Chapter 175 Fire Her
With more than one person, Jinyue's confidence is even stronger.

She gave a passionate speech, from the definition and prospect of food safety to the current actual situation, and finally called on everyone what to do in daily life.

"Hopefully we can all say no to junk food," she said.

"What is junk food?" someone in the crowd asked.

Jinyue gave you a detailed introduction on the classification of junk food, such as fried food, convenience food, soft drink, and pickled food, all of which were explained one by one.

"Then your little store sells all junk food?"

Jinyue was taken aback.

The audience burst into laughter.

"You don't pay attention to this yourself, and you still promote it to us."

"Is this just to earn a few more credits and get a scholarship?"

"Let's go, it's boring."

Soon, these people dispersed like the tide.

Jinyue herself didn't know how she got back that day.

She only felt that her face was being beaten.

The sisters in the same dormitory comforted her, saying that those people were just looking for faults and she didn't need to care at all.

Jinyue lay on the bed thinking about this all the time.

She was thinking about whether it was right for her to open this small store. Of course, her original intention was to make money, but she also knew that what people said was right. Apart from some basic daily necessities, the small store also had a lot of junk food.

Jinyue decided to redefine the small store. She took off all the junk food in the small store, only kept some daily necessities, and did not buy any more.

She thought that during this time, she could think about what to sell.

After much deliberation, she also talked with Zhang Xing and Tu Yuan, and she decided to sell daily necessities, plus a work-study intermediary service.

They think like this: After all, students from poor families are the majority, and they all want to use their spare time to earn some living expenses.They can provide them with these opportunities and earn a little brokerage fee from the middle.

"Where do we go to find these opportunities?"

Tu Yuan said: "You don't have to worry about this, the External Relations Department of the Student Union is dedicated to this."

In this way, the commissary became a "work-study center".

I have to say that this has really aroused the interest of many students, and the external relations department of the student union is really strong. Within a month, they found 8 tutoring jobs, 15 long-term flyer jobs, and Investigators, hostesses, etc.

Several shops in Jinyue have also been rented out one after another, with a monthly rent of [-] yuan, so she thought about it and stopped worrying about it, and learned professional knowledge well with peace of mind, so as to prepare for graduation after graduation.

This semester, Jinyue didn't go to the library very much, and skipped a few classes, but because of studying hard at night and midterm exams, her grades in all subjects were the first in her grade.

What's even more amazing is that the director of the school also suddenly came to her and said that the previous cheating in the exam was investigated by someone who had made a false accusation. Since he was the first offender, he had already been criticized and educated, and the bonus will be credited in the middle of this month.

"Who is it?" Jin Yue asked.

"Well, let's keep it a secret. He has realized his mistake and promises not to make it again in the future."

"But I'm a victim, shouldn't I know who he is?"

"They are all classmates, knowing that it is not good for you, this is also our comprehensive consideration, you go back."

Jinyue nodded, expressing her understanding.

But she is also very emotional: There are many ways to prove yourself, but the fastest and most effective is always the results.

At the beginning of April, Zhang Xing approached Jinyue and told him that his uncle said that the hospital opened a new project this year, which is specifically for leukemia. Patients can receive free treatment, but more blood needs to be drawn, and absolute obedience is required. Arranging is tantamount to helping the hospital do a research project.

Zhang Xing asked Jinyue to ask the woman if they would like to participate.

Jinyue said: "I'm sure I would, please ask them to leave a number, and I'll write to them to talk about it."

"Well, let them go to Xi'an on May [-]st. I just want to go back on May [-]st, and I will arrange everything properly."

After Jinyue agreed, she hurried back to the dormitory to write a letter.

She could only write ordinary letters when she went to the mountainous area. On weekdays, ten days and half a month was considered fast. If she didn't hurry up, she was afraid of missing this rare opportunity.

This summer vacation, Jinyue plans not to go back. She plans to find a hospital for an internship and learn some clinical experience.

She plans to go back home on May [-]st to see the house.

One Friday in late April, Tu Yuan suddenly called Jinyue to the hospital office, saying that there was an urgent meeting.

Jinyue went in and took a look. Apart from the principal and vice president of the student union and the dean of the school, there was also a middle-aged woman with a gloomy face, and a girl with her head bowed beside her.

Jin Yue felt like she had never seen that girl before.

"Oh, you're here." The dean spoke first, and then said to Tu Yuan, "You first explain to Chen Jinyue what happened."

Tu Yuan cleared his throat and said, "The tutor recommended by the work-study center stole the jewelry from the students' parents."

"Are you the parent?" Jinyue asked.

The woman snorted and said angrily, "I'm not a parent, what am I doing standing here?"

"What jewelry did she steal from you, is there any evidence?"

"She admitted it herself, what evidence do you need?" The woman sneered, "Why, you don't want to solve the problem, and you are still playing bureaucratic here?"

"Parent, please don't get excited. We will give you a satisfactory answer after investigation." The director of the school said.

"Can you let me go out with this classmate and have a chat alone?" Jinyue asked.

"Yes." The hospital leader agreed.

Jinyue took the girl and left until she reached the end of the empty corridor.

The girl kept her head down.

"Which major are you in?"



The girl nodded.

"Did you really take her jewelry?"

The girl didn't speak.

"I hope you can trust me. I can only help you if I know the truth."

The girl raised her head, her big eyes filled with tears.

"I, I was obsessed with ghosts. But I gave it back to her the next day in class."

"and then?"

"I apologized many times and even got on my knees, but she didn't want to forgive me."

"Let's go."

Back in the office, the woman was still gesticulating and comparing, when she saw them coming in, she gave them a hard look.

"I also understand the matter. It is true that we made a mistake first. How do you want to solve it?"

"Fire her."

Several people looked at this woman in surprise.

"You are not joking, please come up with a reasonable solution."

"Either expel her, or let her admit that she is a thief in front of the whole school."

"You are too much. She even confessed her mistake, and you still force her like this? You also have children. If your children make mistakes, will you treat them like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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