598 One Night

Chen Hong almost threw up, and kicked his ass: "Little Dingzi, you disgust me, get out."

"Fight with the young master, hum! There is no food that my little Dingzi can't grab!" Ding Chunfang smiled triumphantly, took a bite of the candied haws, and walked away swaggeringly.

Passing Fatong's residence, he heard the sound of the qin from inside, so he opened the door and said, "It's so late, you monk doesn't knock on the wooden fish, how can you play the qin?"

Fatong stopped and said with a smile: "It's windy tonight, the poor monk can't sleep. Master Ding is very excited."

Ding Chunfang glanced at the candied haws in his hand, and handed it over: "Do you want to eat?"

Fatong shook his head and said with a smile, "The poor monk doesn't like sweets."

"It's strange, there are people in the world who don't like sweets." Ding Chunfang sat on the chair opposite him, "You monks have to fast, and you can't eat meat, and you still don't eat sweets. What else is there to live in these days? taste?"

"It's all about having fun," Fatong said softly.

Ding Chunfang asked again: "Fatong, tell the truth, you are a monk, why did you come here with the prince?"

"To take care of the prince's body."

"You are not a doctor."

"But the poor monk's medical skills are better than most doctors." Fatong laughed, "Since the death of Imperial Physician Dong, the poor monk feels that there are no good doctors in the Imperial Hospital."

Ding Chunfang slapped his thigh: "You are right in the last sentence. The imperial doctors in the imperial hospital are useless. The prince has been injured for so long, and they can't treat it well! Well, Fatong, you have a way to treat the prince's body. Back to how it was before?"

Fatong shook his head slightly: "The poor monk can't guarantee it."


Ding Chunfang sighed sadly, and couldn't eat any more candied haws, "Our lord is so pitiful. After so many years of hard work, in the end it was nothing. We got nothing and suffered from injuries."

Fatone was silent.

Ding Chunfang asked again: "You can't sleep, are you also worried about the prince?"

"No." Fatong looked out the window with distant eyes, "Many people will die tonight."

"Of course people will die in war. I only hope that the ones who die are Japanese pirates!" Ding Chunfang cursed, leaned up to Fatong and asked, "Monk, let me ask you, as monks, you pay attention to compassion and rescue the dead. Then Will you supersede the pirates?"

Fatong nodded: "Yes."

"It's hypocrisy." Ding Chunfang sneered, "The Japanese pirates are thieves, you bastards. They came to our country to bully our people and seize our territory. They deserve to go to the [-]th floor of hell, and they will never be reborn!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he became displeased with seeing Tongtong, so he got up and slammed the door and left.

Fatong was silent for a while, took the piano, and went to the beach.

On the beach at night, the sea breeze blows the salty taste into your mouth.

In the distance, there were flames flickering, faint clashes of swords, and the sound of roaring and fighting came.

Fatone sat down cross-legged on a stone and put the violin on his lap.

The desolate and simple sound of the piano rang all night.

Until the sky is white.

The sound of fighting in the distance gradually weakened, and finally, it fell into complete silence.

The tenth princess rushed to the beach on horseback, only to see corpses all over the ground, broken weapons, and Li Fucheng staggering step by step with a knife in his hand.

The tenth princess rushed over and grabbed Li Fucheng's clothes, and asked sharply, "Where are the others? Where is Tang Qing? Why did he disappear? He died?"

"I don't know." Li Fucheng shook his head slowly.

His armor was stained with blood.

[-] troops, all dead and wounded.

(End of this chapter)

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