Refuse to spoil!The milk bag is the most curly working child in Xuanmen

Chapter 105 105. After Missing the Luxury Room Again

Chapter 105 105. After Missing the Luxury Room Again
Luo Mingli also remembered that Qi Susu couldn't understand the rhythm, so he said seriously: "Then I'll play all the good tunes for you!"

Qi Susu nodded happily.

The two small groups spent the night like this. At ten o'clock, Jiang Zhen and Chu Renfeng came out and took their children back to their rooms to sleep.

Jiang Zhen didn't turn off the lights, he was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, Qi Susu was sleeping on the upper bunk, holding a bell and pouring things.

Jiang Zhen knew that Qi Susu was not asleep, and when he heard the sound of falling things on the upper bunk, he couldn't help asking: "Little Guanzhu, are you not sleeping?"

Qi Susu piled up the contents of the bell into a small hill, looked carefully, and suddenly asked: "Does your Xuanguan Bureau collect the treasures?"

Jiang Zhen was a little puzzled: "Collect the treasures? Isn't it the Treasures Appreciation Association that collects the treasures?"

Qi Susu's tone was sincere: "What I'm talking about is that I'm going to donate a batch of treasures to the Xuan Guan Bureau."

The Relics Appreciation Association gathers collectors from all walks of life, and it is a good place to auction relics for money.

But the key point is that she is not short of money, and she is strong, so she doesn't need any treasures.

So she decided to donate to the country.

You should know that the relics of the Xuanguan Bureau are also obtained from missions, or auctioned off at the Relics Appreciation Association.All in all, it was not easy for Yizhen to come.

She loves her country very much.

Hearing this good news, Jiang Zhen was refreshed, and he got up quickly:
"Collect, collect! How much is Xiaoguan mainly donating?"

Qi Susu beckoned him to come and see: "These are all donated to you."

Jiang Zhen climbed to the upper bunk, and saw a pile of hill-like relics in front of him, so full of jewels that his eyes were almost blinded.

He was a little moved.

"This...will all of these be donated to us?"

With such a wide range of types and such a high grade, they haven't been able to save so many relics in ten or eight years.

Qi Susu nodded: "It's all donated to you!"

Jiang Zhen pushed aside the mountain pile to look, and the more he looked, the more amazed he became, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Where did the little temple master get so many treasures?"

Qi Susu said calmly, "It's the Qingcheng plan a few days ago."

In order to protect Yushen from taking office safely, the bureau cooperated with Xuan Qingguan to launch a plan to clear the city against the evil spirits lurking in the city. He was the one who took the lead in telling the bureau.

After the bureau agreed, they were going to send a small team.

Jiang Zhen still wanted to go, but unfortunately, his colleagues were too active, and he took the lead in saying that he didn't go.

Later, the plan ended perfectly. In the mission report, the spokesperson Gu Renjun also said that half of the evil spirits in the plan were solved by Xuanqingguan.

How many people are there in Xuanqingguan?
Fu Qiming, an ordinary man, and Su Changming, a retired Taoist priest.

It is clear at a glance who participated in this plan and eliminated so many ghosts.

But judging from the number and quality of today's relics, it is said that Xuan Qing's words of seeing half of the evil spirits are really humble.

He looked like all the evil spirits belonged to Qi Susuqing.

At this time, Qi Susu wanted to donate, and Jiang Zhen responded positively:
"Xiao Guanzhu, thank you very much for your strong support to Xuanguan Bureau! Xuanqing Temple is our eternal first partner!"

He took out his mobile phone: "Wait a minute, I'll take a picture and send it to my father, so that he can complete the donation process as soon as possible."

"You have donated so much, according to the rules, the Xuanguan Bureau will solemnly thank Xuan Qingguan again."

Qi Susu nodded: "It's all right, I hope these treasures can help you."

Jiang Zhen frantically took pictures with his mobile phone, and then told his father what happened.

Director Jiang replied almost instantly, and even made a video call to Qi Susu.

On the phone, Director Jiang expressed his gratitude to Guanzhu Qi with a serious old face.

The two chatted politely for a while, explaining everything about the donation.

After the discussion, Director Jiang knew that Qi Susu was young and needed to sleep more, so he hung up politely.

Qi Susu shook the empty bell, lying on the bed very satisfied.

The Qingcheng Project suppressed many ghosts, and Zhenguiling also produced many treasures.

This time, these relics were finally sent away.

Jiang Zhen was lying on the bed, and Qi Susu thoughtfully turned off the light for the upper bunk, who was getting ready to sleep.

On the phone, the father was still asking about other matters. As a son and subordinate, he had undoubtedly worked overtime.


At this moment in another room, Fu Qiming had already fallen into a deep sleep. Fu Anran was sitting on the upper bunk, purple light flashed, black air gathered, and a vague figure appeared in front of his eyes.

"Lord of the Abyss, how is the situation at Yan Zifeng's side?"

Fu Anran slightly opened his eyes and asked.

The voice of the Lord of the Abyss was hoarse: "You think right, he didn't take the bait easily."

"He went to the Xuanguan Bureau, but fortunately he was discovered by the deity before he arrived. There are quite a lot of treasures on that person, and the deity took a lot of effort to catch him."

"Then he is now?"

Fu Anran asked.

"The deity realized his dream for him."

The Lord of the Abyss said sadly.

Fu Anran didn't even lift her eyelids: "You don't eat the toast, you don't eat fine wine."

He thought about it: "If Yan Zifeng wins, then the treasure in his hand will also be ours."

"The next step is to attack my good emperor brother."

The lord of the abyss laughed: "You are more ruthless than me. But the culprit who caused you the most misery is Su Changming. Will you not pay this debt?"

Fu Anran ruthlessly said, "Of course..."

In the middle of speaking, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind, which made him pause, and then remained silent for a while: " is not the time."

He likes Qi Susu, since the first time he saw her in Xuanshan's palace.

She was the first person to bring light to him. In his eyes, Qi Susu was his little sun.

He is Fu Anran and the reborn Murong An. He has memories of two lives, one with her and one without her.

In this life without her, he suffered a lot of hardships, but in that life with her, he felt the long-lost warmth.

When people stay in the dark for a long time, they yearn for more sunlight.

Su Changming is Qi Susu's personal teacher, if he killed Su Changming, Susu would... really hate him.

Fu Anran didn't want Qi Susu to hate him.

So at this moment, he can only warn indifferently: "You don't need to worry about my affairs."

Of course the Lord of the Abyss didn't worry about it, he and Fu Anran only had a short-term cooperative relationship, and he didn't care about his personal hatred at all.

At this time, he didn't say anything, just said: "Then we will..."

The dark sky outside the window flashed pale gold, and almost instantly, the purple light and black air disappeared in front of him.

Fu Anran pulled up the quilt and lay down in the bed.

The voice of the abyss lord gritted his teeth: "It's that domain protector again!"

Fu Anran said indifferently: "Two patrols a day, this new god is very hardworking."

The Lord of the Abyss had some doubts: "Could he be suspicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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