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Chapter 120 Su Lao 2 Goes Out to Work

Chapter 120
As soon as Mrs. Su recovered, she began to worry about her children and grandchildren again.Right now, apart from Mr. Su's family having two sons, Mr. Su's second son and Mr. Su's third family each having one son, the rest of them are either not married, and those who are married either don't have children, which really makes people anxious and angry.

On Jinyue's side, she said it several times, but she was firm and said no more, two daughters and one son are enough.

It's like crazy.

If she only had one son like her, would there still be her husband Su Laoer?
And Su's fourth daughter-in-law, Wang Shi, has been married for a year, and her stomach hasn't moved at all. When she asked, she said that she was still young and didn't want children yet, and she would wait a few years to talk about it.

On the contrary, Su's third daughter-in-law, Li Shi, would considerately say that she wanted to give birth to another son and grandson for the Su family every time she chatted with her.

If every daughter-in-law has this awareness, she will be much more relaxed.

Jinyue doesn't care what old lady Su says at all, her goal now is to make money.

Being "cautious and meticulous" made Jinyue exhausted. Although she earned a lot of points for hard work and kindness, she couldn't control her temper. Points were always deducted for her emotions. The current points are still enough to start a small business. It will be too late.

After all, there are still many annoying things.

Last year, there was plenty of rain, the wheat seedlings grew gratifyingly, and the potatoes and corns all grew well. After one year, everyone was smiling.

As a result, many people saw the most money in their lives.

Although it cannot be said that we have completely lifted out of poverty, the problem of food and clothing has been solved.

With the most basic guarantee, everyone began to pursue other things. For example, when cooking, they no longer only put salt, but also put some pepper powder and other seasonings. Women no longer just buy clothes for cheap, but also pay attention to them. shape.

Farmers watch the sky and eat, and Jinyue thinks this is a great opportunity.

At that time, the most famous wholesale market for small commodities was just about to start construction. Jinyue decided to test the water first, and she chose City X as her first target.

City X is about 300 kilometers away from them, and a large comprehensive commercial market was just built last year.

At that time, people in Fanwan felt that it was a luxury even to go to the county. They usually bought small things at the small shop at the entrance of the village, and occasionally went to the town to buy big things.

Jinyue did the calculations, and the points converted into money would be about 150 yuan, but when going out, you have to prepare some spare money. I thought that she would accumulate contacts for the pleasure of helping others on weekdays.

It is no problem to borrow 80 yuan casually.Unexpectedly, even if she had a good relationship in the village, she walked around and didn't even make up 20 yuan.

In the end, Principal Liu contributed 50 yuan to her.

everything's ready.

Who knew that Su Laoer suddenly said that he would go to work with others, saying that it was a big project, and he was in a hurry, and the bus was waiting in the county, and he had to leave early tomorrow morning.

Apart from Boss Su and Youngest Su, there were many other men in the village who went together.

In an instant, the whole village seemed to become a country of daughters.

Since then, Jinyue has been busy all by herself, and she can do all the daily tasks of carrying manure and water by herself.

But there is no man who can do things like plowing and farming. Mrs. Zhang is capable, and Su Shu can help with things like school and holidays.

Mrs. Li has her natal younger brother to help, and in some of Su's father's lands, besides the fourth son, there are also sons-in-law who come to help from time to time, but Jinyue, who thinks about it, has no partner.

When he was worrying, Cai Shi, the daughter-in-law of the neighbor Su Qingsheng, came to the door.

Su Qingsheng was about the same age as Boss Su, but because he had rheumatism all year round, he heard that the weather in the south was humid, so he didn't go to work.

Originally, they were able to do their own work, but at the beginning of this year, the donkey that had been raised for nearly ten years died suddenly. When they finally ate the meat, they found out that the donkey had eaten needles in the forage. People look uncomfortable.

It's all because of his dirty and lazy daughter-in-law.

Farmers cannot live without donkeys, but in the current situation, it is indeed a luxury to buy another donkey.

When Cai shared his idea of ​​partnering in farming, Jinyue was very happy.

Although they don't have much contact with each other on weekdays, especially Jinyue doesn't talk too much, for her at this moment, this is really a happy event from heaven.

Because of this level of cooperation, Jinyue and Cai's contact became more and more frequent.

Cai Dajin is about four or five years old, but because of his early marriage, his two children are in their teens, one son and one daughter.But when my son was four or five years old, he accidentally fell off a cliff and injured his head, so it was a bit abnormal, and he just idled around on weekdays and couldn't do anything.

But Mrs. Cai didn't seem to care at all. She didn't give him more love because she felt sorry for her son. In fact, she beat and scolded her own child, showing no maternal love at all.

Even in the role of mother, Jinyue feels that she is far from qualified. For example, as a parent, usually any delicious food will be left to the children, but Cai does not.

She will eat them all by herself behind her children's back.Because of this, Jinyue was puzzled, and she also politely asked Cai whether she loved her child or not.

Cai said: "What do you do if you love them? When a daughter grows up, she will belong to someone else's family. When a son grows up, he will marry a wife and have children. In a person's life, he is the only one who loves himself the most."

Although Jinyue felt that something was wrong, she was powerless to refute it. She even felt that she was quite transparent and unrestrained, and she didn't need to worry about it for the rest of her life. Perhaps such a person would not have any worries at all.

Father Su really loves Su Xi, and he will come over every few days to have a look, teasing and hugging, so when the busy farming season comes, Jinyue boldly raises his thoughts to Father Su, saying that he hopes he can Helping take care of Su Xi, Father Su readily agreed, and took Su Xi and Su Wei to the old yard that day.

Ever since she really supported the family alone, Jinyue often felt powerless, so she often asked Su Qingsheng for help with the cheek.

But fortunately, Su Qingsheng is indeed an honest and kind person. Whenever Jinyue asked, he never refused, and he even did things like giving donkey cymbals for Jinyue.

If this were replaced by other women, such as Zhang Shi and Li Shi, there would definitely be a catastrophe, but Cai Shi didn't seem to care at all, as if he thought it should be so.This made Jinyue very grateful, and would serve some to Cai and the others if she cooked something delicious.

Su Laoer came back after working for three months. It happened to be the end of November in the lunar calendar, and it was freezing cold. Apart from picking up branches and sweeping leaves, he had no farm work to do for the time being.

At noon that day, Jinyue arranged for Su Shen to take care of her younger siblings, and then went to sweep the leaves.She had to take advantage of the first snow in early winter to store things for the winter, and the leaves were necessary for filling the kang.

Jinyue's right eye kept twitching in those few days. At first she thought it was because she hadn't slept well recently, but it continued to be like that for a few days, which made her start to panic, and vaguely felt that something was going to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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