covet her

Chapter 106 The New Lady Drinks

Chapter 106 The New Lady Drinks

Qi She felt that he couldn't be civilized, so he gave up the position to him: "Then you come."

Classmate Shi Sang, the little guardian of civilization, stood on the podium, cleared his throat calmly, and said with a pleasant face, "My friends, please be quiet first, Classmate Lin has something to say."

Below: "Buzzing——"

Like a meeting of flies.

Shi Sang cleared his throat for the second time: "Friends, can you cooperate?"

Below: "Buzzing——"

The flies continue the meeting.

Qi She couldn't bear to watch it any longer, felt that he was doing useless work, so he howled in help: "Didn't you hear? Quiet the fuck!"

Still useless.

Qi She's voice was splitting.

Again and again, Shi Sang was uncivilized now, so he rolled up his sleeves, grabbed the blackboard eraser in his hand, and slapped the desk hard, and the ground shook when he slapped the desk: "Everyone Shut up the fuck! If you push me any further, I'll let you get out!"

With a "pop", the class instantly became quiet.

Shi Sang was very satisfied with the effect, and before leaving the podium, he did not forget to politely gesture to Qi She: "Be civilized and polite, starting with you and me."

Qi She: "..."

How fucking uncivilized are you?

Lin Shixi said a few words, mainly talking about the candidates for the class talent show and banner banners. Based on the principle of fairness, justness and openness, the candidates will not be designated for the time being. All boys with a height of 1.8 meters and above can participate in the election.

Since no one took the initiative to participate, Lin Shixi changed "can" to "must".

All personnel came to the stage one by one, made a brief self-introduction on the podium, and then the whole class voted by secret ballot to determine the two candidates to pull the banner.

Shen Wang's perfunctory words were about to overflow the screen, and he stood on the podium with one hand in his pocket, without raising his eyelids, with a look of "I'm just here for a cutscene": "I, 1.5 meters tall, will Make biscuits and drink medicine quickly."


The whole class was silent.

Well, how should I put it, there are many ways to introduce yourself, and it’s the first time we’ve seen someone like you belittle yourself like this.

May I ask if your name is Shen Huang or Wu Dalang?

Another facade is also very perfunctory: "I, the successor of socialism, am patriotic, dedicated, sincere, and unfriendly."


The class was silent again.

Got it, got it, we've already seen your unkindness.

Even though the two seeded contestants were reluctant, but what the people wanted, the two candidates who pulled the class banner were decided in this way.

After the candidate was selected, there was nothing else to do with Shen Wang for the time being, and Shen Wang lay down on the table to catch up on sleep.

Yesterday, his cats and dogs fought until after two o'clock in the morning, Shen's father and Shen's mother were not at home, he persuaded the fight until after two o'clock, exhausted physically and mentally.

Other boys at this age would chat with their girlfriends until two o'clock in the morning.

He was fine, he was trying to persuade cats and dogs not to fight.

At the entrance ceremony of the sports meeting, when the square teams of each class passed the rostrum, they had to perform. Shi Sang came up with an idea: "How about singing? Let's have a class chorus. I really like a song that is popular on the Internet recently." , It seems to be called "The New Lady Drinking Drinks."

Qi She: "?"

Qi She: "Brother, it's "The Drunken Concubine"!"

Shi Sang changed his words: "Oh drunk, I'm sorry."

"It's okay to sing this." Lin Shixi thought about the feasibility of this proposal, "But which of you can sing?"

Shi Sang immediately raised his proud head: "Of course it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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