan looked at her so complicatedly.

Thinking that she was still the same as before, getting along with him with an innocent and innocent look, Qin Xiaoye couldn't imagine how Fu Yuan was thinking about her at that time.

Why did Jiang Qi treat her like this? She already had so much, why did she still want to take Fu Yuan away from her? Why!
With scarlet eyes, she looked like a wild beast, staring at Jiang Qi with hatred, with a ferocious and terrifying look, without any trace of innocence that a child should have.

Jiang Qi hooked the corners of his lips provocatively, not caring about her anger, she walked away,
Can't stand it?

She has more exciting gifts for her.


Mr. Fu really loves Qin Xiaoye, the old house is nearly two hours away from Qin Xiaoye's elementary school.

But today is the first day of Qin Xiaoye's elementary school, and he asked the driver to take him to the elementary school three hours in advance.

Granddaughter's first day of elementary school is over, how can she miss it as a grandfather?
At the school gate, the teachers of each class are arranging their students to wait in line for their parents.

Qin Xiaoye stood in the queue absent-mindedly, her mood was so chaotic that she looked pale.

No matter how thick-skinned she is, she doesn't know how to face Fu Yuan tonight.

Her mind was in a mess. For a while, it was the bleak past life, for a while it was Jiang Qi's complacent look, for a while it was Fu Yuan's cold eyes, and the angry look of Mr. Fu also flashed through her mind.

Because of her helplessness and desperation, she couldn't even breathe smoothly, her chest felt as if a large stone was blocked, and she felt extremely stuffy.

How to do?
Will Fu Yuan tell Mr. Fu?

Probably not, half a year has passed since the matter of the cliff, if Fu Yuan wanted to say it, he would have said it long ago!

Qin Xiaoye's eyes suddenly lit up.

That's right, the uncle didn't say it, which means that he doesn't want other people to know his feelings for him, and it also means that Fu Yuan has feelings for her.

Maybe it was because of the big difference in age between the two of them, and they didn't know how to accept it for a while, so they deliberately avoided her.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaoye's chaotic thoughts suddenly cleared up.

As long as Fu Yuan has feelings for her, she is sure to win Fu Yuan and become his wife!

Qin Xiaoye's mood suddenly brightened, she didn't panic anymore, she was a little excited and proud.

Fu Yuan, she is bound to win!

Mr. Fu at the school gate happily waited for Qin Xiaoye to leave school while leaning on a cane.

He likes children very much, but the group of children in the family are afraid of him, and they shrink back and forth in front of him, which makes him feel uncomfortable no matter what.

Qin Xiaoye was different, the little girl was not afraid of him at all, and even dared to come up to comfort him when he was angry.

What a sweet little padded jacket.

Originally, he was expecting Fu Yuan to marry Jiang Qi and give him a fat grandson or granddaughter.

Who knows-

He was the one who got it wrong, and he always thought that the Jiang family girl had a good personality.

However, it's okay, being able to see her true face clearly will prevent unfortunate things from happening in the family.

Thinking of this, Mr. Fu saw Qin Xiaoye's class come out.

The little girl wore two shofar braids and a pink and tender skirt. She had a fair face, which was different from other children who were dirty after playing all day. Mr. Fu liked it more and more.

Ye Bao'er is well-behaved, unlike other little brats who have a face full of snot and are sloppy.

Mr. Fu hurriedly waved to Qin Xiaoye, and called Qin Xiaoye:
"Ye Baoer, grandpa is here to pick you up after school, come quickly!"

Seeing Mr. Fu, Qin Xiaoye's face was overjoyed. After saying goodbye to the teacher, he quickly ran towards Mr. Fu with his small schoolbag on his back.

She ran so fast that Mr. Fu was terrified:
"Hey, slow down, don't fall!"

At this moment, the broadcast that was playing music suddenly stopped.

Then, the immature girl's voice sounded:

"I heard from my grandfather that sister Ah Qi broke up with uncle. Why? Is it because of Ye Baoer? I'm sorry sister Ah Qi, Ye Baoer didn't do it on purpose, but Ye Baoer likes uncle, and uncle likes Ye Baoer very much. Ye Baoer didn't steal uncle away on purpose~ "

"Even if I'm four years old, so what, when I'm 20 years old, I'm in the prime of my life, and you're old, then I can marry my uncle and become his wife!"

"What about you? The figure you are so proud of will be gone, and I will still be young and beautiful!"


An immature voice, but said words full of jealousy and viciousness.

The radio was turned on very loudly, and the teachers in the school and the parents at the school gate could hear it clearly.

While everyone was stunned, they all wondered what happened.

Mr. Fu loved Qin Xiaoye very much, and soon recognized that it was Qin Xiaoye's voice. He looked at Qin Xiaoye in shock:

"Ye Baoer, this is—what's going on?"

Qin Xiaoye, who had just calmed down, was shocked by the sudden broadcast and panicked again in an instant.

Her lips were trembling fiercely!

It's ginger period!
This despicable and shameless woman, she actually recorded it!
No wonder she said that she hoped to have that day!

Qin Xiaoye's teeth were so hateful that his lips were bleeding.

Without thinking too much, she shook off Mr. Fu's hand and rushed towards the broadcasting room.

Mr. Fu frowned, and hurriedly followed without thinking too much.

He was sure that it was Qin Xiaoye's voice.

Ye Bao'er actually loves Fu Yuan?

If this is true, Fu Laozi feels that his three views will be shattered!

It can't be true, it's false, it's absolutely false!
In the broadcasting room, Jiang Qi was apologizing to the principal who rushed over.

The principal was helpless, but he, who knew the inside story, expressed his understanding.

However, after this incident, Jiang Qi will definitely be fired.

But Jiang Qi didn't care, she always wanted revenge, since Qin Xiaoye wanted to provoke her, it would be too out of character for her not to return the gift.

The principal gave Jiang Qi a few words of advice and left quickly.

if someone finds out
Soon, Qin Xiaoye and Mr. Fu arrived late.

Qin Xiaoye's face was full of resentment, and he looked ferocious, like a madman:
"Jiang Qi, you bitch, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

She has lost her mind, she forgot that Mr. Fu is with her.

There was only Jiang Qi in her angry eyes.

Why does she have to have trouble with her?
Does she have to destroy her?

At this moment, Qin Xiaoye wished to drag Jiang Qi into the eternal hell, so that she could never be reborn forever!

(End of this chapter)

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