Jiang Xin didn't expect her biological mother to be such a vile woman, and her blood relationship still made her unable to resist looking for Qin Xiaoye.

She thought that as the years passed, her mother would feel guilty for what she had done.

However, Qin Xiaoye didn't regret it at all, even when she saw Jiang Xin, she threatened her to go to Fu's house to ask for money, forcing her to go to Fu Yuan.

Since then, Jiang Xin never looked for Qin Xiaoye again.

In her heart, her mother was only Jiang Qi.

After the plane ended, Jiang Qi returned to the void space:

"Ertong, is Qin Xiaoye a reborn?"

No matter how high the IQ of a four-year-old child is, it is impossible for him to mature to Qin Xiaoye's level.

Two barrels【…】

Its silence has already told Jiang Qi the answer.

"Let's start the next plane."

Without saying anything more, with a helpless sigh, Jiang Qi asked Ertong to send her to the next plane.

Ertong froze for a moment.

It thought that Jiang Qi would ask it angrily, why did he hide Qin Xiaoye's identity as a reborn.


In the plane, Jiang Qi already has a new identity.

This is a new world that Jiang Qi has never touched, the end of the world.

She didn't choose to wear it on the original owner Du Wei, but chose the sad male second.

In this world, due to the leakage of biochemicals, some human genes are mutated.

Some of them became ferocious and bloodthirsty zombies.

A small number of people awakened their supernatural powers and became supernatural beings who could fight against zombies.

In the male second's memory, he has a crush on Du Wei, who has the wood attribute.

It's a pity that Du Wei likes the captain Mu Qingcang.

What's even more bloody is that during a mission, Mu Qingcang fell in love with the zombie Wang Anli.

Enli was originally a scientist. After the end of the world, she became a supernatural being. However, when she was fleeing the shelter, she was accidentally bitten by a zombie, and finally became the king of zombies.

In order to turn back into a human, she began to use humans and zombies for human body research.

She discovered that the blood of the supernatural person can suppress the "beast nature" of zombies, and enough blood of the supernatural person can even make her become a human again.

Especially for wood attribute supernatural beings with the ability to heal, the effect of suppression will be more obvious.

As a result, she began to control the zombies to attack the supernatural beings, and as a result, she clashed with the team managed by Mu Qingcang.

During the back and forth fights, An Li and Mu Qingcang developed feelings for each other.

Mu Qingcang learned that An Li could transform back into a human being, and began to betray his teammates and other supernatural beings.

Du Wei, who has the wood attribute, was naturally given to An Li by him.

The base soon discovered that there were traitors among the supernatural beings, and began to send people to investigate the truth.

By chance, the sad male lead discovers the conspiracy between An Li and Mu Qingcang. Angry, because of impulsiveness, he falls into Mu Qingcang's trap, and is blamed for "selling out his teammates".

The tragic male second was executed by the court, and An Li, who turned back into a human, lived happily with Mu Qingcang.

Jiang Qi's reason for choosing the male second is very simple.

The second male is of the fire attribute, and his fighting power is strong, which makes it easier for her to beat people.

Just as he was thinking, Du Wei's voice sounded behind him:

"Brother Seven, are you okay?"

Jiang Qi's body is the seventh in the team. Everyone usually calls him Xiaoqi, and Du Wei is younger than him, so he is also called Seventh Brother.

Today, it was Jiang Qi's team's turn to clean up the zombies outside the base.

Within ten kilometers outside the base, a team of supernatural beings cleans up every day, so there are basically no zombies within ten kilometers.

But today, I encountered several high-level zombies. There was a new member, the zombie was torn in half and died outside the base.

Jiang Qi and the others were also injured to varying degrees. Fortunately, they were all injured by broken bricks and tiles thrown by the zombies.

Seeing that Jiang Qi's shoulder was dislocated, Du Wei quickly connected it to him, and activated her own ability to relieve his pain;
"Seventh brother, I heard that you have encountered high-level zombies, you are not out of the safe zone, are you?"

Du Wei asked worriedly.

Jiang Qi shook his head:

"In the safe zone."

Cleanup tasks are carried out in the safe zone.

Once out of the safe zone, you have to report to the base, and you need to go with two or more supernatural teams.

Everyone knows the danger of zombies, no one will use their own lives to mess around.

"Then why did we encounter high-level zombies? The team that went to clean up yesterday didn't see any traces of high-level zombies appearing in the safe zone."

Du Wei was puzzled.

Jiang Qi glanced outside the door, and guessed in a low voice:
"So, I suspect that there are traitors in our team."

Du Wei was shocked, and immediately expressed her disapproval:

"Impossible, we all experienced so many things together, how could there be a traitor!"

The members of the team have all experienced life and death together, there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal of the team!

Seeing that Du Wei didn't believe it, Jiang Qi hurriedly explained:

"I don't believe it either, but the timing of the appearance of the high-level zombies today is too suspicious. You think, other teams have already gone out this morning, but the high-level zombies did not sneak attack sooner or later, so they just attacked our team. Isn't it suspicious?"

Du Wei was puzzled.

"The teammate who died today was a wood attribute, and the one who died last time was also a wood attribute ability user. The three teams that went out in the morning did not have any wood attribute teammates this time. Only our cleaning team has a wood attribute ability user. If you think this is a coincidence, then think about those supernatural beings who died before."

Jiang Qi's voice seduced her.

Following her words, Du Wei's mind was dragged and began to recall the previous incidents.

Except for one or two incidents, plus the teammates who died today, it seems——

Three wood attribute supernatural beings were killed in a row!

The wood attribute is uncommon, and there may be only one wood attribute in ten supernatural beings.

Even if the Zombie King controls high-level zombies to attack, how does she know which team has wood attribute abilities?
Du Wei frowned tightly, vaguely, she felt that she had caught something, but she couldn't react.

"The wood attribute has a healing effect. Have you ever thought that it can even suppress zombie viruses?"

Jiang Qi was not in a hurry, looked at Du Wei, and continued to be persuasive.

Du Wei was stunned.

Suppress the zombie virus?

Two seconds later, she shook her head:
"Impossible, I tried to heal the wound bitten by the zombies, but it didn't work at all."

The zombie virus is extremely domineering, and the person who is bitten will become a walking dead within two hours.

At present, there is no medicine or ability that can fight against the zombie virus.

Seeing her eloquence, Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes and showed a meaningful smile:

"Why do we have to use supernatural powers to fight against the virus?"

after an hour.

Jiang Qi bandaged Du Wei's wound while observing the zombies captured from outside the base.

It was a ten-year-old girl who was scratched by a zombie in her eyes and was infected with the zombie virus.

Du Wei was very nervous:
"Seventh brother, are you sure my blood can purify her zombie virus?"

If it can't be purified, and the base finds out that they brought back a zombie, then it's over.

Jiang Qi nodded.

Anli needs a lot of blood from supernatural beings to become a human, because she is the king of zombies and has a stronger animal nature.

But ordinary little zombies don't need that much blood, but she is not sure how much it needs:
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it if something goes wrong. However, if this experiment is feasible, it means that our team—at least there are traitors in our base."

Du Wei's expression darkened.

Locking the little zombie in the basement, Jiang Qi asked Du Wei to conceal the matter first, and then she went to the base laboratory.

She wanted to study the blood of people with supernatural powers of the wood attribute.

Unfortunately, Jiang Qi met Mu Qingcang in the laboratory.

Seeing Jiang Qi coming, Mu Qingcang quickly put together a bunch of documents in his hand and put them in the folder:
"Lao Qi, why are you here, how is your injury?"

he cared.

Jiang Qi glanced at his folder, and replied quietly:
"It's just that the shoulder is twisted, it's much better, third brother, why are you in the laboratory?"

She didn't answer the question.

Mu Qingcang felt guilty and thought for two seconds before answering her:
"Hasn't the laboratory been researching zombie viruses? Another member of our team was killed by zombies today. I just want to see when we can develop a solution to fight the virus."

Jiang Qi smiled deeply:

"I have the same reason as the third brother, and I also came to see the progress."

Mu Qingcang had already obtained the information he wanted, and seeing whether Jiang Qi would leave in a while, he left first.

As soon as he left, Jiang Qi pretended to be curious and asked the experimenters in the laboratory:
"What did our captain take just now? Why is it such a thick pile of things?"

The experimenters didn't think much:
"The base's new ability user attribute data, it should be that your captain is going to formulate a new training plan for you."

Squad leaders often formulate the most reasonable training plan for their members based on new abilities.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi looked at the experimenters, pretending to be dazed:

"Our captain gave us the latest training plan yesterday."

The experimenter frowned:

"Really? Then your attribute data should not have changed much for the time being, so why does your captain need these data?"

"I don't know, didn't you give it to me? By the way, can I have a look at the composition data of the blood of wood attribute superhumans?"

After Jiang Qi finished talking casually, he brought the topic to the wood attribute.

These data are open to supernatural beings, and soon, Jiang Qi saw the blood data sheet.

The records are very detailed. Every wood attribute user in the base has relevant data in the system.

She asked for another data sheet about zombies.

In this way, Jiang Qi stayed in the laboratory until dark before leaving.

After returning to her residence, she went to the basement to look at the little zombie.

She didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but she felt that the little zombie was much quieter. After seeing her, she only struggled a few times before lying in the corner of the wall and not moving.

Jiang Qi threw two breads to her. At first, he thought that zombies would disdain to eat this kind of food, but he didn't expect the little zombie to grab it and gnawed two bites before throwing it away in distaste.

"Good night~"

Saying good night to the little zombie, Jiang Qi went back to the house.

Lying on the bed, just about to close her eyes, she remembered something.

"Two barrels."

Jiang Qi called.

【what? 】

Jiang Qi originally wanted to say a lot to it, but after hearing its muffled voice, Jiang Qi suddenly thought of the question it asked before, and she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Finally, she looked at the roof, her thin lips raised a slight arc:

"Nothing, idiot."

Two barrels [? ! 】

What are you doing!

What do you mean?
Did you find fault on purpose and wanted to fight?

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