After finishing speaking, Fu Shaoqian explained the process of getting to know Chen Mengmeng, and finally said with emotion:
"Mom, if you have met Mengmeng, you will definitely like her very much. Mengmeng is really the most gentle girl I have ever seen!"

Such a good girl, I don't know why the classmates in her class don't like her?

Jiang Qi rolled his eyes at him and said with disdain:

"Is she gentle? She is making trouble for no reason!"

Upon hearing this, Fu Shaoqian became unhappy:
"Mom, you haven't seen Mengmeng before. How can you say that about her? She was bullied by so many people at that time. If you saw it, you would definitely feel distressed."

When he thought of Chen Mengmeng's eyes turning red with grievance like a little rabbit, he felt distressed.

Chen Mengmeng is different, she is not at all domineering and self-willed like those daughters raised by the upper class, she is simply the most beautiful existence in the world.

Seeing Fu Shaoqian's foolish and obsessed look on the verge of falling in love, Jiang Qi was filled with anger.

Are men visual creatures?

"She stained other people's shoes worth thousands of dollars, and promised to wash them clean. Even if they couldn't clean them, she should return the dirty shoes to the other party. What happened? Do you know where she put the shoes? Who knows if she sold them? If you can't take it out, you will cry, can crying solve the problem?"

Jiang Qi asked him: "Do you know why she was excluded by her classmates? Because every time she made a mistake, she would only apologize but would not make up for it, and the same mistake, she always made the same mistake again and again. It's limited, and they are not her parents, so why forgive her again and again?"

Fu Shaoqian was speechless, but still wanted to argue two sentences:

"Mengmeng is just too careless, she didn't mean to."

Jiang Qi suddenly felt amused: "Can a murderer be forgiven if he says he didn't do it on purpose, and then cries twice?"

Fu Shaoqian was speechless again, but he still secretly favored Mengmeng in his heart.

Holding his chopsticks, he couldn't answer, and he ate his food in a muffled manner.

Seeing that he was still obsessed with his obsession, Jiang Qi was too lazy to talk to this idiot.

After dinner, Fu Shao moved to school, and Jiang Qi went for beauty care.

The life of the rich is actually quite boring, either earning money or spending it.

It's boring.

After maintenance, Jiang Qi went to Fu Shaoqian's school.

Not to find Fu Shaoqian or Chen Mengmeng, but to go through the entry procedures.

It's so boring, I need to find something to do.

The procedures went smoothly. When Fu Shaoqian learned that his mother had become a teacher in his school, he was shocked:
"Mom, are you crazy? You come to our school to teach, don't you want to do something to Mengmeng?"

"I have nothing to do with Mengmeng, we are really just classmates!"

Jiang Qi rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"I'm worth hundreds of millions, how can I get along with a little girl like her?"

Do you think everyone cares about his cuteness?
Seeing that Jiang Qi really didn't seem to be targeting Mengmeng, Fu Shaoqian felt relieved.

Soon, Jiang Qi officially started his teaching career.

The class she leads happens to be Chen Mengmeng's class.

Just like the name, Chen Mengmeng is soft and deceptive. When people talk to her, if the voice is a little louder, she will be scared to tears, and she will open her mouth aggrievedly, "I'm sorry" and "I was wrong" .

Those who didn't know it thought that someone else had done something to her.

Because of Jiang Qi, Fu Shaoqian could no longer come to Chen Mengmeng carelessly after class as before.

Chen Mengmeng knew that Jiang Qi was Fu Shaoqian's mother. She knew that Fu Shaoqian was avoiding suspicion, and felt wronged, but she didn't dare to show it too clearly.

However, as long as you think about it, there will always be opportunities.

On this day, Jiang Qi had something to do, so he asked for a day off.

Fu Shaoqian finally had a chance to come to Chen Mengmeng. Just in time, he saw Chen Mengmeng being scolded by a girl in the same class with tears in his eyes. Fu Shaoqian was furious and rushed forward to protect Chen Mengmeng behind him:
"Heh, I haven't been here for a few days, is this how you bully Mengmeng?"

It's insidious to bully Mengmeng while he's not around!

Seeing that Fu Shaoqian ran out to protect Chen Mengmeng regardless of black and white, the girl was speechless:
"Who bullied her? Ask yourself what good thing she has done!"

Fu Shaoqian gave the girl a hard look, then turned to ask Chen Mengmeng:
"Mengmeng, don't be afraid, tell the truth, how did she bully you?"

Hiding behind Fu Shaoqian, Chen Mengmeng's eyes were red, and she would only keep crying, occasionally choking up and saying "I'm sorry".

The angry girl's blood pressure soared and her stomach hurt:

"Why are you crying? Did I bully you?"

Facing the strong girl, Chen Mengmeng shook her head with a trembling voice, and said no aggrieved and crying.

"Then tell me, what did you do?"

The girl asked sharply.

Chen Mengmeng was so frightened that she could only cry.

Fu Shaoqian frowned, very unhappy:

"You're so loud, and you said you didn't bully Mengmeng!"


Loud voice means bullying his little lover?
Then setting off firecrackers on New Year's Day would scare Chen Mengmeng into reincarnation!

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Suddenly, there was a steady voice at the door of the classroom.

Fu Shaoqian was startled, his face was filled with fear.


Why did mom suddenly come back to school?
Seeing that Jiang Qi came back, the girl immediately told the story:
"Mr. Jiang, Chen Mengmeng broke my new pen. I asked her to pay half of the money. She said she didn't have that much money. I asked her what to do, but she stopped talking. I asked again. She repeated it a few times, and she started to cry, and Fu Shaoqian even ran out and said that I was bullying people."

Her pen was in the pencil case at the time, who knows how Chen Mengmeng dropped it, it fell on her desk, and the pencil case was also blown away by her.

The pen that broke was custom-made, and it cost 3000 yuan. She knew that Chen Mengmeng's family was not well off, so she only asked her to pay half of it.

When Jiang Qi heard this, he asked Chen Mengmeng the price of the pen and asked Chen Mengmeng to come up with the solution.

Chen Mengmeng still hid behind Fu Shaoqian, sobbing and aggrieved, and the other people watching were all annoyed.

If you break other people's things, you don't want to pay a penny, you just know how to cry, and crying makes people irritated.

Fu Shaoqian pity the fragrance and cherish the jade:

"Mom—Teacher Jiang, how could Mengmeng get the money? Don't force Mengmeng anymore. It's only a few thousand yuan. I'll pay for Mengmeng!"

When she heard that Fu Shaoqian was going to spend money for herself again, Chen Mengmeng's voice stopped trembling and she stopped crying:
"Fu Shaoqian, don't be like this, this matter is my fault, I'll just bear it myself!"

Looking at the weak and considerate Chen Mengmeng, Fu Shaoqian's eyes were filled with pity:
"It's okay, Mengmeng, this little money is nothing to me."

Chen Mengmeng was moved, and looked at Fu Shaoqian with a look that "a thousand words can't express my mood at the moment".

Listening to Fu Shaoqian's words, the corners of Jiang Qi's lips turned up, a half-smile:
"Okay, if you want to pay, then you will pay for her."

Looking at the smile on Jiang Qi's face, Fu Shaoqian had a bad feeling.

Soon, he knew why Jiang Qi's smile was so weird.

His bank card was frozen by Jiang Qi.

The pocket money was also deducted by Jiang Qi.

But Jiang Qi's more serious things are yet to come.

Fu Shaoqian was upset, he complained at the dinner table:
"Mom, what are you going to do again? You know that I have to pay back the money for Mengmeng, so why did you freeze me?"

Then what does he have to pay back?

Jiang Qi eats breakfast slowly:

"You pay back the money for her, why use my money?"

Fu Shaoqian: "..."

"How can you do this, I know, Mom, you just look down on Mengmeng, don't you?"

Fu Shaoqian was not happy.

What's wrong with Mengmeng, why one or two don't even like Mengmeng's own mother.

Jiang Qi: "If you say that, then I just look down on her, what's wrong?"

Fu Shaoqian didn't understand: "Why, Mengmeng didn't mess with you."

"I just don't like her. That's all right. I'll go to school first after eating. You can ride your bike later and go home early in the evening. You have something to do."

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Jiang Qi left.

Fu Shaoqian was stunned: "Mom, you let me go to school by bike?"

It's a road of more than ten kilometers, let him forget it if he is exhausted!
Jiang Qi disagrees:

"I don't like Chen Mengmeng. Since you like her, I have the right not to let you use my car, my house, and my money. If you are not happy, then I will ask the housekeeper to sell the bicycle."

In the end, Fu Shaoqian drove Lin to school in the dark.

I don't know where his mother bought him a [-]-billion rod. It's old, and it still rattles when he rides it. On the whole street, he has the highest rate of turning heads.

After finally getting to school, Fu Shaoqian's legs were almost broken.

The girl whose pen was broken came to him and asked for money.

Fu Shaoqian's face was black as ink:
"You—I forgot, I'll give it to you another day."

Girl: "Then transfer the money to me from your mobile phone."

Fu Shaoqian: "..."

"I forgot to charge my phone, it's out of power."

Fu Shaoqian lied.

The girl frowned, and glanced at him, thinking that he was the son of the Fu family after all, and would not even renege on more than 1000 yuan, so she asked him to go home at night and recharge the battery before transferring the money to herself.

Fu Shaoqian agreed.

As soon as the girl left, Chen Mengmeng came over with her schoolbag on her back.

Seeing Fu Shaoqian, she first expressed her gratitude for what happened yesterday, and then said softly:
"I'm sorry Fu Shaoqian, I'm all to blame, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to help me lose money, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Chen Mengmeng's pitiful face, Fu Shaoqian's depressed mood all morning improved a lot:

"It's okay, Mengmeng, don't worry, with me here, I will definitely not let you be wronged."

Chen Mengmeng was very moved: "Thank you, Fu Shaoqian."

The class bell rang, and the two separated temporarily.

The first period is Jiang Qi's class, and Jiang Qi is handing out yesterday's small test paper.

Chen Mengmeng has a learning bias, and this time she made many basic questions that shouldn't be wrong.

Jiang Qi called her up and criticized several times in a serious tone.

Chen Mengmeng bit her lip tightly, with a pale face, clutching the hem of her clothes, and lowered her head pitifully.

"You are already a sophomore in high school. Even elementary school students can do double-digit addition wrong. Now I will give you a chance to correct your mistakes. Do you still have a chance to correct your mistakes during the college entrance examination?"

Looking at the ridiculously wrong test paper, Jiang Qi's tone was cold and harsh.

If the wrong question is a difficult question, you can still understand it.

But Chen Mengmeng made a lot of mistakes, even elementary school students could do the math, and she was the only one who could lose points on this kind of basic math questions.

I was sloppy in the first year of high school, but I can forgive it.

But if the second year of high school still loses points on this kind of arithmetic problem, it is really a matter of attitude.

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