wicked immortal

Chapter 10 Outsmarting Xu 3 【Tickets】

Zhao Yuan didn't know the story after the girl, and he wasn't interested in knowing, because he was too tired.It took him eleven hours to arrive at Xujiaqiao. Not only was he exhausted, but he was also cold and hungry, and his bones were about to fall apart.

At this time, Xujiaqiao was already asleep, and the cold wind gently rolled up the snow foam on the ground, forming small whirlpools one by one. Except for the occasional barking of dogs, the desolate street was silent.

Zhao Yuan didn't hesitate, and went straight to Xu San's house in Xu's Lane.

"Blah blah blah..."

"Third brother, third brother, open the door, open the door quickly, I am Xiao Zhao..."

Amidst a quick knock on the door, there was a rustling sound in the dark room, and then, the warm light of candles lit up in the white papered window.

"Which Xiao Zhao?" After a cough in the room, an angry voice sounded.In this cold weather, no one would be happy to be called out of bed.

"Third brother, I'm Zhao Yuan, and I've sent you a good leather product, which can be used as a big mattress to keep my sister-in-law warm in the cold weather."

"I don't know Zhao Yuan... fur goods! What fur goods? Let me see..."

With a creak, the door opened. Xu San was wearing a thick padded coat and stood at the door holding a candle. The eyes on that saber face were fixed on the Yangshan leopard fur in Zhao Yuan's hands, with a greedy look on his face. color.Xu San had worked as a servant in Wan's family for more than ten years, so he naturally had some good eyesight. Just by looking at it, he knew that this leather product was a good thing.

"Third brother, this fur is Xiao Zhao's filial piety to you, but you have to take the job I entrusted to you to heart... Hey, aren't you Liu San?" Zhao Yuan, who was busy opening the Yangshan leopard fur He raised his head suddenly, with a dull expression on his face.

"Hey, I'm third brother, but I'm not third brother Liu, I'm third brother Xu." Xu San smiled charmingly.

"That--then I found the wrong person, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Zhao Yuan bowed down repeatedly to apologize, and lowered his head in frustration to re-roll the opened Yangshan leopard fur.

"No rush, no rush, it's freezing cold, drink a cup of hot tea to warm up first, come here." Xu San enthusiastically opened the door, held a candle in one hand, and held on to Zhao Yuan's leather goods with the other.

"No, I still have to go to Brother Liu San, he said he would introduce me to a good job." Zhao Yuan grabbed the fur firmly and looked at Xu San warily.

"Isn't it just a job? Ask the neighbor next door who I am, Xu San? It's not me, Xu San, bragging. Here in Xujiaqiao, who doesn't give me Xu San some face." Xu Sansheng was afraid that Zhao Yuan would leave, so he quickly bragged road.Of course, Xu San wasn't completely bragging, because he gave porridge to thousands of families on the first and fifteenth of every month, and some poor families still respected him.

"But... ah..., I remembered, you are the third master Xu of the Wan family! You are a good person!" Zhao Yuan suddenly looked at Xu San with an expression of disbelief, and "third brother" also became "Three masters".

"That's right, it's me, it's me." Seeing that Zhao Yuan recognized his identity, Xu San enjoyed the shocked expression on Zhao Yuan's face, "Don't worry, it's very cold in the middle of the night, Who will find a job for you? You stay here first, and it won’t be too late to find it tomorrow. Come on, are you afraid that I, Xu San, will eat you? Ji’s business, it’s all right... What do you look at, quickly boil some hot water for Xiao Zhao, wash his feet in hot water, drink some hot soup, look, the bare feet in straw sandals... are all frozen, oops... ..."

At this time, Xu San's family, big and small, woke up with a start.The old man was lying on the bed coughing non-stop, Xu San's wife watched from afar, and Xu San's two sons leaned against the door, touching their fur curiously.

"Alright, I'm really hungry..." Zhao Yuan swallowed.

"That's right, come in, I have white flour steamed buns at home for you to eat." Xu San was overjoyed seeing Zhao Yuan's expression of emotion, and hurriedly grabbed his fur and dragged him into the house.

Under Xu San's enthusiastic invitation, Zhao Yuan entered the room with half-pushing.

Soon, a pot of hot water, a bowl of broth, and several white steamed buns were placed in front of Zhao Yuan.

While Zhao Yuan was enjoying the big meal, Xu San kept stroking his fur, and occasionally whispered to his wife, as if discussing something.

"Zhao Yuan, I discussed it with my wife, and I will take you to Wanjia tomorrow to try your luck, but you must tell me your situation honestly, and you must not lie." Xu San waited for Zhao Yuan to eat and drink, and struck while the iron was hot. road.

"Third Master, both my parents have died, and I have been wandering outside since I was a child. I have never been able to find a serious job and have no fixed place to live. A few months ago, I met a hunter named Liu San in Niu Town. Everyone called him Third brother, he said that if he has good leather goods for him, he will find me a carpentry job. A few days ago, I wandered to the foot of Xiaoyang Mountain, cold and hungry, and wanted to go to Xiaoyang Mountain to hunt some rabbits I changed some clothes to keep out the cold, but saw a big animal I didn’t know was sick. I couldn’t carry the animal down the mountain, so I peeled off the fur and went down the mountain. Remembering what Brother Liu said, I asked him for his address along the way. It is said that the third brother lives in Xujiaxiang, so you know, I just asked the third brother and the third brother, but they thought I was looking for Xu Sanye, and told me the address of Xu Sanye..."

Zhao Yuan's answer can be said to be true and false, impeccable, even if he wants to investigate, it is impossible to start.

Zhao Yuan knew very well that when recruiting a big family like the Wan family, they must inquire clearly and never allow unknown people to enter. Now that Zhao Yuan can't reveal his identity, he simply doesn't say anything and throws the problem away. Give it to Xu San, so that you don't have to wear it in time.

"That's it...how about, when the time comes, you say it's my distant relative... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Xu San suddenly looked depressed. He has served the Wan family for more than ten years, so he naturally knows the rules of the Wan family. An unidentified homeless person like Zhao Yuan would never be able to work in the Wan family.

"Third Master, I won't bother you anymore. Tomorrow, I will find Third Brother Liu to introduce you to a part-time job. After I survive the winter, I will go to the north to join the army." Zhao Yuan decided to retreat.

"We don't have someone like Brother Liu San in Xujiaqiao, so I guess he's just a leather goods collector blackmailing you, so don't think about it." Xu San suddenly thought of something, thought for a while and said: "I have no choice but to work as a long-term worker. There is no problem in getting through this winter, but... the work must be rough work, and in terms of salary..."

"Third Master, you are laughing at me. People like me have no skills and can only do some rough work. They don't even care about the salary. As long as they are full, they can arrange a place where people can't freeze to death." Zhao Yuan said with a wry smile. .

"Yes, yes, it's hard to find a job now. In this winter, I don't know how many people will freeze to death. Xiao Zhao, don't worry, your business will be left to the third brother. You should sleep well now. Raise your spirits, I will take you to see your wife tomorrow, and after the arrangement, I will make sure you eat well and sleep well at night." Xu San patted his chest and said.

"Thank you, third master."

"You can just call me third brother, how old is the third master." Seeing Zhao Yuan agreeing, Xu San immediately smiled.

"Thank you, third brother, I'm here to help you, third brother."


Xu San's house was narrow, with three beds in two small rooms. The two children were driven to the old man's bed, and a bed was made for Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan didn't refuse, what he wanted was this kind of effect - he achieved his goal while maintaining his dignity.

If a person like Xu San deliberately caters to him, he will definitely succeed in being a villain.

The development of things, in Xu San's view, everything was accidental, but in Zhao Yuan's eyes, it was inevitable.Only by achieving such an effect, he will not arouse the suspicion of the Wan family. At the same time, Xu San will do his best to help him. If there is anything that needs to be done, Xu San will take care of it for him.

In fact, Zhao Yuan also thought about selling the Yangshan leopard skin, making a small fortune, and then buying a house to survive the winter, but after weighing the pros and cons, Zhao Yuan still chose Wanjia.Compared with the two, the inside of the wealthy compound is safer.

The most important thing is that in a large compound like Wan's family, where he can hide his identity and inquire about news, it is far better than living alone.

Early the next morning, Xu San dragged Zhao Yuan to Wanjia without even eating breakfast.

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