After the doomsday came, Enli had never been hurt so badly.

Especially when she saw that Jiang Qi had burned Mu Qingcang to ashes without saying a word, her anger and endless hatred showed on her face all at once.

She exuded a scalp-numbing resentment, and her blood-red eyes were filled with endless resentment, staring at Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi didn't care how much she hated herself now. Seeing that An Li was injured, he greeted the other supernatural beings, and a group of people went to where An Li was, like soldiers from heaven, and launched a second round of more fierce attacks.

The death of Mu Qingcang made An Li want to kill Jiang Qi, but she was still a bit rational, unwilling to keep the appearance of these hateful supernatural beings firmly in her heart, An Li quickly put the zombies hiding in the dark They summoned them, and under the cover of the little minions, An Li fled in embarrassment.

This was the first time since the supernatural beings fought against the zombie king, they had the upper hand. Everyone wanted to strike while the iron was hot and kill An Li.

It's a pity that there are too many zombies rushing out, and there are several high-level zombies.

Everyone was restrained from pursuing and killing, and after killing the zombie in front of them with difficulty, An Li had disappeared, and the sun began to set.

After the end of the day, it was dark and dangerous, and everyone's abilities had been almost consumed.

If another group of mid-level zombies came out, it would be difficult to win.

I had no choice but to return to the residential building and adjust to rest for one night.

In the residential building, some team members were preparing dinner, and the team leader asked Jiang Qi suspiciously:
"How do you know that Mu Qingcang is a traitor?"

In fact, after the base team went out and encountered zombie attacks several times, the senior management also suspected that there were traitors in the base.

Unfortunately, there is no doubt about the candidate.

Jiang Qi lied casually:

"I have been with him for so many years, whether he is a traitor or not can be judged only by feeling."

Hearing this, the captain of the first team sighed.

Seeing that the team leader also said that Mu Qingcang is a traitor, some people are still confused until now:
"No way, the parents of the three teams were all killed by zombies, how could he betray our base."

Jiang Qi chuckled, shook his head and remained silent.

Seeing that other people were too slow to react, the captain of the first team could only explain himself:
"If Mu Qingcang didn't hang out with the Zombie King, why would the Zombie King risk his life and run out for him?"

As soon as these words came out, a few slow-witted people reacted with hindsight:
"It's no wonder that after Jiang Qi killed the three teams, the Zombie King's eyes made him want to gouge Jiang Qi to death."

"I really didn't expect that the third team leader would be a traitor. Then the teammate who died in the last mission of the third team last time, wouldn't it be the third team leader who killed him?"

"Damn it! If you put it this way, maybe the killings of supernatural beings in our base these few times are all related to him. It's too scary. Thinking of the traitor is by my side makes my scalp numb!"


For a moment, everyone was terrified.

Fortunately, Mu Qingcang was dead, and the Zombie King was seriously injured.

Thinking of the Zombie King, the captain of the first team began to plan tomorrow's mission:

"I just told the base about the situation here. At dawn tomorrow, we will go to track down the whereabouts of the zombie king. The base will send the second team and the fourth team to support us. This time, we will try to kill the zombie king. Revenge on our dead teammates!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Qi, who hadn't spoken since just now, suddenly said:
"Then send Du Wei over, and add a few wood-type abilities. Maybe we will be in a fighting state for the next few days, and we will definitely be inseparable from the wood-type abilities."

Captain of the first team: "Isn't Du Wei injured? Will transferring her be a hindrance?"

Jiang Qi: "She is more aware of the physical conditions of the members of our third team, just let her persevere, and I promise I won't let her hold you back."

Hearing her promise, the captain of the first team didn't think much about it, and immediately applied to the base for the dispatch of wood-type superhumans.

The next morning, everyone set off.

Anli left a lot of clues when she escaped, but the group of people were still cautious because they were afraid of Anli's tricks.

At the same time, Du Wei and two wood-type superhumans also set off with the two teams.

Near noon, the four teams converged.

The captain of the first team briefly shared the information about the whereabouts of the zombie king with the captains of the other two teams.

Now, the captain of the first team suspects that there are two places where Enli might be hiding.

One is an abandoned underground shopping mall in the city center a hundred kilometers away.

There is also a welfare hospital in the opposite direction.

The terrain in the two places is very complicated. The captain of the first team thinks that the four teams should act together, first search the underground shopping mall, and then go to the welfare hospital.

But the second team and the fourth team felt that they had finally beaten the zombie king to serious injuries. If the zombie king was not in the underground shopping mall, they would have wasted time on the way to the welfare hospital.

This undoubtedly gave the Zombie King a few hours to rest and recuperate.

But if the four teams act separately, they may encounter an ambush.

Just when the four teams were in a stalemate, the base called.

To everyone's surprise, the base let the four teams return quickly, and said something puzzling:

"On the way back, we must ensure the safety of the wood-type abilities."

After hanging up, the captain of the second team couldn't help saying:
"Wood-type powers are so rare, we don't need those high-level executives to talk too much, our own team also knows to ensure the safety of wood-type power users."

"If you don't take the opportunity to kill the Zombie King at this time, why do you suddenly ask us to go back?"

Listening to the doubtful conversation of several captains, Du Wei subconsciously looked at Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi took two steps forward, quietly protecting Du Wei behind him, and then revealed the secret of the wood-type supernatural being's blood.

When her words fell to the ground, the scene fell into a long silence.

After a while, the captain of the first team stared in disbelief, and glanced at Du Wei and several other wood-type supernatural beings:
"Jiang Qi, do you know what you mean by saying that?"

Everyone is not a fool. Jiang Qi told this secret at a time like this, just to suspect that the base will use wood-type supernatural beings for human experiments.

To put it bluntly, if we bring Du Wei and the others back now, they will become guinea pigs in the laboratory.

If such words spread, the base would definitely be shaken.

"Think about it for yourself, are the supernatural beings who died these few times basically all of the wood type?"

Seeing everyone's disbelief, Jiang Qi followed the temptation without arrogance or impetuosity.

When Du Wei was transferred from the base, he just felt that Mu Qingcang was dead, and it would be more reassuring to get her out and bring her with him.

Now it seems that the base knew the secret of the blood of the wood-type superhumans in advance, and it is likely that Anli deliberately told the base's senior management in order to retaliate against them.

Jiang Qi was glad that he acted safely, otherwise Du Wei might be imprisoned in the laboratory now.

Hearing what she said, someone nodded quickly.

Soon, everyone's faces were ugly.

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