Chapter 116 Master of Ziyun Sword (2)

【ah!Be careful! 】438 also spoke at this time: 【Dear, he is actually careful, it's over, it's over, this person's name is Mingyue, and he's the biggest villain in the world! 】

【Know! ] Yun Jiao sneered.

As early as the moment she saw Xiaoxin, she flipped through the main plot and learned of Xiaoxin's identity.

Mingyue, the child of a demon lord and a human woman, a half-demon.

The status of half-demons in this world is very embarrassing, whether they are humans or demons, they are regarded as aliens.

Not only that, half-demon, half-human, half-demon body, can't control the demonic energy in the body at all, especially every full moon night, when the demonic energy riots, they will suffer from the erosion of demonic energy.

Mingyue has been tortured for many years, and she hates humans and demons alike, especially the demon master who doesn't recognize him.

But it is a pity that the Demon Lord was sealed by several major sects together ten years ago, and only the Seven Star Dragon Chanting Sword can break the seal.

Because of this, that vixen mixed with the Shaoyang Zong Huo Huo people.

After our villain got the news, he also sneaked into the Shaoyang Sect, intending to take the Seven-Star Dragon Chanting Sword as his own, in an attempt to use this sword to restrain his own devilish energy.

In the plot, Mingyue almost exhausted all his strength to fight against the evil energy, which made him look like an ordinary person on the surface, so he was not favored by the peak masters of Shaoyang Sect.

Later, in desperation, he went to another sect and managed to get in.

When the Apocalypse Secret Realm opened, he also went in and got the Seven Star Dragon Chanting Sword.

But the Seven Star Dragon Yin Sword didn't recognize him as a half-demon, Mingyue devoured the sword spirit in a rage, and forcibly took the Seven Star Dragon Yin Sword as her own.

Possessing the Seven Star Dragon Chanting Sword, he broke through the barrier and seriously injured the demon lord, and even swallowed his father's magic crystal to gain powerful magic power.

This move angered the demons.

Not only that, he also came to the human race to stir up trouble.

The human cultivators also hated him deeply.

In the end, it aroused the dissatisfaction of the human and devil races, and they worked together to kill him!


【Xiaoxin is getting more and more powerful, like a runaway Erha, I don't think I'm good enough for him anymore. 】

【what?Dear, aren't you happy to see Careful Heart?Why are you still scolding? 】

【Have it? 】

【do not have it?You said Xiaoxin looks like Erha, isn't that just calling Xiaoxin a dog? 】

[Isn't he a dog man? 】Not only a dog, but also a dog at home.

As long as Yunjiao thinks that this guy will set her up, let the ghosts bite her, and make her embarrassing in front of her colleagues, her teeth will itch.

The worst thing is that she forced her to kill him in the end!

Damn, I'm not afraid that she will have a psychological shadow!

Due to the shielding of the ghost domain, 438 did not see the live broadcast of Yunjiao's mission in the last world, so it didn't know how much Yunjiao had suffered.

But it knew that Yunjiao was in a bad mood right now.

So 438 directly disappeared!

Can't afford to provoke, can afford to hide!

With Xiaoxin, Yunjiao stopped looking at other people, and just stared at Xiaoxin.

The other elders were also looking at their favorite Miao Zi, but they didn't notice Yun Jiao's eyes.

Finally, the test is over.

More than 1000 people took part in the test, and only 100 climbed to the top in the end. Mingyue was the last one, and she climbed up on all fours.

Compared with the other 99 testers, he was really in a mess.

Sensing all kinds of disdainful gazes from around him, Mingyue gritted her teeth and stood up.

However, the next moment, he was knocked to the ground from behind.

Mingyue looked back, narrowing her eyes dangerously.

Surrounded by a group of people, the young man looked at the embarrassed Mingyue and said without sincerity: "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you."

"It's okay!" Mingyue pursed her lips and stood up slowly.

He originally wanted to calm things down, but he didn't know that his actions made these boys and girls look down on him even more.

"Young Master Ning, why are you apologizing to a bumpkin!"

"That's right, it's just that I accidentally bumped into him lightly. Who knew that he was so weak that he would fall down just like a woman."

"Nonsense, we women are not so weak!"

"That's right, I was the one who said the wrong thing, he is probably an ordinary person, otherwise why would he fall down as soon as he hit it?"


The boys and girls belittled Mingyue one after another to please Ning Shao, and their words were full of disdain for Mingyue.

The other newcomers also watched with cold eyes.

It's no wonder that these people are not very old, only seventeen or eighteen years old, plus they have a little cultivation base and a good background, so they don't pay attention to ordinary people, thinking that they are inferior and not on the same level as them.

Mingyue doesn't dress well, is the last one to climb the mountain, and makes herself so embarrassed, she looks like a weak chicken, who will bully if she doesn't bully him?
Facing their taunts, Ming Yue remained expressionless, but the hands beside her slowly clenched into fists.

But after a while, it gradually loosened up again.

Suddenly, a sharp palm wind hit.

The boys and girls who made fun of Mingyue, including that young master Ning, were all thrown upside down by the shock, and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the woman stepped on the three-foot green peak that was glowing with cold light, but she appeared on the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

Su'e with black eyebrows, delicate and beautiful, but her whole body is full of coolness. When she jumped off the green peak and landed, the corner of the purple gauze swept Mingyue's cheeks, like a gentle and soothing breeze passing through his heart.

The woman landed in front of him, looking at those dogs eating shit indifferently: "Don't you guys fall down as soon as you hit them? Oh... no, I haven't hit you yet, why are you so weak?"

When the boys and girls saw the person coming and the sword tassel with the jade pendant with the word Ziyun hanging on her waist, they immediately understood who this person was.

The swearing words lingered around their mouths, and they all choked back, all with ugly faces.

Ning Shao got up quickly, cupped his hands towards Yunjiao, and looked at her with eyes full of admiration: "Fairy Ziyun is right, I waited too much, I will match up with this brother, and I still look forward to seeing you!" Fairy, don't be angry."

"Hahaha... why is the ghost girl so angry?" Sect Master Yin and a group of peak masters came one after another with their swords. It's the disciple who is close to the eyes, but I didn't expect to bully others because of my own cultivation? Don't be ashamed!"

Yun Jiao said angrily: "Uncle's words are wrong, they were the ones who bullied the weak first, and I'm just imitating the example!"

"What's more, how old are you, they are only as old as they are, and they are all masters of the peak, so why are you still fussing with a group of juniors?" Sect Master Yin said deliberately.

Yun Jiao rolled his eyes at him, and stood aside with a cold snort, ignoring him.

"This girl is spoiled by me!" Sect Master Yin pointed at her in the air, smiling wryly.

Immediately, the peak master smiled and smoothed things over: "Sovereign, the girl is not very old, why are you so strict with her!"

"That's right! Jiao girl is talented and intelligent, you can't stop treating her as a little girl just because she has a high level of cultivation!"

"Okay, okay! You just help her talk, and spoil her." Sect Master Yin complained, but smiled on his face, and then looked at these newcomers: "I didn't expect so many people to board this year. Peak!"

"See the suzerain and all the peak masters!" The newcomers bowed their hands to several big bosses, but most of them looked at Yunjiao with bright eyes, and most of them were men.

It's no wonder that at such a young age, they have reached the realm of heaven and man. Many of the newcomers who came to the Shaoyang Sect this year were her and Jun Haochen's fans. To put it bluntly, they came for them.

Now that one of the idols is in front of them, how can they not be excited.

Most of the people here want to worship Yunjiao's Ziyun Peak, or Jun Haochen's Ziyang Peak.

But they knew that they did not have the right to choose which peak to enter, so they could only pray silently in their hearts, hoping that they would be chosen by Yunjiao.

But Yunjiao didn't intend to choose someone at all at this moment, but stepped aside, giving the stage to the suzerain and the peak masters.

This action made the suzerains and their party very satisfied, and felt that Yunjiao was very sensible and aware of current affairs.

But they don't know that Yunjiao is just too troublesome!
Anyway, since the moment she saw Xinxin, her Ziyun Peak would only open the door for this person, none of these peak masters would choose Xinxin, Yunjiao was not worried at all!
The suzerains began to choose their favorite disciples, and for a while several old men and old ladies who wore the skins of middle-aged people but were hundreds of years old were fighting with each other red-faced.

Not to mention, it was fun.

Such a scene is rare in ten years!
Seeing that Yun Jiao hadn't spoken to choose them, the newcomers were extremely disappointed, and could only temporarily fall into the arms of other peak masters.

Only Ning Shao, after being selected by Qingluan Peak Lord, hesitated for a few seconds, and still asked: "Thank you, Peak Master, for your kindness, but I am only here to enter Ziyun Peak. I wonder if Fairy Ziyun can accept disciples."

Peak Master Qingluan: ...What the hell!

Other disciples: ... Silently gave Ning Shao a thumbs up.

We dare not open our mouths, but Ning Shao, you are bold enough!

After Ning Shao finished speaking, he looked at Yun Jiao expectantly, and the other disciples also looked at Yun Jiao expectantly.

If Yunjiao agrees, they will also change jobs.

Who wouldn't want to follow a young beauty but a bad old man!

Yun Jiao, who was being stared at by everyone, calmly glanced at Ning Shao lightly: "Ziyun Peak doesn't need trash!"

Ning Shao was very dissatisfied: "The disciple is not a waste!"

Yun Jiao frowned, and asked seriously: "So are you comparing your talent with me?"

Ning Shao was dumbfounded!

other people:……

How cruel!

Ning Shao is so pitiful, she almost cried.

Looking around the world, except for Ziyang Immortal Jun Haochen, the owner of the Ziyang Sword, who would dare to compete with Ziyun Fairy in talent?

It's not that you eat too much!

Nothing better than that?
Ning Shao lowered his eyes in disappointment, and smiled bitterly: "It's the disciple who has become more disciplined."

Yun Jiao nodded.

It's good to know, don't be whimsical in the future, and don't bully Xiaoxin, or I will hate you!

Ning Shao was helpless, and finally fell into the arms of Peak Master Qingluan!
Soon all the disciples on the scene were selected by the suzerain and the peak masters, just like the plot, only Mingyue was left standing alone.

"This son..." Sect Master Yin sighed and said: "It is rare to be able to climb the ladder without the slightest spiritual root!"

Crowd: ...

What does it mean to say that it is rare?You have accepted them!
Sect Master Yin didn't want to accept it, he smiled awkwardly, turned his head and asked the peak master of the Dan Peak beside him: "Junior brother, what do you think about this son going to your Dan Peak?"

The master of Danfeng rolled his eyes: "What are you going to do at my Danfeng? Can you give birth to medicine plants or make alchemy?"

"Uh...hehehe..." Sect Master Yin cursed secretly, gave up this place, and looked at Peak Master Qifeng again: "Junior brother..."

"Hey, don't don't!" Qi Feng quickly refused before he finished speaking: "I, Qi Feng, are all big and thick guys, this guy has good perseverance, but look at his small arms and legs, go to my place and don't talk about it!" He can't even lift a hammer for blacksmithing! If you want me to say, let him go to Beast Peak, learning the art of controlling beasts is a skill."

The master of the Beast Peak directly said: "You are a bad old man, all the disciples of my peak have spiritual roots, otherwise how can you control beasts? He doesn't have spiritual roots, and he won't be able to learn the art of controlling beasts if he goes to me what!"

You push me, I push you, all the peak masters are unwilling to accept Mingyue, an 'ordinary person'.

Mingyue pursed her lips tightly, lowered her head silently, the cold light in her eyes was blocked by slightly drooping eyelashes.

It seems that you can't get in here. Sure enough, an 'ordinary person' like him still has to find a small sect.

The small sect has a low threshold, and the entry requirements are not so strict.

Mingyue took a deep breath, and when she raised her head again, she regained her indifferent look, opening her mouth to retreat.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded: "He followed me!"

"Ah?" Sect Master Yin and the other peak masters were stunned.

The other newcomers also looked disbelieving.

Yun Jiao didn't care what they thought, she waved her hand lightly, Ziyun Sword was unsheathed and suspended in the air, she stepped on it, and stretched out her hand to Mingyue: "Follow me!"

Mingyue stared at her blankly, her brain froze for a moment.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yunjiao grabbed him and stepped on Ziyun Sword, and then Yujian flew high into the sky.

Mingyue was still in a daze at this moment, defenseless, and almost fell.

In a panic, he hugged Yun Jiao's waist.

Immediately after reacting, he was so frightened that he quickly let go of his hand, squatted down and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

Ziyunjian trembled immediately, Yunjiao glanced at the sword, Ziyunjian quickly stopped trembling.

Mingyue also noticed this, but he was in the air now, afraid of falling, and dared not let go.

He glanced at Yun Jiao who was standing straight in front of him, and asked tentatively, "Master? Do you want to choose me as your disciple?"

Yun Jiao: "Yes!"

Mingyue struggled: "Why? I'm just an ordinary person!"

"I just like ordinary people!" Yun Jiao seamlessly followed his words without the slightest hesitation.

This... like it?

Mingyue was suddenly speechless, her earlobe was slightly red, and the little deer in her heart bumped hard, like a cramp.

The skill of controlling the sword is very convenient, but after a while, Yunjiao took him to land on the top of Ziyun Peak.

With a light wave of Yunjiao's hand, Ziyunjian was quickly inserted into the scabbard, a little faster than before.

"Come in!" Yun Jiao said, stepping into Ziyun Palace.

Mingyue hesitated for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and followed in.

(End of this chapter)

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