[How can it be unsafe, after reading so many books, isn't it just a bunch of zombies, it can be done in minutes! 】

Seeing Du Wei's lingering look, Er Tong snorted as if he had a romantic allergy, and said disdainfully.

It's over, and I added a strange sentence [If it were my previous hosts, they would be gone with just two clicks, let alone the zombie king, they would dare to tear the heavens with their hands! 】

Jiang Qi listened quietly, and waited for a few seconds after the voice on the second tube landed before he couldn't help but say:

"Why do you feel like a little daughter-in-law who deliberately mentioned her ex to get my attention after being jealous?"

Sour and sour, a smell of vinegar.

[You are talking nonsense!Who is jealous, who is a little daughter-in-law! 】

Er Tong suddenly yelled out of embarrassment.

How could it be jealous.


Jiang Qi hooked the corners of his lips, and saw that it had a rare blown hair, so he stopped teasing it.

On the other side, not only the plans of Jiang Qi and others were disrupted, but also An Li's plan was disrupted by a can.

Mu Qingcang's death almost broke her. She had already arranged the zombies in every corner of the hospital, waiting for an opportunity to ambush Jiang Qi.

But the sound of that soda can, like a sharp knife cutting off the strings of a piano, made her lose all reason for a moment.

What kind of plan, she just wants to capture Jiang Qi alive and make her life worse than death!

After rushing out of the hospital with a group of minions, An Li saw Jiang Qi standing on the street.

Only her!

The other supernatural beings are gone!

Not wanting to be ambushed again like yesterday, An Li stood among a group of minions, letting them defend herself against the sneak attacks of the supernatural beings.

Staring at Jiang Qi coldly, An Li's eyes were as cold and vicious as a poisonous snake.

It was this man who killed her Qing Cang!

Thinking that Mu Qingcang failed to leave her even a last word, An Li felt that there was a raging anger in her chest, which was boiling and tumbling madly, burning her whole body to the point of exploding.

She must make Jiang Qi pay the price!
When Jiang Qi saw An Li appearing, and saw the way she looked at him with a sinister and fierce look, he knew that today the two of them must either die or live.

Thinking about it this way, without saying a word, he took the lead in attacking with the fire whip in his hand.

No matter how much you say, it's all nonsense.

What else is there to say, just hit it!
Seeing that Jiang Qi dared to fight against her and more than thirty high-level zombies by himself, the corners of his lips curled up in a sarcastic arc, and he ordered all the high-level zombies to rush up and tear Jiang Qi alive.

As long as Jiang Qi is left with one breath, she can make her life worse than death.

The attack of a group of high-level zombies made everyone else in hiding terrified, and even changed the color of the world.

The originally bright sky was shrouded in a large cloud of gloomy black clouds, which invisibly added heavy pressure to everyone.

Looking at the high-level zombies with horrific complexions and bloody bodies, Jiang Qi originally thought that he should be afraid.


On the contrary, she gradually became excited, and the flaming whip in her hand seemed to feel her perverted ecstasy.

In the end, he broke free from Jiang Qi's control and turned into a strong and brave huge fire dragon. With a powerful deterrent force, he quickly wrapped around a high-level zombie in front of him, and then opened his flaming mouth, killing him in an instant. The entangled high-level zombies were burned to a mass of ashes.

This time, not only the people who were hiding, but even An Li were shocked.

When did the power of supernatural beings evolve to such a terrifying level?
She has a little impression of Jiang Qi. Although he is a fire-type supernatural being, his strength is average. Compared with Mu Qingcang, who is also a fire-type supernatural power, he is like a heaven and an underground.

But at this moment, Jiang Qi, both in terms of strength and aura, was terrifyingly strong.

The huge fire dragon is invincible, as long as it is entangled by it, it will be burned to ashes in an instant.

In the palm of Jiang Qi's hand was a slender fiery red long whip with burning sharp thorns on it. She shot fiercely, no matter how fierce the high-level zombie's attack was, she rushed forward without the slightest hesitation, burning The long whip wrapped around the zombie's neck neatly, and Jiang Qi pulled it hard, and a ferocious zombie's head was pulled off by her without blinking.

On the street, flames raged, and everyone's eyes were burned red by those two flames:

"Captain, how can Jiang Qi's ability be used without his hands?"

"Wouldn't his ability be out of control?"

Seeing Jiang Qi soaring into the air, leaping neatly behind the zombie, and strangling a head off with a long whip again, everyone was amazed:
"When did his strength become so terrifying? With so many high-level zombies, why does it feel like he's cutting watermelons with ease?"

"Watching it makes my blood boil and I can't help but want to rush down and have a big fight with him!"


Du Wei looked worried: "When shall we make a move?"

The supernatural powers are limited, once the power is exhausted, in severe cases, they may even fall into a coma.

She watched Jiang Qi almost be bitten by high-level zombies several times, and her heart was so nervous that it rose to her throat.

In the past, when Mu Qingcang was on a mission with the team and her life was in danger, she wasn't that nervous.

"Wait, let's attack the zombie king as much as possible."

The captain of the fourth team replied.

In fact, the high-level zombies are okay. Although they have high combat effectiveness, they have no brains.

The most important target is the zombie king.

An Li has not made a move. She is waiting for the moment when Jiang Qi's power is exhausted. On the other hand, she has to beware of those hidden power users.

But Jiang Qi fought more and more courageously, her bloodshot eyes turned red, and strange excitement and killing desire spread across her face.

Jiang Qi didn't go crazy, but she understood why the killer likes to enjoy the feeling of killing life.

Absolute sense of control.

Absolute surrender.

Very cool!

In particular, all the zombies were killed, without any sense of guilt!

And her supernatural ability, it seems that because of her psychological transformation, the bright and dazzling red gradually turned into a strange and eerie black, like an enchanted demon dragon.




It has become more and more brutal and more tyrannical.

Seeing that Jiang Qi alone had held back more than 30 high-level zombies, An Li's attention gradually focused on Jiang Qi alone. Following the order of the first team captain, the supernatural beings also launched a fierce attack on An Li.

The battle continued until sunset.

An Li still couldn't resist the runaway Jiang Qi, and was finally killed.

The high-level zombies controlled by her were almost all burned to ashes by Jiang Qi.

Seeing that the sun was going down soon, everyone retreated to a bungalow, stayed overnight, and dealt with the corpses of the zombies tomorrow.

Jiang Qi was not injured, but his abilities were exhausted, so he retreated into the bungalow. He only told Du Wei that he could not return to the base, and passed out.

Du Wei was very worried, but her abilities had no effect on Jiang Qi now.

"She should just have consumed too much power. Let's rest here for two days and wait for his condition to improve before making the next step."

The captain of the first team comforted her.

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